Nightshift 22: Stairs Near the M Block and Cafeteria

Mar 13, 2007 23:16

(from here)

Yes, Jack was starting to think that this guy was a bit shifty. It wasn't the smile, so much as the fact that he was being more evasive than Jack. Which, as far as Jack had experienced, was quite an accomplishment.

But Jack had his secret weapon. While it'd be unpleasant if this guy randomly shivved him in the kidney, he knew he'd survive. Sort of. Perhaps not survive so much as die and come back.

"Sure thing," Jack said. He chuckled. "Feels so strange to be doing this without a gun..."

Flashlight held ready in his off hand out of habit, Jack started up the stairs. For all his joking, he was being careful; he swept the light ahead, keeping his weight balanced on each step so he could move quickly if something jumped down and tried to eat his head.

It wouldn't be the first time for that, that was sure.

ritsuka, zabuza, fox, gin, seimei, captain jack, chase

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