Day 46: Doctor's Office 6 (Dr. Wilson) [Fourth Shift]

Dec 24, 2009 13:13

Things really could have gone worse with Lance. They could have gone a whole lot better, but at least it hadn't devolved into a staring contest and at least there hadn't been any throwing of heavy objects. Wilson counted those as pluses, since he really wasn't cut out for this. Maybe if he'd been trained to do this sort of thing, but all he was working off of was his own intuition and his desire to help people.

A lot of the patients didn't really come off as needy and desperate, though. Instead, they were confident and challenged him at every turn. It wasn't what he'd expect from people who were so ill, but maybe they were just that set in their delusions. What he really couldn't understand was how Lance had been doing so much better the day before, only to revert back overnight. The man had called it reprogramming, and it almost felt that way. Still, as weird as it was, people weren't robots.

Wilson knew he was expected to go and eat with the other doctors during their lunch break, but with House not around he wasn't feeling up to it. With his own lunch already made and brought with him, it was simple to just stay in his office and eat alone. Probably not the healthiest behavior, but it wasn't like he hadn't done it at Princeton too. Usually when he was avoiding House, but the point still stood.

With lunch eaten and his desk cleaned up, the doctor waited for his next batch of patients; one old and one new. He had been seeing Max for a while now (by Landel's standards, anyway), and it was good to have such a consistent patient when others got switched in and out like it was nothing.

zex, wilson, rey

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