Day 46: Intercom, Morning

Dec 15, 2009 23:39

The intercom's jingle came on with its usual tinny fervor, along with the Head Doctor's voice.

"I hope you all enjoyed that delicious breakfast! Mmmm! Of course, what's a good meal without people to enjoy it with, eh? Well, in case you weren't able to find someone friendly to chat with over your plates, perhaps you can in the comfort and relaxation of the Sun Room, where the nurses will be escorting you for your next shift.

"Of course, some of you will, instead, be spending your time with one of our very trusted doctors - old or new! - to sort out problems in a more active way. I hope you do choose to make your sessions productive! Of course, you all have been so well-behaved that I have nothing but the utmost confidence for all of you.

"I believe that is all for now! Until lunch!"

The intercom clicked off.


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