here.]Yukari didn't push the door completely open right away; instead, she peered through a small crack, and when there was nothing but silence in the restroom, she then proceeded further in. Before stepping away from the door, she shined her flashlight in every imaginable direction, and thankfully it proved that they were the only occupants
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"Just break it off?" he asked, a simple enough question. These pipes appeared to work differently from the ones he was familiar with (from the abandoned factory), and it wasn't like he'd gone and used something like that before. Luke advanced upon them, setting down his flashlight carefully so he could point it up toward the pipes. His fingers wrapped around them and started to shake a little, just to see how he would be able to get them to work to his favor. If there was gross stuff inside, he definitely didn't want Yukari to have to deal with it-but if there was, he needed to know what he was doing to limit how much contact he had with it. The last thing he wanted was to be a walking smelly thing all night.
"It takes a little tugging," she forewarned, placing herself at what seemed like a safe enough distance. "but they'll break off eventually. Just be careful once you do."
Luke glanced toward the position of his flashlight again and decided that, if water were to come pouring down this way, he didn't want it to become a casualty of the circumstances. He released the metal he was holding on to so he could move it away a bit. At least now he had a good idea of where he was gripping. It was a good thing, really, that he was pretty strong, from shoving around boxes, lots of sword fighting, and numerous other excursions. Though his strength felt a bit sapped here (something he hadn't figured out yet, but he figured it was something to do with where they were trapped), he figured he could handle this.
All that aside, it was like Yukari said: a bit of tugging and with more time than he liked-an a few annoyed grunts-and he managed to break off a long pile. He let out a gagging sound as the smell hit his nose and a little bit of water splashed against his issued clothing. "Damnit, I was hoping I'd be fast enough!" he announced, springing away as the water started to slush out. He quickly grabbed up his flashlight, padding toward Yukari quickly with a disgusted expression. "Well, you warned me."
Sure, he'd been through areas that smelled bad, like that factory, but it didn't make this any better.
Wafting a hand in front of her face, Yukari eyed the bits of Luke's clothing sympathetically; she may have not done anything this time (and thank god for that), but she did have experience with this that she wished she didn't have. "Guess not everyone can get lucky," Yukari murmured, then eyed the pipe he pulled out. "Does that feel good enough to you for now?"
Of course, Luke was thinking more about whether he could use the weapon and not the fact that there were little droplets inside. Just as he waved the pipe, they splashed out, some rolling down and wetting his hand, some on his clothing, and some proved that Luke probably hadn't moved far enough away for his demonstration. His lips pursed out as he felt it hitting his hand and he winced a little, but decided not to make too big of a deal of it.
Not realizing that he (quite possibly) hit his partner for the night with the water, he replied, "I think it'll take a while to get used to it, but I think it can work. I'll just have to hit things extra hard."
With her suddenly piercing voice, Yukari jumped back a few feet away from Luke-- and could have sworn she felt something cold and wet suddenly hit her face. That better had not been what she thought it was...
"Forget hitting," Yukari promptly snapped at him with a scowl aimed in his direction. "Watch where you're swinging that thing, for starters."
Of course, it wasn't like anyone's life was at stake. She just would smell funny.
"Sorry," he said, lowering the pipe and taking a step toward her. "I guess I should've waved it in another direction, especially once I started feeling a little bit getting on me. I'll be more careful next time, I promise."
But, as it stood at the moment, it was nothing to make too much of an issue about, so she left it at that. Yukari circled a hand in the air, gesturing dismissively, then looked back up at him expectantly.
"So, you got your pipe, and I want fresh air," she said, eying the exit for a moment. "And we don't want to stick around long enough to become some weird freak's next target. If you don't need anything else, I say we get outta here."
"I agree. You got anywhere in mind or do you want to go separate ways?" After his accident with the droplets of water, Luke didn't want to force her to do anything against her will. She might be willing to drop things, but any growing annoyance-well, he wasn't going to help it along. If what she wanted was to go somewhere else, to find someone else, he would understand.
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