The door opened without much trouble, creaking only slightly as the Scarecrow stood in the doorway. The rooms looked so different at night- even his flashlight had little effect on the overwhelming darkness. He looked over his shoulder into the hallway, briefly thinking of turning back and finding someone to look for Mele with him. Then he remembered all his friends were changed somehow, affected by the Institute's influence. He took a deep breath, more determined. No turning back now. It might take all night, but he was going to search this place as best he could. He couldn't just let them wander around, thinking everything was fine and dandy- they were in danger!
He took a step into the room and closed the door behind him, moving his light toward the front door of the building, then toward the walls, attempting to find the door to the Waiting Room where he'd seen Dorothy. He swept half the room quickly with his light, making his way in a few more steps. "Hello?" he decided to ask the darkness, almost hoping he didn't get an answer. The handle glittered in the dim light. The strawman gave his dying flashlight a shake, trying to get it to brighten as he made a bee-line for the door.