Nightshift 45: Main Hallway, 1-East

Nov 23, 2009 02:17

( From here.)

Sean kept charging down the hallway, not pausing to see if Schuldig was still following them or not. At this point, his priority was getting both himself and Chris to safety as soon as humanly possible. Fortunately soccer practice had done something besides give him bumps, bruises, and skinned knees--he could run for a decent amount ( Read more... )

ayumu, allen, haku, artemis, harley, teresa, dean winchester, hime

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Comments 18

faithful_frost November 23 2009, 17:56:37 UTC
Still following not that he really had much choice, all Chris could do was agree. "A-all right!"

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and all he could think about was how the doctors and nurses told him to not exert himself again, lest he make himself sick. He could remember being hurt by other patients and falling over railings while out at night and he didn't want either of them to be hurt like that again. Maybe things wouldn't be so ban in an office? And maybe Chris could convince Sean that they really should go back to their room.


byname_bynature November 23 2009, 20:11:02 UTC

chainsaw_royal November 30 2009, 04:51:54 UTC
[From here]

"What exactly is Innocence, that these Akuma want to destroy it so?" she questioned as they entered the part of the hall where there were fewer patients. Hime's flashlight glided about, a single beam in the darkness that failed to illuminate the darker reaches. It didn't look like anything was lying in wait for them, but then, it wouldn't be much of an ambush if she could spot them so easily ( ... )


number1smiley November 30 2009, 04:59:27 UTC
The question Hime asked, Teresa wanted to know the answer to as well. She was mildly pleased that she didn't have to inquire herself. There was one boon to having the girl there; she was certainly curious and had no qualms asking questions no matter how they might be received. This left Teresa to listen and pay more attention to their surroundings without appearing to. For all any onlooker could tell, the hybrid was just out for an evening stroll given how relaxed she was.

These Akuma, though, sounded suspiciously like youma. Perhaps the boy's weapon had been soaked in their blood enough to take some of it into itself. That would explain the energy.

"It would seem that it is far less likely to find someone who is from this land than one of whom is not."


destroyeroftime November 30 2009, 05:35:45 UTC
"Innocence was used a long time ago by people who fought against the Millennium Earl. The world was destroyed by a flood right after, and only Noah and his family survived. But the Innocence was broken into pieces and scattered. The Millennium Earl wants to destroy the world, and the only way to fight him, and the Akuma he creates, is with Innocence. It's not all the same, though. It takes different forms. Only certain people can use it, though, not everyone can ( ... )


chainsaw_royal November 30 2009, 09:26:23 UTC
Millennium Earl, the one who created the Akuma? Akuma which Allen likened to man-shaped golems. So rather than demons, these were constructs (of a demonic nature, though). And Innocence was the weapon to fight them. It would make sense they would want to destroy it. Hime filed away all this information on a war she would likely never see ( ... )


tostepforward December 4 2009, 04:31:33 UTC
[from here]

"So, from here we could go up," Yuuko observed, motioning vaguely toward the stairs. That door should be the stairs, right? Even if she couldn't trust the map she'd seen it was still the same as the stairwell on the other side and it did make sense.

Then she turned the other direction, pointing her flashlight in the direction of the hallway to their left. "Or out. That way is the greenhouse. Or the doctors' offices, but those won't go outside."


theroadsofar December 4 2009, 08:42:44 UTC
Rick paused, debating. The smart thing to do was to head right for the stairs but thinking this through, maybe he shouldn't go anywhere without any files on him. At the very least, he wanted to know how close he'd been to getting outta here, if only so he could use it as evidence to wave around in front of Matt's face and prod his brother into moving too. Rick glanced toward the doctor offices.

"Quick detour? Wanna see what my doctor had on me before we keep going."


tostepforward December 4 2009, 09:29:02 UTC
His doctor? Yuuko couldn't recall seeing a doctor at all since arriving here, and had to wonder how he'd managed to get so fortunate. Still, though, it all seemed to be working out one way or another, so maybe she shouldn't complain.

The fact that he wanted to know what information his doctor "had on him" kind of made her wonder about the guy a little, but, well, it probably wasn't any of her concern. Whoever and whatever they might be outside of the Institute, in here they were all just patients trying to get better. "Sure...why not?" She grinned and shrugged a little, attempting to force herself to forget all the worries nagging at her. "I had no other plans for the night."

[to here]


theroadsofar December 8 2009, 10:24:04 UTC
[Back from here]

No sign of Green.

So far, so good. Last thing they needed was some crazy chick gunning for them just 'cause she didn't like the way they looked or something.

But there was also no sign of the nurses or orderlies, no Martin Landel, and the power was still out, his flashlight pretty much the only thing keeping them from being smacking into walls or each other. And while he wouldn't have minded fooling around in the dark, the place possibly being on fire or something kinda killed his mojo there before he really could give it any second thoughts. They kinda had bigger priorities here.


tostepforward December 9 2009, 02:44:47 UTC
"I was thinking the same thing," Yuuko agreed, though a little reluctantly. The oddness of everything around them was something she'd been resolutely trying to ignore ever since leaving her room. "It's like all the staff left after dinner, or something." Except...well, if that intercom announcement was correct, the Head Doctor was still around somewhere. If she hadn't imagined that, too.

It nagged at her, though, in ways she didn't want to consider. Was it possible that she hadn't been imagining what happened at night? No. No, it wasn't. That would call too many other things into question, and she knew who she was and what she needed to do and none of it involved that imaginary life. She suppressed a shudder and just moved onward.

[to here]


jokers_wildcard December 11 2009, 04:46:04 UTC
[from here]

The halls were getting quiet. Harley wasn't sure if this was a good or bad thing. Why were there no people here? Was everyone just busy somewhere else or had something chased them all off? That thought made her focus a bit more on her surroundings. That's right! She couldn't let her guard down. There were things wandering around. If she wasn't careful, she might get snatched up before she even finished her shopping spree. And that probably wouldn't be very much fun.

[to here]


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