night 45: F-A block hallway.

Nov 21, 2009 19:05

( from here. )So far, so good. Once Bella’s hand touched the corner of the wall, she followed it slowly, her feet stumbling over themselves for a few seconds before she finally got her footing. “Stupid ... disorientating darkness,” she muttered to herself, her cheeks flushed from the thought of falling. That certainly wasn’t high up there on her ( Read more... )

kitty pryde, anthy, asuka, bella, anise, yuffie, sync, utena, ayumu, chise, claude, yomi, aerith, harley, hime, ange

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madeinthehrl December 1 2009, 20:24:33 UTC
Maria ducked her head slightly, embarrassed. It was really nice of everyone to worry about her like this. She'd thought she'd never be able to make friends when she'd first arrived, but it was starting to seem like everyone here was just as close to her as her friends back home were.

It sounded like Meche had assumed she was talking about Sarah. That was a little odd--didn't she see anything strange about the doors unlocking like this?--but Maria decided to let it slide for the moment. "I talked to her at lunch today," she said, nodding. "A lot of people seem like they've had it pretty rough."

A slight frown on her face grew as Meche told her about Sarah--it didn't sound like the older woman remembered who she was after all. In that case, she probably expected the doors to be open--it was part of her delusions anyway. There probably wasn't any use in asking her to help everyone get back inside.

"I guess the best thing to do is to give her time," she said at last. Maybe she ought to play it neutral for now. "She has a lot to think about, but she knows we're here for her no matter who she thinks she is."


sheisthecause December 2 2009, 05:36:25 UTC
A lot of people? "Really? Did something happen?" Meche asked. "Aside from the usual reasons people have bad days here, I mean." Like disappearances and monsters--the ordinary, run-of-the-mill things. Sad that they were so easy to get used to.

"Well, you're probably right about Senna, anyway," she added, trying to keep her voice light. She couldn't help drumming her fingers slightly anxiously on the side of the flashlight while she talked, though. It had just been such a strange story. "She's always telling me I worry too much about things. Maybe it was just a temporary funk and she'll feel better on her own tomorrow." Not that that was going to stop her from going to check. Better safe than sorry, Meche thought.

Another girl (someone she knew? It was tough to tell in the darkness) had turned in from her hall, which reminded Meche that she probably shouldn't stand around for too long herself. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt, but only if she wasn't holding Soma up too. "Where are you headed, by the way? I won't keep you any more if you're in a hurry, but I hope you're meeting someone, at least."


madeinthehrl December 4 2009, 23:39:54 UTC
There was only so long Maria wanted to tiptoe around the subject, and she didn't want to outright lie to Meche. "Sort of," she said, looking down. "It sounded on the bulletin board as if people have started to remember who they really are." She looked back up then, a touch of determination entering her voice. "But I'm sure she'll feel better tomorrow." Just because Sarah and Senna weren't quite the same people didn't mean the potential for her to start smiling again wasn't there.

Meche, though--it sounded as if this might be a problem. No doubt everyone was treating the doors unlocking as normal because as far as they were concerned, it happened every night, but the more clear-headed people around here had to know it didn't, right? It wasn't actually supposed to happen, and now that it had, someone could get carried away. People could get hurt. Meche didn't seem like the violent type, but the other patients...

"I'm actually going to take a look around," she said, choosing to ignore the comment about meeting someone. Not unless she found someone willing to help. "Are you going to Sa--to Senna's and Falis's room? I might stop by to see how they're doing later."


sheisthecause December 6 2009, 03:24:28 UTC
"Who they really--" Meche stopped herself, frowning. What did Soma mean by that? Those "real lives" were just stories made up by the staff to confuse them; she had to know that as well as anyone. "Well, I think Senna usually has a pretty good sense of who she is, even if she has a lot to deal with sometimes," she replied, with an equal touch of determination. "I'll be glad when she's back to normal." She felt like it was important to say that somehow, to make sure they were on the same page. They really needed to keep Senna grounded right now.

As for where she was going, at least that had a simpler answer: "Yes, I'm heading straight over." She didn't miss the fact that Soma hadn't mentioned meeting anyone else, and Meche knew from the bulletin board that she didn't have an Arts and Crafts assignment. It didn't look like Soma was carrying a weapon, either. Meche wondered if she shouldn't volunteer to go along, but she only had a flashlight and Soma was a lot faster than she was anyway. She'd just have to trust that the girl would be all right.

"Take care, Soma," she said, offering an encouraging smile. "I'll tell the girls you might drop in later."


sheisthecause December 9 2009, 05:10:54 UTC
With a last glance back, she hurried on ahead into Senna's hall.

[to here]


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