M1-M10 Hall, Outside M5, Nightshift 22

Mar 13, 2007 12:14

It was going to be a busy night. Maes Hughes had no less than three visitors slated for the night - Ed wouldn't take too long to deal with, Alfons he planned to just arm and give a few pointers to, and then.... Roy. Assuming Roy was going to follow through with what he'd said. Who knew?

At least he had a decent roommate. Hughes had to admit that he didn't mind Crawford - he seemed smart and had a good head on his shoulders. Not a bad guy to share personal space with. It was almost like being back in the military dorms.

Armed and with flashlight and radio in hand, Hughes stepped out into the hallway - in case Ed or Alfons had forgotten his room number.

lord recluse, elena (ffvii), heiderich, sora, roy, riza, demyx, yazoo, snape, otacon, iruka, ichigo, kadaj, haku, kira, hughes, brad, bakura

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