Night 44: Disciplinary Therapy Room 3 [M-U for Shikamaru]

Oct 10, 2009 01:22

Great thinkers often had to suffer the burden of being alone. It was the price they paid for their minds, for understanding truths that would leave the masses drooling in their idiocy were they confronted with it. The doctor knew this all too well, and she had accepted the penalty in the name of science. But the boy strapped to the table now simply didn't appreciate the gift he'd been born with. No, he had enough talent to rival the greatest minds of several generations, but he couldn't devote himself to thought. He insisted on connecting with others, people who were below him, on using his talents to keep those people safe and happy in a world that relied on illusion to go on. Instead of trying to discover the truth, this lazy little bastard believed the lies like any simpleton would, just because he was told it was that way by his elders.

So now the doctor would do what any righteous human would have done in her situation. If Nara Shikamaru couldn't appreciate the gift of his mind, then she would simply take it away. Not completely, of course. The lesson wouldn't do any good if the boy wasn't able to learn it. But if he wanted to use that fantastic mind with an iq of over two-hundred, he was going to have to work for it.

After the doctor was finished, of course. First she had to wake up her patient, and she had just the perfect method of doing so. Shikamaru had been stripped down to his shorts, and left face down on the doctor's table. A special headrest let him breathe and see the floor, but prevented movement. He had no way of knowing what was coming until the ice-cold water hit his back, nearly a quart of it splashing over the boy's skin as the doctor's wake-up call.

shikamaru, m-u

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