Soccer/Recreational Field, Night 44

Oct 08, 2009 00:32

[From here.]It didn't strike Peter until he was on the grass and staring at the moon that the last time he'd gone out this way, it had been to collect Harry. The thought was a sobering one to say the least, particularly when he was the only soul on the field. No one but him and the great outdoors. Except replace 'great outdoors' with 'big fat death ( Read more... )

kirk, meche, senna, manny, peter petrelli, peter parker, minato, cissnei, nathan petrelli, faize, phoenix

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Comments 39

human_sponge October 9 2009, 19:12:19 UTC
[From here.]It turned out the field really was deserted, and for some reason that just made Peter even more unnerved. While he knew it logically meant that they should be able to hear if something was coming, it didn't always work that way at Landel's. Besides, with the fog making it hard to see more than a few feet in front of him, even with the flashlight, it was just downright creepy ( ... )


aleaderwillrise October 10 2009, 20:53:12 UTC
Nathan followed Peter closely, flashlight in hand, frowning at the dense fog. It hadn't been quite like this when he'd ventured outside the first night. It was cold, too, and Nathan wished that he had a jacket or something, but tried to keep his thoughts on the matter at hand for now. As they moved towards the wall, Nathan eyed it, judging its height. He could, he was certain, make it over that wall. Whether or not he could do it with Peter on his back was another matter entirely...

But then Peter brought up the night's earlier announcement, and Nathan frowned. "Something about, ah, improving security measures," he muttered, sighing. "I'm going to guess that's going to make things harder for us - not easier. They probably don't see monsters as a security hazard ( ... )


human_sponge October 11 2009, 00:27:57 UTC
Come to think of it, Peter had always noticed that there was a coat for them to grab in their closets, and yet he never thought to actually take it. Kind of like the shoes. He blamed it on the fact that he usually got caught up in his conversations with Sam and then wanted to bolt out of the room the moment the door unlocked. Still, it was something to keep in mind, since the foggy weather was making things unnecessarily uncomfortable ( ... )


damned_monsters October 12 2009, 02:20:43 UTC
The sound was faint at first, but nonetheless distinctly out of place to those who had the sense to listen and focus enough to hear. It was not the pace of any human, or even humanoid foot: rather it was an uneven, syncopated thud-THUD, thud-THUD of heavy hooves against frost-touched grass.

Thus far nothing was visible in the dark of the field, but there -- toward the edge, near the wall -- that was perhaps an eddy in the mists that clung close to the ground. Difficult to see, perhaps, but the sound was coming closer.



pleading_ngri October 10 2009, 21:28:32 UTC
[From here.]

The cold air hit Phoenix unexpectedly, and he hissed through his teeth, walking faster between the two doors. It was definitely too cold out here to just be walking around in shirtsleeves. On the upside, though, there wasn’t any massive property damage occurring or mutant wildlife on the prowl, so overall it probably still counted as a nice night in Landel’s.

[To here.]


whos_da_man October 11 2009, 01:57:55 UTC
[from here]

Junpei cautiously pushed the door to the Rec Field open and looked around. No Evil Koro-chans on Mutated Steroids, no Argillas chomping down on zombie dogs, and only a couple guys staring at a wall. That looked good enough to eat.

Ewwwww. He just squicked himself.

Eat a monster, she said. It'll make the cravings go away, she said. Maybe I should. Better that than drooling over a pair of dudes. If this goes away, I'm going to need some serious therapy time with an internet connection or a magazine whose centerfold babe has a pair of boobs a man can suffocate in. I wonder if I can steal one of those next time we're in Doyleton and not being chased after by zombies...

The teen quickly darted across the field to the equipment shed. Already knowing it'd be locked, he used the butt of the baseball bat as a key and inside he went.


whos_da_man October 11 2009, 02:08:23 UTC
whos_da_man October 11 2009, 02:12:11 UTC
[from here]

It was nice to know that sometimes a body could move faster than things changed around this damn place. The coast was still clear when he emerged from the shed. Bag of baseball equipment over his shoulder and baseball bat in hand, Junpei headed back into the building to drop his stuff off.

[to here]


itstaichoutoyou October 12 2009, 07:07:29 UTC
[from here]

The moon illuminated most of the field, so Hitsugaya stuck close to the building as he made his way to the wall. At least that was one direction they didn't have to worry about an ambush. Without any cover, stealth wasn't an option, so Hitsugaya set a slight jog that he was certain his teammates could keep up with.

There seemed to be some other patients out already, but whatever they were doing was hardly any of his business. Hitsugaya was more concerned about that vehicle or robot he had encountered a few nights ago. Hopefully that strange beast wasn't out here tonight.


faile October 13 2009, 05:46:07 UTC
Monsters and traps? While Faize felt that he was perhaps ill-equipped for such a place, he knew Hitsugaya and Kratos were prepared. Should conflict be unavoidable, Faize could once again take the rear, using his symbology from a distance. He at least had some idea of his abilities and limitations now.

The Eldarian nodded to show that he understood, and followed Hitsugaya into the field. The machine described to him sounded quite curious, but there appeared to be no such thing in the field that night. That was just as well. Curious as Faize was, he wasn't interested in finding trouble.

Matching the pace of the group leader, he quietly followed in the direction of the field wall.


spandexorgtfo October 14 2009, 05:23:13 UTC
Kratos kept silent as they moved through the field, intent on keeping a weather eye out for any possibility of danger. So far there was no visible sign of anything suspicious - in particular the robot Hitsugaya had spoken of - but as usual the very idea of relaxing was a forbidden one.

Suddenly, a sharp, piercing scream rang out, one that was definitely not human. No, it almost sounded like...a horse? The swordsman's eyes narrowed in an attempt to find the source as their group approached the field wall. However, no such luck: the darkness seemed to be effectively shrouding whatever it was.


itstaichoutoyou October 14 2009, 21:06:40 UTC
As soon as Hitsugaya reached the wall, a shrill scream caused him to whip his head around, searching for the source. The scream had an animalistic quality to it, but Hitsugaya couldn't narrow it down any further than that. At first, Hitsugaya was worried they had been found, but since there didn't seem to be any enemies nearby, Hitsugaya focused his efforts to scaling the wall.

The other night, Hitsugaya had used shunpo to scale the wall, so he hadn't had the benefit of scaling the wall solely under his physical power, which was proving to be a little more difficult than he originally thought. Once again, he regretted having a child-like body. Before he had a chance to embarrass himself any further, he noticed the vines, which had overgrown from the Courtyard's side. They seemed sturdy enough to support his weight, so he used the vines to climb up the wall.

[climbing over here]


doneinthree October 14 2009, 06:45:36 UTC
[From here.]Kirk let out the breath he was holding when he stepped outside. It was quiet, cold, bathed in moonlight like any normal soccer field at night. He clicked his flashlight off, and could still make out the pale figures tracking across the grass to the vine-covered walls, moving with some sort of unknown purpose. Were they just trying to escape, or was there something more over the walls, as he'd suspected ( ... )


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