Night 44: Sun Room

Oct 07, 2009 21:52

[from here]It looked like they were the first ones in the Sun Room this night. There weren't any monsters in plain sight, which was a good sign ( Read more... )

zoro, albedo, klavier, claude, guy, yue, dias, anise, dahlia, nigredo, touya, howl, ophelia, sync

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purpletaint October 9 2009, 19:32:01 UTC
And three to three had indeed become six. Were these fierce beasts chasing after the lambs and the wolf with them? It was funny, so funny, and Albedo shifted where he was, sitting on the railing instead and swinging his feet. He bit his lip, grinning delightfully. "Are you chasing the white rabbit?" he mused downward. "Most fall down without thought, never considering how they are to get out again."

Down the rabbit hole and into that place. There was something familiar about that, but it flashed too quickly for anything to settle. Instead the Song rose in waves, draining his replies further. A coalescence had started around him, violet and magenta dancing around him like living flames. One becoming two becoming one, and wasn't there something in that?! The bioweapon's eyes widened, something deliciously like fear lacing his being.

At the same time something shifted towards him along that forgotten and fractured link. A little mouse seeking, searching--pausing before him. Was that fear from daddy's little darling, or something else? Albedo rolled his eyes to the side, tracing the link's path through walls to the source. A effort of force, a shoving open, and then the pathway was open to him. {Ah, Nigredo.} Broken betrayer, future murderer; death will come to you in many forms. {It's been said, you know. To beware of false prophets. They wear sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.} There was a pause then, as his stare remained settled on the wall. {Do you think that's true?} Albedo's tongue darted out to taste the ridges of his teeth. {Come to me. We should play.}

That said, something pleasant and horrible crossed his expression. Whether to himself or the ones below him, the entity muttered, "...'For many are invited, but few are chosen.'" His attention elsewhere, the trio could slip by more easily then their own prey. From above, Albedo giggled again, something altogether awful in the sound.


heavens_too_far October 10 2009, 00:05:23 UTC
Dias never looked away from a potential threat, once he was confronted with one; a distraction could mean the difference between spotting an attack before it was initiated and having a blade in one's stomach. However, apparently the boy (and it was strange, that both the threats he was facing tonight were children) did not follow this philosophy, as he looked away and, indeed, seemed to almost forget that they were there.

"Move," he growled under his breath, his cautious advance turning into a long stride that ate up the remaining distance between himself and the door to the cafeteria like wildfire.


full_score October 10 2009, 03:06:27 UTC
Chasing the white rabbit... What was up with the Alice in Wonderland references? Claude wondered if whoever was up there had some idea of what their intentions were. It almost sounded like it, and yet he wasn't sure how much stock he could place in weird, roundabout riddles. Too bad this place was full of them.

Either way, this was definitely getting creepy. Unlike the last person they'd run into in the sun room, though, it didn't look like he was going to strike out at them just yet. Claude personally didn't want to test the boy's patience -- especially not with the way he was glowing and giggling like that. Guy and Dias were right. The longer they hung around in here, the more danger they were in. And if they got caught in a fight with whoever (or whatever) was watching over the sun room, then tonight's mission would likely be a complete and utter failure.

Claude wasn't willing to let Sync win. He'd dragged other people into this mess, and that was unforgivable as far as Claude was concerned. They needed to get out of here.

It looked like his friends had the same idea. His grip tightening on his sword, Claude darted forward to match his rival's pace.


razing_phoenix October 10 2009, 06:27:36 UTC
It was true that encountering someone this young was pretty rare for a place like Landel's. There were a lot of teenagers around, but Guy didn't see too many who were in their pre-teens, which was what he was guessing the age of the boy up on the railings was around.

He definitely wouldn't want to fight someone that young when they were acting against their will, and so he was glad that the boy seemed more interested in speaking nonsense than getting into a fight. Maybe he wanted to scare them rather than actually hurt them.

Not that Guy was particularly scared, but that was also because he was focused on the God-General they were tailing. Both Dias and Claude wasted little time in speeding off toward the cafeteria, and it wasn't hard for Guy to keep up with them, even with his chest wound.

He let out a mental sigh of relief when all three of them reached the door and passed through it. For once they'd been lucky.

[To here.]


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