M31-M40 Hall

Mar 13, 2007 10:19

Darman still wasn't pleased with the fact he had a new cellmate, but there was really nothing to do about it.

When the doors gave that telltale snick of the locks opening, he went for the closet under the pretense of getting one of the thicker overcoats, and fished about discreetly for his last remaining knife - it was almost lovingly wrapped in the remnants of the hand towel they had raided from the kitchen the night previous. Concealing it in his coat, and leaving Faust to decide what he wanted to do, Darman stepped out into the darkness of the corridors.

He should probably find Ordo, although he hadn't seen the other clone since that encounter in the courtyard, and knew that there was always the possibility he was being interrogated (good luck with that) or dead. Most beings, if they knew what a Null-ARC even was, also knew they were instant death on two legs...and that the best Null-ARC to them was a dead one. Brother or not, it was what Darman would do if he were in the enemy's place. Keeping Ordo alive and imprisoned seemed pretty suicidal, although it still begged the question how he of all clones had been captured. Ordo was supposed to be just plain better.

Sighing, and deciding to be optimistic - he still did have his knife after all - Darman set off down the hallway, following his mental map toward the main men's hall near the "bathrooms".

[Darman's moved here]

caim, kenren, tamaki, darman, alphonse, goku, javert, faust, ritsuka, omi, seimei, aya, kurama

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