Day 44: Sun Room (4th Shift)

Sep 30, 2009 07:14

As soon as she had the chance, Sheena ninja'd herself out of the cafeteria and away from the conversation she'd been semi-forced to have. She probably could have just clammed up and told the boys to go away, but she'd kind of owed at least Endrance some kind of explanation. It wasn't everyday the embodiment of darkness pops up and delivers a ( Read more... )

raine, ronixis, tsubaki, anise, teisel, kuukaku, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, luffy, lockon (neil), claude, rey, peter parker, dean winchester, brainiac 5, tim drake, guy, heiji, yohji, yuffie, sync, lelouch, ayumu, zoro, chise, okita, sheena, ryoji, kratos, alec, yukari yakumo, setsuna

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beloved_less October 1 2009, 12:29:07 UTC
Soubi had barely made it out the cafeteria when he was pulled away and whisked to a far corner of the sun room. He knew Sheena wanted to see him, but she hadn't seemed this desperate. Of course, once they stopped...she just stared.

Soubi had been in situations like this before, but it...he was almost certain Sheena wasn't about to confess feelings for him. If she was? Well, he could do with the laugh.

He frowned and flicked her hands away from the bell. "Somebody afraid of losing track of you?" he asked. He'd have liked to have referred to her as a cow, but she looked more like a kitten so he decided to leave it at that. For now.

"Something's different about you," he said, looking at her with an artists eye. Sure he picked up details, but he generally ignored things that weren't Ritsuka, so it was hard to work out what it was.


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 14:51:34 UTC
"Keeping track - what?" Oh, the bell. "No. This was... Corrine's. He was my first summon and he died protecting me back home. But... he came to see me yesterday. This damn ranch... I know it was him because I could feel the pact when he was here. Not now, but..."

She stopped when Soubi commented on her looking different. "Uh, something's different? Like what?"


beloved_less October 1 2009, 15:13:30 UTC
"A visitor?"

Soubi removed his hand trying not to obviously clench it. He didn't want to hear ANY evidence that those people were real. Would he have felt a connection with Seimei? He'd been too messed up when Ritsu came, proof being that he hadn't punched the miserable old idiot.

"I don't know," he sighed, turning away and sitting on the nearest seat. "You're carrying yourself differently, maybe? Or you've had a hair cut?"


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 15:18:57 UTC
"Yeah. I decided to hide in my room last night," Sheena replied. Without fail, a bit of color sprung to her cheeks at the thought of the previous night.

"My hair?" Oh. The ribbon. "You mean this?" She fingered the end of the red ribbon in her hair. She then fussed with it; it just felt so weird.


beloved_less October 1 2009, 15:24:53 UTC
Hm. So much for that spark of worry that Soubi very almost felt. He ought to have made sure none of his...friends...(still weird)... had 'died' last night. Apparently Sheena had been fine. Did the visitor stay or something? No, they couldn't. Soubi frowned at her.

Something making her blush and a new ribbon?

"There was something you wanted to talk about." And Soubi would talk about anything to shut up that little finger prodding his brain singing 'Ritsu was real, Seimei was real, they want you back~!'. It wasn't a nice song at all.


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 15:30:57 UTC

Then she reacted out of instinct. "No! I mean maybe. I dunno. I'm..."

The ninja flopped down on the floor and leaned against Soubi's legs, tilting her head back to look up at him. "So... my attempts to actually hide in my room failed. People came to see me. Well, I sorta expected Raine cause she wanted to check on my injuries and make sure I wasn't turning into a zombie - which I'm not - but she..."

A heavy sigh then, the color lingering on her face. "She told Yukari where my room was."


beloved_less October 1 2009, 15:35:31 UTC
That reaction could mean only one thing. Nothing in the world could stop Soubi's dirty smile. Well, ok, the mention of zombies almost killed it. Why was Sheena going to turn into a Zombie?

But Yukari. As he suspected.

Soubi began inspecting Sheena's hair. "I wonder if I could still tell whether you've lost your ears for good," he smirked.


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 15:38:50 UTC
"HEY!" The ninja smacked Soubi's leg and then glared up at him. "I still have my ears, thank-you-very-much. And they're not going anywhere anytime soon."

A pause. "I think," she added on, though her tone wasn't very certain.


beloved_less October 1 2009, 15:42:12 UTC
Soubi's hands moved to her temples and rubbed them gently.

"My little girl's growing up." He looked at her chest. "Hopefully just emotionally. I think you're done elsewhere." Well, she was a little short, but her body clearly preferred to expand specific parts.

"So, you 'think', you're keeping them. What's getting in the way?"


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 15:49:23 UTC
Oooo... that felt nice. Sheena relaxed as Soubi rubbed her temples, her eyes falling half-shut, though she did elbow him a little for the growing up comment.

"I dunno, Soubi," the ninja replied. "I'm not sure if I want to lose them cause sometimes I wonder how much she actually cares for me or if I'm just something to keep her from being bored. I want to believe her when she says she's interested, wants to know more about me and doesn't want me to be lonely. I really, really, really want to. I mean, I know she likes me, but I dunno if she like-likes me," Sheena replied.

"Ugh. I'm so confused and it's so easy to just... not think when she kisses me." A breathy sigh. "She's really, really good at it, too."

Which made Sheena wonder again if she was even half as good as that damn youkai. She doubted it, since last night was the first time she'd ever been kissed like that. She had no idea what she was to do in a kiss like that, so she just went off of instinct. What if she sucked at it and Yukari, for some reason, didn't ( ... )


beloved_less October 1 2009, 16:00:39 UTC
Ah. This old thing. Soubi had absolutely no experience with the 'am I ready?' drama until after the deed was done. Even then..... well, who else could it have been, really? There were no emotions attached. At least not outwardly. For one of them. Hm.

Soubi leaned forward and rested his head on Sheena's.

"Does it really matter?" he asked. "I don't want to...spoil it for you but...." Soubi decided not to, sighed and sat up. "You like her, she's a good kisser. What do you have to lose? Well, besides...that."


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 16:05:17 UTC
"I'd never have the chance to meet another unicorn again?"

Okay, that wasn't a good excuse since she'd already met one. Besides, unicorns were very rare and even if she stayed a virgin her whole life, she'd probably never get to be in the presence of another one. As it was, she was lucky to have met the one she did.

"And... it's kind of intimidating. How good she makes me feel. And..." Sheena sighed. "I'm afraid."


beloved_less October 1 2009, 16:10:43 UTC
"Unicorns are overrated," he chuckled. Had to wonder though....were they supposed to exist in Sheena's world?

Soubi planted a small kiss on her head and sat up again.

"It's normal to be scared. But it's normal to be scared of roller-coasters. You just have to let the excitement tip the scale. She makes you feel good, so let her."


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 16:17:20 UTC
Sheena turned more toward Soubi, resting her arms on his lap.

"But what if I'm doing it wrong? Last night I thought she'd tell me if I was messing up, but now that I'm not... preoccupied, I'm not sure she would. She'd probably just tease me about it when I wasn't expecting it. So... now I'm afraid I suck at kissing."

Her chin came down to rest on her arm. "It's not like I'd ever been kissed like that before she..."


beloved_less October 1 2009, 16:19:59 UTC
Soubi couldn't keep a straight face. But, really, who would have been able to? She was too....cute.

"Did you enjoy it? You probably did it right if it was nice.... but I guess you're right. There's no sure way of knowing unless she tells you. Or.... you get some practice."


mizuhomaiden October 1 2009, 16:30:13 UTC
Sheena shot Soubi a glare. "Well, yeah, I did. I really, really like it when she kisses me like that," she retorted. "Who wouldn't with skill like that?" It was just... intimidating ( ... )


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