Day 44: Sun Room (4th Shift)

Sep 30, 2009 07:14

As soon as she had the chance, Sheena ninja'd herself out of the cafeteria and away from the conversation she'd been semi-forced to have. She probably could have just clammed up and told the boys to go away, but she'd kind of owed at least Endrance some kind of explanation. It wasn't everyday the embodiment of darkness pops up and delivers a ( Read more... )

raine, ronixis, tsubaki, anise, teisel, kuukaku, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, luffy, lockon (neil), claude, rey, peter parker, dean winchester, brainiac 5, tim drake, guy, heiji, yohji, yuffie, sync, lelouch, ayumu, zoro, chise, okita, sheena, ryoji, kratos, alec, yukari yakumo, setsuna

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notachick October 1 2009, 05:35:48 UTC
[Waiting for JunpeiSensei. He hadn't been called that since arriving here. Even when he was teaching Heiji and Shinichi, they never called him that. Since he knew them less as his students and more as his friends and allies, he preferred it that way, but Okita couldn't deny that he missed hearing someone call him 'teacher.' Up until the move to Kyoto, that had been his job, after all. He, with Kondo and the others, had spent his childhood teaching at the Shieikan, moving through the countryside to collect more students. While they weren't particularly famous or rich, they were well known in their area - and following their move to Kyoto, the Shieikan had gained prestige in leaps and bounds ( ... )


whos_da_man October 1 2009, 06:15:47 UTC
[from here]

Once back in the Sun Room, hair wet from his shower, Junpei stretched and took a look around at the people about. He wondered what Okita looked like. Since he was, like, the most hax swordsman to ever set walk Japan, he had ot be this badass looking guy.

The teen stopped and tilted his head in thought. Well, back then all samurai-type guys had long hair, so there was that. He probably had the cool mustache thing that some people in those old pictures had. Yeah, badass.

How old had he been when he died? Shit. Junpei knew he shouldn't have slept through half his History classes.


notachick October 1 2009, 06:57:29 UTC
The kitten had taken to gnawing on one on his fingers probably because it smelled the hamburger from last shift and, while Okita wanted to keep a sharp eye out for his student, it was awfully distracting. In the slightly painful way. Okay, in the really painful way now. Okita pulled his hand away and the furball chased after it, batting at his nails before rather clumsily falling off Okita's lap face first into the couch. Laughing, he reached over to pick it up again and said, "Well, that decides it. You're definitely like hi ( ... )


whos_da_man October 1 2009, 07:08:33 UTC
Junpei had noticed someone approaching, but a quick glance told him it was some dark-haired chick and not the uberhax swordsman he was looking for. For once, he decided that he had more important things to do than flirt with some random chick. He still hadn't found anyone who matched his flawed mental image of Okita when the cries of a kitten caught his attention. And then someone spoke to him.

"Uh... yeah," he replied. It was that chick, though something seemed... off. He just wasn't sure what it was. "Do you need something? Cause, I'm kinda looking for someone and I don't wanna miss him." Not that Junpei knew what Okita really looked like.


notachick October 1 2009, 07:15:15 UTC
"I thought it was you," Okita said with a grin. The cat bumped its head against his heel again and the swordsman sighed, leaning down to pick it up only to have it roll over onto its back. Silly thing. He scooped it up into his arms and turned his attention back to Junpei as the cat started gnawing on his finger again.

Now here was a conundrum. Obviously, Junpei didn't recognize him - and likely, he was making the same mistake several people here made. Did Okita play with that or did he act like the professional teacher he was supposed to be?

His smile widened and tilted his head to the side. Easy choice. "You're looking for someone? Maybe I can help you find him."


whos_da_man October 1 2009, 07:25:10 UTC
"Hey, how'd you know my name anyways?"

Eh. He might as well see if this chick knew Okita. What could it hurt?

"And I'm looking for this guy names Okita. He's this cool samurai guy with a kind of weird sense of humor," Junpei described. He then looked past the chick to see if Okita was over somewhere behind her.

"I'm supposed to be meeting him and I don't want to give a bad first impression, so I hurried here," he continued, distracted, "cause taking forever isn't cool when said person is going to be swinging a wooden stick at you repetitively, you know?"


notachick October 1 2009, 07:39:01 UTC
A cool samurai guy with a weird sense of humor? Okita laughed a little at that, bringing his hand up in front of his mouth as he did that, the kitten shuffled to sitting in one arm. He certainly did have a weird sense of humor, but to be described so candidly like that? Junpei was shaping up to be an interesting young man after all. "I saw your description on the bulletin."

Oh, yep. There he went looking behind him - he definitely hadn't put two and two together yet. Lowering his hand, Okita let the kitten gnaw on him again and kept a cheerful smile aimed at Junpei. "Oh, yes, that is a good idea, but your hair is still all wet. Are you sure you shouldn't have dried it before showing up? What if he's weird about that, like he is about his humor?"


whos_da_man October 1 2009, 07:43:11 UTC
Junpei sighed. "He knows I had showers before hand and it's not like I'm going to ask those nurses to give me a blow drier or something to make sure my hair's totally dry," he replied. "Besides, it's really short so it'll dry in no time."

He crossed his arms. "I just want you to know, I happen to suck at making first impressions and I'm trying here. You are not helping me. What's your name anyways?"


notachick October 1 2009, 07:50:58 UTC
Okita had no idea what a blow drier was, but Junpei seemed to be getting a little annoyed now. Or maybe he was just eager. Either way, Okita realized that teasing the boy any further was probably a bad idea. He had hoped he would have been able to play a little bit more, but they did have training to get down to and Okita needed to judge his abilities before deciding on a routine to follow. He seemed a bit on the lanky side, but that was nothing that couldn't be solved through careful strength training.

"I don't think you 'suck' at them, and I'm helping you more than you think," Okita replied, leaning down to let the kitten go. He shooed it off before straightening again, sliding his hair over his shoulder before bowing slightly to Junpei. "A little bit more manners though are in order, I think. You never know who a stranger can really turn out to be, Junpei-kun."


whos_da_man October 1 2009, 08:06:54 UTC
Oh shit. Ohshitohshitohshit.

Junpei froze. This was Okita? He was so screwed. Welcome to reality, Junpei, you really do suck at making first impressions. I am so made of fail.

"Uh..." The teen straightened up before giving his own awkward bow in return. Huh. He'd thought Okita would be taller than him. "I'll try to remember that."


notachick October 1 2009, 09:19:09 UTC
"So you realized who I am?" Okita laughed, watching as the kitten came back and sat on his foot. When all it wanted to do was bite his finger, he really had no idea why it was so bent on sticking to him now. Perhaps he shouldn't have called it in the first place. Ah, well. Glancing back up at Junpei, the swordsman couldn't help but smile at the expression on the boy's face. He looked both mortified and terrified, or was that awkwardness? Okita couldn't quite tell.

"Not quite what you thought I'd be, hm?" Shaking his foot a little, he dislodged the kitten and waited until it laid down by his feet rather than on it before speaking again. "You might have failed this test, but don't worry - nearly everyone who meets me does. It's part of the reason why I have survived so long."


whos_da_man October 1 2009, 14:56:53 UTC
"The few blurry pictures I've seen don't make you look so..." girly "short," Junpei replied with a shrug. "Threw me off."

He supposed since apparently everyone sucked when it came to identifying Okita he wouldn't get himself too worked up about it. Especially since his new teacher didn't seem particularly upset about it. He seemed more... amused. Weird sense of humor - check.



notachick October 2 2009, 13:31:10 UTC
Short? He supposed Junpei and Heiji and most people here were a bit taller than him, yes, but he wasn't the shortest in the Shinsengumi by far. That honor belonged to Nagakura and Tetsu. And while Tetsu would one day surpass them in height, Shinpachi was unfortunately relegated to the small side forever. Okita laughed and shook his head. "For the time I'm from, I'm on the tallish side ( ... )


whos_da_man October 3 2009, 01:27:07 UTC
If Okita was as harsh as he was claiming to be, Junpei could certainly see why sometimes he'd be 'on the tallish side'.

Once his teacher had pulled his hair back and stopped looking as girly, the teen felt a little better. He could deal with this no problem. So, Okita wanted to see what Junpei could do? The junior was hoping he didn't suck as much as he sometimes thought he did. He was good at fighting, yes, but that didn't mean he was good at fighting the correct way.

Moving to where he was instructed to, Junpei looked the stance over and a little grin came onto his face. At least the first thing he was pretty confident he could do. Sliding a foot forward to better center his weight, Junpei bent his knees just enough to maintain his balance and absorb an incoming blow. His hands came up to hold hs own imaginary sword, though the way his hands were positioned indicated that what he was imagining was not a katana, but something more European in design, with his back shoulder more tense than the other.


notachick October 3 2009, 02:04:09 UTC
Junpei moved into position and Okita slid his gaze over to watch him. He was smiling - confident. That was good. Confidence usually meant they had the determination to continue, even after a teacher had beaten them down. His stance was solid, so he had at least some fighting experience beyond the survival game they played every day here. But his hands... They were compensating for a heavier weight, causing unnecessary stress on his back muscles. Reaching out, Okita pressed two fingers against Junpei's shoulder bone, forcing his back straighter. "Evenly distribute your grip or you'll tire easily. Use your entire back to support the weight of your sword, otherwise one side will be left open and you will be cut ( ... )


whos_da_man October 3 2009, 02:18:30 UTC
"Oh... ok."

Junpei took in every word Okita said. He needed to pay attention to this. He knew he was a slacker in school, but this was academia and not something remotely as boring as school. This was something he needed. This was something he could be proud of, something he would follow through with if only to feel Chidori smiling that small smile only he had ever seen down on him from the afterlife ( ... )


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