As they approached the top of the stairs, Alkaid took the natural exit, and turned to face the right. She'd already sorta been down what was there in the left corridor, but she wasn't sure where to go from here.
"...Hey, Badou? Speaking of sane... don't pay any attention to me if I talk about items and item screens and equipment. It'
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And then the kid did some Jedi mind trick and sent Spiderman flying. And smoking. Only you can prevent forest fires. And/or lung cancer. Don't inhale, kid, the volatiles from that suit smell like a toxic lawsuit waiting to happen.
Except the kid didn't look like he'd just scored a hit on an untouchable superhero, or like he was looking for a can of Febreeze. He was panicking, and Spiderman -- Peter -- was definitely not stopping, dropping, and rolling. Well, he had the first two under control. And he wasn't getting back up.
S.T. swapped the pipe to his left hand, and groped his way down the floor on his hands and knees until he found the flashlight. Pockets. He had pockets now; remembering that would be a hell of an efficiency boost. He hesitated. Shining a headlight into that was like a bored Boston cop who gets his kicks betting on whether that double-parked car in Dorchester is a makeout session or an armed assault waiting to happen. Sangamon, for all he'd been mugging for the Spidey-Cam, didn't feel lucky tonight. Especially since, through the smoke and bile and general sensory overload, he thought he smelled blood.
He shoved the flashlight into a pocket, tightened his left hand on the pipe, and the other on the railing. Then, moving quietly, he took a deep, steadying breath, and vaulted the railing.
[to here]
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