Nightshift 43: Cafeteria

Sep 01, 2009 06:00

[From here.]In Sync's eyes there was no such thing as falling 'gracefully', especially when it was face first onto the floor after a rather sloppy escape. The teen had fallen several feet from the door, having used a burst of strength to at least pull himself as far away from the last room as possible ( Read more... )

jun, albedo, subzero, venom, anise, nigredo, beatrix, dahlia, rubedo, sync

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dahliahasthorns September 2 2009, 00:27:47 UTC
Something was on her face. Something was on her face. First thought was "eww," second was to let out an undignified shriek as her face was plastered in goop, the third was to actually scream the moment that goo stopped being just mildly annoying and something began dragging her along, the rushed, panicked sound of commotion around her being the only hint of what the hell was going on before she lost her own footing and was literally pulled off her feet and yanked forward.

What was this. WHAT WAS THIS.

Unfortunately for Sync, he had more to contend to than just the webbing in his hair. When his head slammed into the door, guess what was the first thing her face hit? And when the graceful little idiot fell forward, just guess who went down with him!


THIS. WAS. EMBARASSING. Dahlia? Dahlia would KILL that. little. PUNK. She was going to get up and KILL. HIM. She didn't care if she had to use her face and the noddle attached to it like a whip, she was going to END. HIM.

In the meanwhile? Her nails did good on clawing into the DUMBASS' neck as she whispered a top secret message into his ear. "Fall one more time. I dare you. I double dare you. See what happens."


gald_digger September 2 2009, 01:22:10 UTC
When the costumed weirdo suddenly shot something in their direction, Anise let out a startled yelp and broke into a run. Whatever it was, it hit Sync and Dahlia, and...

...and then Sync ran both of their heads right into the door in the most ungraceful display she had ever seen from the God-General. Anise had to pause a moment to wince, but remembering they were still being pursued, she quickly followed the pair into the Cafeteria. Once they were inside, she whirled around to close the door, only to see their attacker do it for them. A second after the door shut, the girl sighed with relief. At least he wasn't following them.

"Um, are you two..." Anise turned to look at the fallen pair. When she did, and she began to realize just what the problem was, her voice grew shaky as she tried to stifle her laughter. "...a-all right?"

For all the terrible things she'd been through that night, seeing Sync in that state almost made up for it.


ran_on_empty September 2 2009, 03:23:56 UTC
Maybe it was because of the headache he was nursing, but Sync could only smile wickedly at the sudden pain that shot up his neck. He refrained from chuckling at Dahia's words, though the temptation was certainly there. Was that a threat?

"Do you want to die that badly...?" His voice was low, just loud enough for the redhead to hear. It was obvious that he didn't really care what Dahlia thought of him, though he guessed all women acted like their words actually mean something.

And just like that he groaned, taking one of the latter's arms and carefully lifting both of them back to their feet. It was kind of funny how he didn't realize what was wrong until about a minute ago. Since Dahlia was technically behind him he couldn't see how bad the 'damage' was, though he could certainly imagine. What did the guy say? That this stuff dissolved in an hour?

Anise wasn't making the situation any easier, but Sync certainly wasn't going to let that go.

"I'm surprised your hair didn't catch any of this stuff since they take up half the room." While his tone might've been light the God-General wore a dark expression, as if daring Anise to laugh.


dahliahasthorns September 2 2009, 22:20:05 UTC
Did she? Did she?!

"Y-yes! We're okay!" But Sync wouldn't be. If he didn't shut his mouth, they'd be seeing if rage was enough to unlock the Kurain Channeling Technique and just how long she could bring down Mike Tyson. Pathetic brat! The second he had to do more than bash brains in, he failed miserably! How could a woman ever depend on someone who couldn't protect her or help her dodge out of the way?

It was a good thing Sync's head was in the way of her face, because she had a feeling Annie might have been put off by the redhead's scowling.

Her pale arms went to wrap themselves around Sy's shoulders and she put her weight on his back like this was the piggy-back ride from hell. Until this goop dissolved, she couldn't do much of anything but let this moron take the lead for her, so why not make that task easier for the both of them? UGH, this was embarrassing. Fine. Whatever. But if he dropped her again...

"Can we go now...?"


gald_digger September 3 2009, 04:25:58 UTC
Oops, Sync looked mad. He didn't look as threatening as usual, though, with that poor girl stuck to his head. "They're not that big! Boooo," the girl protested, though she didn't sound as offended as she might have if Sync didn't look so funny at the time. Ignoring the silent warning, Anise got a few giggles out of her system before getting back to business. With any luck, Sync would be too occupied with other things once the hour passed to bother getting her back for laughing at him.

"Well, as long as you're both all right," she said finally. She forced herself to sound sincere, although she wasn't exactly concerned about Sync, and... well, there was no way Dahlia was actually okay, with her face smooshed against that creep's head. Anise felt for the girl, really. She had a feeling she'd just die if she were in the same position.

Her flashlight was on again, and she cautiously made her way over to the far end of the room. She opened the door to the kitchen and peeked inside. It didn't look like anything was going to leap out at them... at least, as far as she could tell. Still holding the door open, Anise looked over her shoulder at what looked like the most awkward piggyback ride ever. "I'm fine with moving on, but... are you two going to be okay walking like that?"

Maybe she'd get lucky, and Sync's plans would fall through thanks to this. They couldn't very well go to the basement in that state, could they? And an hour could amount to a pretty huge chunk of the nightshift.


ran_on_empty September 3 2009, 17:52:22 UTC
Considering that Dahlia couldn't see his face, Sync didn't bother to hide a frown when he felt arms wrap themselves around his shoulders. Yet the God-General merely rolled his eyes in the end, wasting no more time by bending over and picking up his flashlight to offer it to her.

"Hold this for me." Afterward he reached back once more, guiding his hands underneath the redhead's knees before hoisting her up.

The action proved to be somewhat difficult; after all, his body was made for speed and endurance, not strength. However, he learned to ignore his body whenever it protested, and now was no different.

"I'll be fine," Sync answered. "We can't afford to stay in one place for too long."

And with that he carried Dahlia through the open doors to the kitchen.

[To here.]


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