Nightshift 43 - West Wing, South Hall 2-B

Aug 31, 2009 01:17

[From here]

They found themselves down another hall, one that would lead to the morgue after a few doors down. Dean could've sworn he saw the door already gaping open, but when he got there, it was shut and locked. Was he seeing things? It wasn't like he wasn't dead tired on his feet, and like it or not, the lack of real sleep was starting to get to him. That and getting friggen beat up every night, and then sedated when he totally didn't think he deserved it. Dean passed a hand over his eyes, blinked, and focused on the door. Yeah, still closed. Dean didn't say anything to Sam, studying it. The fastest way was to kick it down, but he had to admit he was concerned about the sound.

Still, unless Sammy produced some lockpicks or something to deal with the door all quiet-like, they'd have to do it this way. At least he'd had his heavy boots, so it wasn't like he'd be busting up his feet over this. Dean inhaled and then exhaled as he kicked at the door just like he'd done countless times before Landels, right slightly above the doorknob. It took three of them before it finally crashed open on him, leaving the way to the hallway with the morgue and autopsy rooms open.

dean winchester, sam winchester, the scarecrow

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