here]These two were just little Chatty Cathies, weren't they? Whatever. As long as they didn't start talking about how much their love could never be and got to kissing in front of her, they didn't have a problem here. Dahlia followed them as quietly as she could, doing a nice job of attempting to be stealthy and just looking ridiculously
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But that train of thought had caused a shooting to spike through his head violently, a hand pressing at his eyes almost instantly. No, he wouldn't be going there tonight, of all places. No, no, that was not....
He almost missed Rubedo walking past them, fingers splayed across his eyes. Would it have been better to look up and see him already gone, he wondered? Because seeing him walk away, once again, was not something easily accepted. Albedo almost reached out to catch Rubedo's arm, but didn't. No. That look had burned into his mind. This was just an addition. Rubedo wanted nothing to do with him.
Albedo's head hurt. He didn't want to think. Rubedo was moving down the hall, and why had Albedo decided to stay? He couldn't remember now; he couldn't remember at all. Habits were not so easily broke, not when the mind was already shattering, and so Albedo moved to follow, pausing only to send Nigredo a sorrowful look--though for what reason, Albedo couldn't say. The halls were silent, and his mind had almost duplicated the effect when Rubedo finally spoke up. Another habit, one training had built in as well, and the white-haired Variant opened his mouth to answer but found no words to say. He swallowed, closing his mouth. His tongue felt like cotton. His brain covered in slush. And still something in him shifted away internally from his twin, tearing at Albedo ever-so delicately. Gaze tilted away, Albedo passed Rubedo and pushed open the door.
[to here]
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