night 43: men's bathrooms (M81-M120)

Aug 30, 2009 01:33

[from here]

As Giovanni neared the bathrooms, he covered the entirety of the flashlight's bulb with his hand, so that there was only a soft reddish glow where the light shined through his flesh. He stepped quietly, carefully, and when he reached the door, he leaned in close to discern if there were any sounds emanating from inside. There weren't. Just in case, though, he uncovered his flashlight and then lifted his leg to kick open the door, hoping to surprise anything that might be lurking inside. Nothing jumped out at him, but after letting the door close behind him, he shined the flashlight around every corner of the room. The coast was clear. Didn't that man he'd spoken to earlier tell him monsters roamed the halls during night shifts? Giovanni was sorely disappointed.

Still, he had only exited his room and gone down the hallway; there was still plenty more of the institute to explore, and pressing onwards without a weapon would be idiotic. A quick glance at the bottoms of the sinks gave him his solution. He set down his flashlight, placing it so that the bulk of its light shone onto the pipes beneath the sink, and knelt down to inspect the bolts. It wouldn't be easy to dislodge a piece of the pipe, but it could certainly be accomplished: what he needed to do was loosen the screws holding the sections of pipe together. Another glance around the bathroom proved that nothing besides useless objects were contained in it, and thus he'd have to loosen the screws himself. It would take a while, but it was the only solution available, and so he steeled himself and prepared to make do.

It took him longer than he would have liked, and by the last two screws, his hands were raw and aching. Right before taking off the last screw, he sat back and let his hands rest, because he knew as soon as he had the pipe he would take it in hand and set out again. It had taken him long enough already, though, and so after a few seconds, he leaned back in and worked to undo the last screw. As soon as he felt it loosen, he wrapped his hands around the pipe and then scooted backwards as he pulled, avoiding most of the torrent of water that began to rush from the two disconnected sections. He stood up, then, and grabbed his flashlight from the quickly-flooding floor, holding the flashlight in one hand and the pipe in the other. He didn't care to have the legs of his pants soaked - even if they were hideous pants - and so he quickly made an exit before the flooding got too bad.

[to here]

minato, giovanni, pied piper

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