Night 43: M51-M60 Hallway

Aug 29, 2009 21:50

The intercom's words grew more and more telling as the day neared its end. Faize now understood that to those running the institute, he and the other captives were the subjects of some sort of reeducation program, one which was responsible for the brainwashing of patients, visitors, and doctors alike. Next Wave, the announcements mentioned often. ( Read more... )

kakashi, sechs, sai, rolo, sasuke, xigbar, aidou, edgeworth, leonard, shikamaru, fox, souji seta, faize, jason, matt

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M60 toobothersome September 2 2009, 12:07:30 UTC
Sai's voice sounded about as thrilled as Ino's when their mission required crawling through mud, but at any rate, it was a voice and it wasn't saying no. That was about all he could hope for. He twisted the knob and shoved the door inward.

Shikamaru kept his flashlight beam aimed at the floor, and made particular effort to seem oblivious as he flopped onto the mattress of Sai's roommate's bed, weaving his fingers in their usual position behind his neck and fixing his on the ceiling, though he had only shadows to watch. He started speaking immediately, as if everything was fine and Sai had shown up at his room rather than vice versa.

"Yeah, so I haven't gotten in touch with Sakura, but there's no reason to assume that her team's plans have changed. We'll stop by her room, and if they've already left, we'll just leave the sedative in her drawer and work things out on the bulletin tomorrow. It's not worth tracking her down if she's with the other two, and if anything's changed, she'd leave a note. As for us, we should try for the basement again."

Kakashi wasn't here yet and the whole thing was ultimately his decision, but the jounin had wanted him to be more active as a leader, so he'd be more active as a leader. Except in extreme situations, Shikamaru had two voices: the 'can't you see I'm busy watching clouds' voice, and the authoritative one reserved for giving reports and explaining plans. He used the latter, though going anywhere with Sai was a terrible idea and he didn't intend to do so. Directly commenting on the other boy's condition, though, might be taken as an insult to his training, and as blunt as Shikamaru could be, he had worked with more than enough proud people in his time. He continued to pretend that he'd noticed nothing unusual and yawned loudly as he waited to see if he'd get any response beyond silence.

He really, really hoped that he wasn't going to have to go through this with Kakashi too.


Re: M60 tsunagari September 2 2009, 18:45:18 UTC
Very little of what Shikamaru said penetrated the thick fog currently engulfing Sai's cognitive mind. The words 'Sakura' and 'team,' were enough to get him moving, albeit mechanically. He stood, walking to the dresser where he pulled out the vial of sedative. It was laid carefully on his pillow.

He was silent as he made his way over to his closet and began undressing, changing into the preferred black. It would have been possible to complete the mission in the basic gray uniform, but he was also taking this opportunity to try and get his thoughts focused. It took him longer than usual, every movement careful. He almost put his shoes on the wrong feet - had to stop himself and redo them.

There would also be reason to arm himself, and the ninja took a moment to ponder on what from his fair-sized assortment of weaponry he should bring. There were scalpels, his kunai for sure, the trowels might stop being usable soon (they weren't built for combat), and there was something else...


Re: M60 toobothersome September 3 2009, 00:52:37 UTC
Shikamaru moved one arm just enough to drag his hand down his face, giving a barely audible groan. He could hear the other ninja preparing more slowly than usual, and considering Sai's usual efficiency, Shikamaru would have to be an idiot not to infer what it meant. Sometimes, it was almost surprising how often Shikamaru wished he was an idiot. His eyes remained on the ceiling, watching shadows shift as he adjusted his weight to return his hand to its position behind his neck. Flash of memory: once, age four, he'd whined to his father about the injustice of the fact that studying shadows was the exact opposite of watching clouds. His father replied, quite seriously, that it must be some form of karmic punishment for arguing with women in a past life, so he'd better be careful in this one. For better or worse, the past pressed hard against the present that evening. If he'd been alone, Shikamaru would have smiled at the memory.

He wasn't going to start some kind of 'let's talk about it' conversation with Sai, and he sure as hell wasn't going to pretend to understand. They only had one thing in common--being Leaf-nin--so for now, he'd have to stick with that. "Look, Sai," Shikamaru started, "I know we went through completely different training, and I know that yours had some kind of feelings-are-weaknesses thing. I also figure that you're part of some secret elite organization, so I don't expect a chuunin's opinion to mean much, but getting here was a hassle and I don't feel like walking back to my room, so you're going to hear it anyway." He waved away the preamble, sighing, before getting to the meat of the conversation. "A couple days ago, you told me that the mission is most important thing. The only thing, I think." The phrasing had struck him as odd at the time, but at least it was something close to Leaf-nin loyalty. He closed his eyes, and this time, when he continued, his voice carried a sense of casual and unintentional authority, as if he'd very carefully and deeply considered every aspect of what he was about to say but never thought of how to phrase it to someone else. "If you really care about your team and your mission, you have to know about every single part of yourself, even the shit you don't want to see. If you think you're stronger than you are and you make a mistake, other people are going to have to clean up your shit, and that's only if you're lucky enough to have other people left." He paused, closed his eyes, and after a few seconds, Shikamaru took a heavy breath, exhaled, and tried again with more professional language. "What I mean is this: if you don't accurately assess your every current strength and weakness before taking on an assignment, you risk the success of the mission and the lives of everyone on your team. It's not easy for anyone, and it's probably harder for you. But, you know, as a member of your team, I've got a bit of a vested interest here." He opened his eyes to glance at the other ninja, even giving a very slight smirk at his final comment before looking back to the ceiling, again thoughtful. "Are you sure that you're up for whatever I'm planning tonight?"


Re: M60 tsunagari September 3 2009, 06:52:26 UTC
Sai had to force himself to focus on what the other ninja was saying. It was difficult. Sentences blurred together into meaningless nonsense, and as he stared at Shikamaru sometimes it appeared as though his mouth would move but no words would be spoken at all. He did hear the word mission several times, and from what he could make out from it all he thought he could put in context to grasp the basic meaning.

He began speaking, voice low but slowly rising to a more audible level. "There are no names. There are no feelings... There is no past... there is no future. There is only the mission..." Part of the Root mantra, apart from the lines that actually pertained to Root. It was a conduit, a means of focus. He brushed dark bangs away from his eyes, knowing the answer to Shikamaru's last question and finding it unacceptable.

No, he wasn't up to it. In his current state, he was liable to get himself, or possibly all of them, killed. He couldn't give that answer.

"Shikamaru-san... I need to ask something of you." He stood straight, allowing his hands to fall at his sides. His expression was still lifeless, but there was a seed of determination in his eyes. "I want you to hurt me. A couple good hits might do it."


Re: M60 toobothersome September 3 2009, 08:15:42 UTC
Um. Well. Sai wasn't a girl, so he had that working in his favor, but the idea of punching any Leaf-nin wasn't exactly appealing, especially one who'd pinned him with practically no effort just the day before. Still, with a groan, he moved enough to swing his legs to the ground. Not enough to stand up, of course, but it was still a reasonable gesture that he might do so in the future.

"I don't think that's how it works," he said. "I mean, I might hit you, but you're not always going to have people around to punch some sense into you. No argument would convince Naruto, for instance, and Kakashi'd see right through it."

Mentally, he reviewed what was clearly a memorized mantra. Though he could only make out a few bits and pieces, it wasn't hard to piece together the general idea, even if many of the words were lost. Great. Just great. So, it was pretty much what he expected, only worse, and with some good brainwashing going on too. Shikamaru sighed and rubbed the side of his face. He'd probably annoyed Sai enough over the course of yesterday's afternoon, and while he didn't particularly care who considered him a friend, those who disliked him were a hassle. Unfortunately, so were useless teammates, and if he had to choose between the two, he'd pick the one that most likely wouldn't get him killed.

"First, I damn well hope you have a future, because I'm about to be a part of it and I'm a little attached to being alive." That was easy enough, and his voice was light, emphasized with a shrug. Now, for the hard part.

Shikamaru fell back, stretching his arms over his head and not at all feeling like having this conversation. Despite the laziness of his movement, he took careful stock of the room's shadows in case he had to use them. "Second. You obviously have some kind of past. When you and Kakashi told me about the visitors, you said you were visited by someone you were close to before his death. Then, a few hours ago, you said something else about loved ones or people close to us." He looked up, but otherwise didn't move. "I'd rather not argue, because arguing's a pain in the ass and we both know I'd win anyway." Cocky, but true. Shikamaru knew when he had a point, and Sai seemed logical enough to recognize it as well. Hopefully. "If you have a good reason for wanting me to hit you, I will, but if it's just a distraction and you're going to keep ignoring this junk until it hurts someone who isn't you, I've got an obligation to my village and my friends to make sure you fix it."


Re: M60 tsunagari September 3 2009, 13:05:25 UTC
"I am... aware of this." Sai's eyes wandered to the smiley face on Shikamaru's shirt and held there. "I'm aware that it's wrong. All of those things you said... I know they're true. Naruto helped me realize that." It was funny how one boy had so easily broken years worth of training. Perhaps he hadn't been as solidly grounded in it as he'd thought to begin with. "But... It's all I've known for years, and my foundation is breaking apart too quickly."

He remembered his other weapon now. Slowly, Sai bent and slid his machete out from underneath his mattress. It wasn't a sword, not as solid and the edge was too dull, but it was a better weapon than the trowels. The ninja set it beside his pillow where it wouldn't clink against the sedative vial. He considered pulling it on the chuunin, threatening him into action, but they didn't need to be drawing blades on each other right now.

"I can't focus." His expression now was a little pained. "Please hit me, and hard, or I'll hit you first." And he wouldn't go easy on him either. He refused to be this way, seeing Shin's face every time his mind wandered.


Re: M60 toobothersome September 4 2009, 02:30:34 UTC
"People don't get to sit around and pick when they feel like dealing with their shit," he said. "If you need to be alone, fine, I'll leave." Wouldn't that be convenient? "But if I do, you'd better show up tomorrow ready to act like a Leaf-nin, because we're trying to get the hell out of this place and you don't get to skip out on that based on personal issues."

Shikamaru was known for speaking his mind, but anyone who'd grown up with him would have found the degree of force behind his words suspicious. It certainly wasn't easy to maintain. Sai wasn't listening to reason, though, and Shikamaru doubted compassion would work on someone with that kind of outlook on emotion. Even if the other ninja had made some kind of sympathetic connection with Naruto, Shikamaru wasn't Naruto, and when it came to demeanor, the two could hardly be more different. Shikamaru didn't attract friends...there was nothing in his personality that drew people to him, and he was perfectly fine with that. Why couldn't Naruto be here, anyway? And where the hell was Kakashi? This wasn't in his job description, and it wasn't in his nature. Pain in the ass. He'd be particularly eloquent when complaining about it tomorrow.

Initially, there was a small chance Shikamaru might have punched Sai, but that chance lowered with every word Sai said, and once the other boy reached under his mattress, the odds were completely gone.

"Are you seriously threatening me?" Shikamaru asked, groaning in disbelief before rolling off the bed and onto his feet. He added 'persistent and forceful' to his notes about tomorrow's complaints. "You're not going to attack me. It's night, I have chakra, and you're completely surrounded by shadow. Would you rather have this conversation like a ninja, or while bound against your will?"


Re: M60 tsunagari September 4 2009, 05:57:48 UTC
"I'm not trying to skip out on anything!" Sai raised his voice, and this was unusual enough coming out of him that it sounded unnatural. His face went from pained to angry. "It was a simple enough request I made of you, and you should have done it." Naruto would have done it, no matter what Shikamaru said to the contrary. He could have goaded Sakura into doing it easily.

He wasn't going to go back on his own words, either. True to his warning, the ninja took a couple quick steps forward, ready to swing at Shikamaru's face. If the shadows stopped him, he'd work with that as well. "Are you really willing to waste energy on me instead, when this could have been over quickly?"


Re: M60 toobothersome September 4 2009, 21:23:48 UTC
"Whatever, Sai. I'm not fighting you." Shikamaru stepped sideways, towards the door, hands tense but not forming the seal necessary to lock his shadow with Sai's. He had faith in his ability to move quickly if necessary; after all, the technique was the first he'd learned, and he'd used it on almost every mission since. "If I hit you now, I'll have to hit you tomorrow night, and then the night after that, and every night until we get out of this place. It's a pain in the ass, and I'm not putting my life in the hands of someone I need to punch before I can trust."

Dealing with Sai's emotional distress was more of a hassle than it was worth, and the more Shikamaru thought about it, the more certain he was that he wasn't the one who ought to be here. He'd already tried both logic and verbal force, and staying any longer would be a waste of chakra. Maybe one of the others could fix Sai later, or if he'd been like this for weeks, maybe he was beyond help. Either way, there was no point in sticking around.

"When you get your shit together enough to act like a trained ninja, you know where my room is. Otherwise, I'm going back and taking a nap, because it's obvious that we're not making any progress tonight."


Re: M60 tsunagari September 5 2009, 08:19:44 UTC
There was a good chance that Sai had never looked as angry as he did then. As Shikamaru turned away, the other ninja drew his single kunai, flipped it over in his hand, and threw it as hard as he could. He wasn't aiming at the chuunin; no, the kunai buried itself deep between the door and the door frame, effectively making it just that much more difficult to open. Any delay to keep him in... even if he wasn't quite sure what he wanted anymore.

He didn't want to be so easily dismissed. Being called unfit for a mission due to his emotional state hit him somewhere deep. He was a trained ninja. Highly trained! This incident shouldn't have been hitting him as hard as it was. That's why he needed the help of his peer...

"Don't walk away from me." His voice shook and his teeth were gritted tightly. "...Please."


Re: M60 toobothersome September 5 2009, 22:56:51 UTC
Shikamaru froze when the kunai slammed into the frame of the door inches away. His muscles twitched but his arms remained at his side--if Sai had intended to kill him, that kunai would be at the base of his neck and not embedded beside the door. There was no point in binding him, not with so little chakra to spare. "I'm not hitting you," he said, voice tense and flat. Shikamaru turned to lean against the door, folding his arms, kunai over his shoulder.

It was the 'please,' that had gotten to him, a word rarely uttered by ninja and certainly not by ninja of Sai's caliber. If not for that word, he would have yanked open the door and kept walking, but as it was, Sai had a few seconds. "Give me a reason not to leave."


Re: M60 tsunagari September 8 2009, 06:01:33 UTC
At first, Sai just stood and glared at Shikamaru without making any further movements. Then he seemed to just... deflate. He fell to his knees on the floor, hands in his lap, head bowed. What had he been about to say? Was it even worth it?

"I..." His throat closed up on him, causing him to swallow before he could continue. "I apologize, Shikamaru-san. My actions tonight have been inexcusable. If you'll allow me just a few minutes to calm myself down, I would like to go with you." He might be able to get himself to focus once he started taking the mission seriously. It had worked before. "Please just talk with me. I won't ask you to hit me again."


Re: M60 toobothersome September 8 2009, 08:22:48 UTC
Of course, it would be Shikamaru stuck in this situation. Despite how deeply he cared about the Leaf-nin as a whole and his usual teammates in particular, he'd avoided much closer friends because he found other people's pain especially troublesome. It might sound hard to believe, but Shikamaru had a strong empathetic streak (even when kunai were thrown inches from his head) and though his visitor session hadn't gone as poorly as everyone else's, he wasn't in the best condition to lead some kind of pep-talk.

He pushed away from the wall and again sat down on Sai's roommate's bed, though this time he leaned back against the wall before crossing his ankles and pressing the fingers of both hands into the back of his neck. "You're not going with me, because I'm not going anywhere besides my room," Shikamaru said. There was no malice or judgment in his voice; he spoke calmly, stating facts. "I don't think you're ready to go out. If we run into problems before you're ready, even if you think you are, you'll make mistakes. Trust me, I've done it. I might not seem it, but I'm a pretty good judge of character."

If Sai wanted to keep sitting on the floor, that was up to him, but Shikamaru hoped it wasn't any sign of deference. He stretched, half-yawning. They never got enough sleep in this place. He was noticing the fatigue in others as well.

"I don't want any excuses, either," he said, though the kunai thing had been a bit excessive. "I don't expect you not to feel anything. I figure that it's better to get it out of the way than have it come out at some vital time. Nothing's going to stay bottled up forever, especially when the pressure keeps building, and that's what this place is about." He looked up to the ceiling, another silent plea. Why him, dammit? Not. His. Job. "I don't want to see some half-assed attempt at repressing things, either. I'll recognize it. But it's okay to be angry when everything you're used to is falling apart. If you need to get that out of your system, I'll fight you, but you're not using weapons and I'm binding you the instant it gets out of hand. That's a one-time offer, though, and I'm sure as hell not just standing around and punching you. That's not a coping mechanism. It's a sign of mental instability and I don't work with mentally unstable people." He wasn't pleased about making the offer to someone who was so more physically proficient than himself, but he knew that anger could be an important stage of dealing with things, and yes, his control over shadows made serious damage impossible. Hitting people who didn't plan to defend themselves, though, was a completely different matter, and he refused to be a part of it.

Finishing his stretch, Shikamaru folded his arms over his chest. As much as he'd like to, he couldn't turn his back on any Leaf-nin who needed to not be alone.

"So let's talk, then, or whatever. As long as we're in this place, we're stuck as a team, and we can't work as a team unless we're all okay. I'm not the leader, but I'm sure Kakashi would agree with me. We're all Leaf-nin, and we need to take care of each other. That's just how it works."


Re: M60 tsunagari September 8 2009, 22:27:26 UTC
As Shikamaru spoke, Sai's head hung a little further. He closed his eyes. The other ninja was repeating exactly what he didn't want to hear - that he was unfit to participate in a mission due to psychological and emotional issues. Danzo's displeased face flashed briefly in his mind. As he currently was, he was a disgrace to Root and everything it stood for. Even if he meant to separate himself from that organization, from a good portion of the training he'd undergone, it shouldn't have been like this.

When the other boy mentioned fighting, Sai peered up at him through dark bangs. He almost took him up on the offer, as the desire to simply tire himself to help forget about some of his worries was strong. It was past the time for that now, though, and he shook his head. Shikamaru was right. Fighting wasn't going to help anything.

He pushed himself up from the ground, once again feeling drained, and sat heavily on the edge of his own bed. Problem was, he wasn't entirely certain what he wanted to talk about. The idea of Shikamaru walking out on him as he was about to had just been painful. He couldn't explain why, either. "Have you... spoken with Naruto today?"


Re: M60 toobothersome September 8 2009, 23:08:21 UTC
Shikamaru shook his head. "I talked to you and Sasuke about visitors and then...nothing, really. I had a lot on my mind. I needed to sort it out." He folded his legs in the proper way, sitting up a little more but not completely abandoning the nonchalance of his posture. The position was natural to him, considering how many hours he'd spent seated like that on a dark cushion back in Konoha.

"I haven't talked to Naruto since showing up here," he said, shrugging slightly. He knew that he ought to talk to the other ninja, but once again, Shikamaru preferred to avoid the discomfort of others when possible. "I'm pretty good at taking care of myself once I've figured everything out, but I'm not so good at helping other people. Naruto has people closer to him to provide the support he needs, and to help them out when they need it." In this place, Shikamaru was needed for very little beyond tactical reasons, and he wasn't bothered by the fact. He didn't need the kind of emotional support most others seemed to require, though on very rare occasions, he wished he could speak like a person and not a ninja, the way he could talk to Chouji. That was irrelevant, though. Things were what they were. No point in thinking like that. "If you want to talk to him, though, I'm sure you could. He doesn't see busy, he's just...well, I haven't seen him around that often, and when I do, he's often sleeping."

Sometimes Shikamaru wondered what it was about Naruto. He felt the draw as well, the desire to be in the boy's company (well, when that company wasn't filled with 'my teacher's dead' misery). "You said that Naruto helped you get past that no past/no future stuff. What's the deal there?"


Re: M60 tsunagari September 9 2009, 06:24:10 UTC
Sai's first response, that he hadn't seen Naruto around much either and he was concerned about this, was cut off before he even began by Shikamaru's question. He sat blinking, expression almost comical in his surprise. What the other ninja was asking for was difficult to explain, as he wasn't sure he really understood it himself. Naruto just had a way about him. The way he acted and the way he said things...

"He... reminded me of my brother," he answered quietly once he'd given it some thought. Brow creased in thought, he struggled to recall the exact moment he'd switched sides. "The way he was, and... more importantly, he reminded me of the things I hadn't yet let go. And why. My existence at the time was... empty and pointless in comparison." He'd had a dream - one he could no longer fulfill, as one of the key elements was missing: a boy with a bright smile and positive attitude. The same boy the Institute had brought to see him that day. Naruto brought along the possibility that he wouldn't have to remain alone.

He raised a hand to rub at his forehead. "I told you, didn't I? Who they bring to see me?"


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