Night 43: M51-M60 Hallway

Aug 29, 2009 21:50

The intercom's words grew more and more telling as the day neared its end. Faize now understood that to those running the institute, he and the other captives were the subjects of some sort of reeducation program, one which was responsible for the brainwashing of patients, visitors, and doctors alike. Next Wave, the announcements mentioned often. ( Read more... )

kakashi, sechs, sai, rolo, sasuke, xigbar, aidou, edgeworth, leonard, shikamaru, fox, souji seta, faize, jason, matt

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M60 host_club_honey September 1 2009, 02:19:06 UTC
Sai hadn't been in much mood for conversation and Honey would've liked to walk over and give him a hug. As it was though, he kept from taking the offered dessert, figuring that if Sai was already sad, he would probably need it, even if Honey might want it.

When night came, Honey said goodbye and toddled over to the door, keeping it open a crack for when Takashi showed up. He remembered to bring his broken-off broom-stick from the other night; maybe it would do them some good. Just in case. Though he'd much prefer to work on making cakes instead of fighting monsters.


Re: M60 mukuchi September 2 2009, 12:00:22 UTC
[skipping a hall from here]

The closet rod was kept secure against his body, caught in the crook of his elbow as his arm sat in the sling. The coconut cream pie in his other hand, Mori had made his way rather easily from his room to Mitsukuni's. Considering that he still had two red bumps on his forehead, he wasn't feeling all that dizzy or faint. Maybe he'd been right about the hard head thing. Or maybe it was just that he was getting used to running into things when he was distracted.

When he approached the room, Mori felt a moment of panic rip through him when he didn't see Mitsukuni waiting in the hall. But that cleared when he sniffed the air and realized that his cousin was only inside, rather than out in the dark hallway. Probably better that way, all things considered. Going up to the door, he tapped it with the closet rod and then eased the door open with his foot, sticking his head in to see where Mitsukuni was.


Re: M60 host_club_honey September 2 2009, 15:28:47 UTC
Honey pulled the door open with a smile to greet his friend. Takashi seemed a little disoriented and while it was hard to see well in the dark, Honey was pretty sure he saw a bump or two on the boy's head. Usa-chan and the broom handle were tucked under one arm so he could reach up to take the pie from Takashi.

He ate it quickly though, as he often had with the cakes, downing it all in less than three bites. Maybe it was a bit of a waste, but they were on their way to more cake right now, so it would be fine, wouldn't it? He didn't want to keep the others waiting either. Wonka-sama or their new friend, whom Honey realized hadn't given them much of a description to find him. Hopefully he'd know them on sight.


Re: M60 mukuchi September 3 2009, 05:59:19 UTC
It was good to see that Mitsukuni was armed, too. He wished he could find something else to use though. Kunai or throwing stars or...something. His cousin was adept at many times of weapon, but holding a staff just never seemed to fit with his image. Especially not with the rabbit right next to it.

Mori waited until Mitsukuni was finished and then turned for the door, stopped, and turned back, kneeling down. Even if his left shoulder was injured, his right was fine and having Mitsukuni perched there would actually make him feel better of all things. If he had to focus on balancing two people instead of just himself, his thoughts would clear and he was certain he wouldn't do something as embarrassing as running into door frames like earlier. Besides, it was faster, wasn't it? And they had to get to the Sun Room where Willy Wonka and the new person was waiting. Tilting his head, he looked over at Mitsukuni, waiting to see what he would do.


Re: M60 host_club_honey September 3 2009, 19:44:45 UTC
Honey didn't want to embarrass Takashi or make him worry, so he didn't mention the little bumps. He was just careful when he reached forward to pat his friend on the head and planted an innocent kiss over one of the offending owies before climbing up onto his shoulder.

"Ready," he announced, once he was steady at the top. Usa-chan sat in his lap and it was a balancing act with the rest. He pulled the flashlight from his waistband and clicked it on, holding it in one hand to light their way, while trying to keep the broom-handle from becoming a hazard if Takashi decided to speed through the hallways.

"We're meeting in front of the Sun Room. Wonka-sama and... Scourge? I wonder what he's like. It isn't a very cute-sounding name. I hope he's nice."


Re: M60 mukuchi September 6 2009, 13:55:30 UTC
[DX Sorry for the weight. I was gone from Friday-Sunday pretty much.A kiss on his forehead and a pat on the head and Mori smiled. Yes, he knew he was hurt, but Mitsukuni always did and never said anything. He knew that when people asked after him, he got flustered, so in small ways they did it without saying a word. He'd be fine. The bumps were nothing more than reminders that he cared for the people around him ( ... )


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