Night 43: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Aug 29, 2009 16:26

[from here]The halls were empty so far, which was probably a good sign. Suzaku was hoping to get a move-on quickly, so they could hurry up and get Yuffie's sword made. The first night he'd been here, he'd been pulled back to his bed the instant he made it outside, so they'd have to move fast if they wanted to make any decent progress. And right ( Read more... )

kirk, kitty pryde, endrance, dias, badou, gale, hanatarou, rude, teisel, sora, doumeki, jason, indiana jones, raz, luffy, asch, lockon (neil), euphemia, suzaku, rey, franziska, luxord, dist, lunge, teresa, cissnei, kanji, von karma, albedo, venom, kio, abe sapien, tsukasa, peter petrelli, depth charge, porky, two-face, soubi, edgar, tenpou, matt, sylar, rolo, manny, howl, tyki, spock, nathan petrelli, l, haseo, rubedo, sokka

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razmaspaz August 29 2009, 20:32:27 UTC
[from here]

Okay, just what the hell was going on? Raz knew that he shouldn't be disappointed at the lack of monsters roaming the halls, but he couldn't help it. Were all the other patients pulling a prank on him? Or maybe everyone else were, as a ironic twist, actually crazy. He sighed; maybe the duel was some kind of trick too...

Still, that didn't deter him from heading over to the Sun Room. Maybe that math guy actually was psychic. And who knows? The monsters could just be at on a coffee break... A coffee break of the damned. Or something.

[unwittingly waiting for Abe]


bprd_fishman August 29 2009, 22:15:05 UTC
[ From here.]

Abe slipped through the door to find a young boy in the next hallway. It was the same one who'd written the note about psychics and had such strange adventures. Abe had expected him to be taller, having only seen his top half in his limited psychic reading of the child's note.

"Hello!" he called out softly, stepping out and shutting the door behind him. "You're one of the other psychics, aren't you?" It felt a bit awkward knowing about him without knowing his hame. There were so many psychotypical social graces he needed to learn...


razmaspaz August 30 2009, 17:47:37 UTC

Raz jumped up in fright and began looking around frantically for the source of the voice. Monsters? Was it a monster? But as it turned out, it was something much more ordinary and much less horrifying: a tall, friendly redhead greeting him.

But wait, how did this guy know that he was psychic? Unless...

"Are you psychic too?" Raz asked excitedly. "Wow, it seems like there are a lot of psychics hanging around here for some reason. Maybe there's a reason for that..."


bprd_fishman August 30 2009, 17:57:57 UTC
"And others with unique abilities, I think." Abe smiled, overly wide, and touched his chest. "I'm Abe Sapien, we communicated over the bulletin board. I don't recall your name but I saw your face when I did a psychometric reading of your note." It seemed more convenient to get these things out of the way beforehand, before people became paranoid about what he knew and how.

He carefully shut the door behind him and stepped towards Raz, flicking his flashlight back and forth along the length of the hallway.


razmaspaz September 9 2009, 20:33:47 UTC
Psychometric reading? Raz had never heard of that before... And how was that possible? He had read every issue of True Psychic Tales that ever existed! When Porky was talking about people from other worlds, was this what he was talking about?

"Yeah, I think I remember you," he replied. "I'm sorry for not replying to you earlier, I was kinda busy with other thin- ooh!" Raz's eyes lit up; maybe as a psychic, Abe would appreciate this! "Actually, I'm going to the Sun Room to have a psychic duel! You wanna come and watch?"


bprd_fishman September 9 2009, 20:45:59 UTC
"A duel?" Abe asked, cocking his head to the side. "What do those entail? What...exactly would I be watching?" A battle taking place between minds wouldn't be that visually stimulating.

If he'd been more of an active psychic rather than a passive one and in a less weakened state, he'd have asked to come along just to protect them. Raz seemed very young to be getting into something so dangerous. But perhaps he had the wrong idea of it and it was just a harmless frivolity that would not turn a child's brain into mush.


razmaspaz September 10 2009, 20:32:43 UTC
"Well," Raz began to explain, "there would probably be a lot of PSI-blasts- err, which are psychic lasers, basically. And we would be using shields to guard ourselves and stuff, maybe levitate around or pick things up with our minds... Really, it's just like a regular duel with swords or fists, but in a psychic duel, your only weapon is your mind." He tapped his head lightly with his finger to illustrate his point.

"So, whaddya say, Abe? Interested?"


bprd_fishman September 10 2009, 20:39:24 UTC
"Oh, you mean like telekinesis!" That sounded far safer for children than pillaging each other's minds. Psi-blasts were also foreign, but he supposed one might heat the air at a certain point in a straight line making it similar to a laser.

Abe shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I was planning on exploring further tonight. Perhaps another time?" It did sound quite exciting.


razmaspaz September 11 2009, 18:38:35 UTC
"Oh..." Raz said with a tinge of disappointment. It would have been nice to hang around a psychic that wasn't a psychotic math fanatic, but there was only so much he can have, he supposed. The boy shrugged. "Well, suit yourself. I'd explore around too if I hadn't already had this scheduled."

"See you around," he bid farewell to the tall man, but continued to say, "By the way... there are monsters around I hear. Be careful."

The Psycadet waved goodbye and headed south.

[to here]


bprd_fishman September 11 2009, 19:38:43 UTC
Such strange goings-on here. Abe made a note to find out in the morning who won.

He took the other path, heading away from...Abe hadn't even gotten his name. Oh, well.

[ To here.]


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