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perfectrecord August 30 2009, 13:42:04 UTC
[From here]

The prosecutor quickly headed through the patient block hallway, and then to the larger one leading through the main part of the building.

As he proceeded down the long hall, he noted something odd in the periphery of his vision to the left. He turned his head to examine the wall that was normally blank. Strange. He could have sworn that a panel of the wall had been removed, displaying a mass of electrical wires, perhaps for maintenance repairs. But a direct inspection assured him that the wall was intact as ever. Perhaps he had merely misperceived the shadows cast from his flashlight. At any rate, it was far less important than arriving at his daughter's patient block as quickly as possible; he had no time right now to waste on such a relatively trivial matter.

[Skipping one more hallway to here]


perfectrecord September 6 2009, 22:23:40 UTC
[From here, and passing through at a different time than Edgeworth appeared here]

There was only one man standing here, but again, it was no one von Karma knew. The elder prosecutor opened the door leading to the patient block. Still seeing no one familiar beyond it, he beckoned to Franziska. "Please enter," he ordered, holding the door open for her in an act of stiff formality.


iwhipthefool September 9 2009, 12:58:35 UTC
As her father held open the door, Franziska curtsied to him as she had been trained to since birth. If her father was going to let her go first, she couldn't refuse. Stepping forward, she continued into the next hall.

[to here]


iwhipthefool September 20 2009, 08:07:48 UTC
[from here]

Whatever explosion had rocked the building and caused her father some problems, she could only imagine what had happened to her brother. Even after all these years, that man hadn't gotten over his fear and the slightest rocking of the earth usually managed to send him into unconsciousness. Right now, she didn't have time to check on him, however. She had to return to her room and secure the fingerprints somewhere no one would find. Since she now knew that desk drawers could lock? It was time to look into locking hers.


iwhipthefool September 20 2009, 08:11:56 UTC
[to here]


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