The late-afternoon sun filled the large, open Sun Room. It was almost enough to make you sleepy, Euphemia thought, as she walked in, brushing a little glitter off her shirt. She didn't particularly feel like she was up to much - the worrying about everyone had drained her, as much as she'd tried not to think too much about it
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The Shofixti put that thought aside. It would do him no good anymore to let his anger rise against the VUX... the Captain was dead, he reminded himself, and his last wishes were for ZEX to be happy and for them to return to their world. Which mean that they'd have to work together for now, Winged Ones help him.
After a brief trip past the bulletin board, Tanaka sat down on a couch near the main doors of the Sun Room. Wherever ZEX was going next, he'd have to pass through there, which meant he'd be able to catch him and have that talk on what to do next.
[for Admiral Emo]
Either way, ZEX couldn't muster up the energy to be that concerned about what Tanaka wanted with him, or to look too hard for him. It was surprisingly hard to care about... anything right now. He walked into the Sun Room slowly, feeling heavy and tired. Find some place to sit, maybe... think about where to go from there...
"Do I?" ZEX raised a hand to brush some of his hair from his face. "It's hard to tell..." He couldn't see himself, after all. But he was definitely more than willing to sit down for a while.
Once there, vaguely he noted that Tanaka had touched him voluntarily which was unusual, and was showing what could be concern for him which was also unusual, but they were quirks in behavior that barely registered for him now. He rubbed at his eyes, which felt swollen and sore.
"You wanted to speak to me." That should have been a question, but he couldn't quite give it the energy it needed to be one. Well, it didn't matter.
"Yes," Tanaka said, once they were finally seated. "We need to make plans, Admiral. We know where the bastards behind this place are hiding their real labs, and we know the kinds of technology they have there. We just need to figure out how to get in, and to be frank you know more people who might be able to blow open those doors than I do." His wincing expression had faded by this point - he just looked serious, and slightly annoyed - but his eyes were on ZEX the whole time, waiting to see how he'd react - and what would be necessary to get him back on track.
"You may be right, Admiral," Tanaka replied when the VUX finally spoke again. "There is no need to repost it now - we can review it before setting off on tonight's mission." The Shofixti didn't mind the extra hands, either; more people in the group may make it move more slowly, but it also meant less chance of trouble when the next inevitable freakish science experiment came along. "What room are you being held in, so that I can find you when the doors unlock?"
"Yes... I have some of the materials required, but not all of them." Thankfully he'd had some assistance in getting some of the chemicals, although there were still a good amount of them that needed to be found. They had to be here somewhere, right? It probably wouldn't matter in the end, but it was at least something to do. "I'm in room M66." A moment, and he thought he should at least try to think outside himself. "What room are you in?" It might be useful to know.
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