Day 43 - Recreational Field, Third Shift

Aug 17, 2009 08:25

Spending all of brunch talking to a "Vulcan" and pretending he was just as much of a hardcore fanboy as Spock was one way to start a day ( Read more... )

sechs, sakura, batman, venom, depth charge, stahn, yuffie, sora, allelujah, asch, renamon, yue, juri, beatrix, dean winchester, raphael, terry

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see_my_back August 20 2009, 14:33:15 UTC
So the buses had somehow been safe from enemy attacks? And the people who acted as idiotically as this man had been perfectly fine while the rest of them fought for their lives and their sanity?! It was a true injustice. Sakura ground her heel silently into the grass, but did what she could to keep an even tone. "That's lucky. I hope all the screams of people dying around you didn't interrupt your night's rest."

Up until that moment, she could keep a handle on her temper. If only just. But when this bastard had the nerve to insult not only her way of ninja, but her home and her academy all in one moronic breath of air, something simply snapped.

"You!" she hissed, shoving him on the shoulder and stepping up so she could talk face to face, her green eyes alight with anger. She'd been itching to give the uniformed asshole a piece of her mind anyway, how nice of him to provide her with the opportunity. "You're that punk from the bulletin board!"

"Listen up. For the last time. Chakra? Is NOT MAGIC. It's a skill based on hard work and training that you obviously know nothing about! And I wouldn't even need it to kick your sorry ass from here to whatever primitive rock you came from! What the hell kind of ninja are you anyway? You didn't even go to an academy and you spend your time here getting into meaningless fights and being sedated on buses instead of helping people or, I don't know, looking for a way out?! Maybe you should try acting like a real ninja before you go telling people what you're oh-so-certain makes a good one!!" He was lucky alright. Lucky she hadn't already sent him flying across the recreational field. Not that she had any qualms about giving him the beat down he so rightly deserved.


donetakinorders August 21 2009, 01:59:23 UTC
Raphael didn't give any sign of noticing the girl's heel grinding at the grass, but he could tell that she was pretty ticked off about the idea that the buses had been safe or whatever. He mightn't look like he paid that much attention to his surroundings, but Master Splinter had made sure that wasn't the case. Or at least wasn't the case if you planned on making it through the day without getting whacked with a walking stick.

"What, you think I wanted to miss out on whackin' zombies?" he shot back. "Like I said, I got sedated. It ain't like I had a choice in the matter."

And then Pinky went and exploded on him.

Raph braced himself automatically as she shoved at him, matching her glare with his own and not backing down despite how close they were. "What, don't tell me you're one of those stupid ninjas babblin' on 'bout summonin' animals like it's some kinda video game?" he said, purposely putting as much sarcasm as possible into the question.

"Well for your information, I got sedated 'cause I was tryin' ta bust my way out of here! An' more importantly, from what I seen of your katas? You'd be better off forgettin' about your summons an' damn fairy rings or whatever the hell it is you think's so important and try just handlin' the basics." He laughed. "Not to mention I could wipe the floor with you; I seen better ninjas made of cardboard."


see_my_back August 21 2009, 16:10:46 UTC
This little stump of a man was a moron in more ways than she could even begin to calculate and the more he spoke, the more he added to the equation, in ever more infuriating ways. Nevermind the bus, but when he attacked her way of ninja, the very reasons she chose to live this life, that was another story entirely.

Sakura had not forgotten their little conversation on the bulletin. And moreso, the fact that words were useless against the idiotic miscreant. Nothing penetrated that thick skull; for heaven's sake, even Naruto could school this bastard in not only the art of ninja, but the basic knowledge too!

While he was babbling about fairy rings, whatever the hell those were, Sakura had already stopped listening. They were only inches apart to begin with, since her shove hadn't done its job of making the obnoxious jerk step off. She didn't wait for him to finish. Sakura swung her elbow up hard under his jaw. If she was lucky, he'd bite his tongue. Though a bloody nose would be nice too. She didn't even hesitate as she stomped her foot down too, heel aimed right for his instep. She might not be able to do much when the nurses were nearby, but that didn't mean she wouldn't make the best of what little time she had.


donetakinorders August 23 2009, 04:14:25 UTC
Anything else Raphael had been intending to say was abruptly cut off as Pinky jerked her elbow up and caught his jaw hard enough to make him see stars for a moment and taste blood, likely from where his stupid human teeth had cut into the inside of his stupid human mouth. Barely a second later and her foot stomped heavily on his, and Raph was forced to stagger back a couple of steps.

His guard came up automatically now, and he turned his head away to spit out a mix of blood and saliva on the grass before he spoke again. "Fine! You wanna fight? Then let's fight!"

The fact that the nurses would be on them to break things up in moments didn't even occur to him as Raphael charged back in, swinging at the girl's face in the hopes of evening the score a bit.


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