Day 43: Intercom, Noon

Aug 17, 2009 06:01

I.R.I.S. here again, and we continue to hope that you are enjoying your temporary stay at Landel's Institute! We hope that our staff have proved adequate for your needs so far, and we are now ready to showcase an uncommon - but vital - aspect of the lives of our future patients. Once every week, we will allow 'visitors' from the outside world to ( Read more... )

feldt, lockon (neil), intercom, abe sapien, dist, dick grayson, hime, setsuna, tenpou

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world_makeover August 18 2009, 06:42:40 UTC
It disturbed Dist a little, how quickly he'd become accustomed to sleeping in his cell. He hadn't even been there very long, but he supposed that the mind could get used to things very quickly. He didn't usually deviate from his habits so he tended to forget.

This was relevant because he very quickly recognized that he was not where he used to be, even without opening his eyes. The bed was more comfortable, at least, but it was still a bit unsettling. He blinked his eyes open, glancing around for a bit before sitting up and giving the room a more thorough once-over. It was... boring, really. Just two beds, white walls, bright lights, and quite possibly the least fashionable clothes he'd ever worn in his life(even moreso than when he was young, before he'd really developed good[in his mind] taste). Bad enough that they didn't let him keep his makeup after he was arrested, they had to take his clothes too? In addition, his glasses were on, which was odd, since he always removed them before sleeping to prevent them from getting bent. He'd pulled them off to inspect them, just in case, when the door opened.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up, Marcus," chirped a female voice, and Dist glanced up as he slid his glasses back on.

"My name is Dist," he said, his tone impatient. "Where am I? Is this Jade's idea of a joke?" The woman smiled and shook her head.

"There are no patients here by that name currently. You're in Landel's Institute; many of the patients here are a bit confused as to who they are, but you don't need to worry. We'll take good care of you." Her tone was infuriating, and Dist couldn't keep back a scowl.

"Don't patronize me! What's going on?!" He stood up, finding with a slight bit of annoyance that he wasn't that much taller than the woman. He wasn't particularly sad to not be in prison any more, but he would have expected some notice if they were going to move him. The woman's smile became a bit strained.

"I'll have to ask you not to shout. There's no need to get angry. Now, you like to make things, right?" She looked at the clipboard in her hand as she spoke. "Let's go to the arts and crafts room, then; you can meet some of your fellow patients there, as long as you control your temper."

"Good! They'll be more useful than you." He crossed his arms and didn't drop his scowl as he followed the (increasingly more exasperated) woman out of the room. Surely someone would be more helpful; he'd just have to find someone willing to talk.

[heading here. :3]


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