Nightshift 42: T&M Electronics Rooftop

Aug 05, 2009 14:12

[From here]

Okita was moving, and that was all the acknowledgement Yuffie needed. Moving over to the next building over would be a risk, what with two over being on fire, but it was a risk she'd rather take. Fire was dangerous and unpredictable. So was a Dudette with a freaking chainsaw.

Wasting no time, the ninja reversed her grip and pushed away from the edge. Split seconds were enough time to plant her feet and kick away, given herself the boost necessary for a somersault. Back home, this would've been easy, all too easy-the distance was nothing-but here, her skills felt raw, weak, and untested. Luckily, they were enough. The rush of air and exhilaration flew by, and Yuffie gained the rooftop of T&M Electronics without a problem. Immediately, her hands flashed to her belt, picking out one of the smaller knives she'd collected for throwing.

A quick jog around the perimeter and a pause to secure the door, and she was crouched at the edge over the store's front, ready to cover her companions. "All clear up here!" She reported, a little more clearly this time. With a precision born of years of training, she snapped her wrist and sent one knife flying, collecting another with her left hand as she did so. A zombie had been heading for Orangello, and stopping to turn and fight would just be a waste of time. Now it was down, and he'd have a few seconds to start up unhindered.


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