Day 22, Waiting Room 1, Evening Shift

Mar 03, 2007 11:07

Lust had believed herself spared from the entire visitors event. But no sooner than the announcement had been made, her nurse was at her side and gibbering excitedly about the chance to see a loved one ( Read more... )

rufus, obi-wan kenobi, ginji, lust, kadaj, visitors, elena (ffvii), scar

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repolarization March 3 2007, 18:58:20 UTC
Ginji walked nervously into the waiting room and sat down. He scanned the room looking for any sign of his partner's spikey brown hair. He did not want to see a brainwashed Ban, but he also couldn't help but also want to see the other Getbacker.

The chair wasn't super comfy, but at least it kept his knees from giving out from under him when he sat down.

He sighed and waited. If it was Ban, he would have to do everything to reach his partner. He didn't like the idea of him being hurt by the people here.


damned_visitors March 3 2007, 21:00:56 UTC
The door to the room opened, and the first of the second shift visitors entered. It was a middle aged woman, blond and tall and dressed in a tailored pant suit. She had the look of a professional about her, and she was being led by a nurse.

"He's right here, Ms. Meadows," the nurse was saying, as the blond woman was led towards Ginji. There was a smile on her face as she approached the young man.

"Gregory, your mother's here to see you." The nurse beamed and then retreated some, to allow for as private a reunion as possible.

"Gregory," the blond woman said, "it's so good to see you."


repolarization March 3 2007, 21:03:25 UTC
Ginji looked up at the woman. She was a stranger to him. He blinked. Still... there was something about her. Something unsettling.

"Who are you?" he asked, too stunned by whatever it was about her to be polite.


damned_visitors March 3 2007, 21:08:23 UTC
"Who am I?" She blinked. "I'm Angela Meadows, your mother." Angela tilted her head. She knew that her son was in the grip of a rather serious fugue, but she hadn't realized it was this bad.

"You really don't remember me, Greg? Not even at all?"


repolarization March 3 2007, 21:18:05 UTC
Ginji frowned slightly. He didn't know the name 'Angela Meadows' but he knew the word that she claimed to me.

"My..." he started, but his throat choked up on the words. "My mother?" He managed to say after he swallowed, voice cracking.

He blinked, this time holding back tears that seemed to want to rush to greet his eyes. "Mother..." he repeated, looking her up and down. It was possible she was just an actress, just someone else who worked for this place, but it was also possible that she was real. If it had been Ban who came through the door Ginji would have assumed that he was real just that these people had hurt him. Why couldn't he believe the same for this woman?

He wanted to so badly. He had wanted to meet her for so long. He just wanted to know who she was. Even if this version was wrong he didn't care...

They had brought his mother to him. His mother. Despite everything, Ginji reached out very quickly and hugged the woman, wrapping his arms around her ( ... )


damned_visitors March 3 2007, 21:32:21 UTC
"I guess that answers my question." Angela returned the hug, and kissed the top of Gregory's head. "Brainwashed? Of course I'm not brainwashed. And you saw me before I brought you here, remember? I know we've had our problems, but I'd hoped you'd remembered me even a little bit."

But obviously Greg was still firmly in the grips of his delusions. She had hoped for some progress. She knew these things took time, but for her own son to think he'd never even met her? It was painful, to say the least.


repolarization March 3 2007, 22:30:00 UTC
"You brought me here?" Ginji asked, not moving. Feeling her kiss him was comforting, even if he was trying to remind himself that he should be more wary. If this Greg person had his mother would it be so bad to be him? If he could hug her like this more than just this once...?

His arms tightened slightly. He didn't want to let go.


damned_visitors March 4 2007, 00:35:21 UTC
"Of course I brought you here. You were...." She stopped herself from saying 'raving insane'. "You were having some problems. You needed to come here for intensive treatment."

The poor thing, he was still clearly traumatized. She petted his hair and let him cling to her.

"How is your treatment going?"


repolarization March 4 2007, 02:23:44 UTC
"Treatment?" Ginji pulled away from the woman. "You mean the torture. They are hurting me. If you brought me you can get me out." He stared at her, testing her and still desperately wanting to believe that the face he was looking at really was the face of his mother. Then at least he would know her the next time they saw each other.


damned_visitors March 4 2007, 03:05:23 UTC
"Torture?" Angela blinked and then shook her head. "Greg, I know you don't want to be in here, but that's no reason to call your treatment torture." She sighed and tucked back a strand of her hair.

"But I'll talk to your doctors, if that would make you feel better. You can't come home until they say so, but I'll talk to them. I promise."


repolarization March 4 2007, 03:10:29 UTC
"What do you mean? They can't keep me here if you don't want them too, right?" Ginji asked, frowning. "I know I'm eighteen but you're supposed to be my mother, if you didn't want me here they couldn't force me." He stepped back and sat down, looking up at her with pleading eyes. "I want to go back to Ban-chan," he added, voice soft, scared and confused. He really missed his partner the most and it was all more clearer now with this woman standing before him.


damned_visitors March 4 2007, 03:16:15 UTC
"Greg... you're here because your delusions have advanced to the point where you might hurt yourself or someone else. And until the doctors say otherwise, I can't bring you back home. I don't want you in here. I want you back home, with me. We've missed too much time together as it is." Angela pursed her lips and patted Greg's knee, then offerred him a smile.

"But I will talk to your doctors and discuss your treatment with them. There are all kinds of methods to treat this sort of condition, and if one thing doesn't work, we'll try another. I promise you that I will do everything I can to get you back home as soon as possible."


repolarization March 4 2007, 03:21:49 UTC
Ginji looked at her, frowning.

"No matter what I say to you you won't believe me will you?" He wanted to tell her about the monsters, warn her, plead with her, but if in the end she was only going to say that he was crazy and shake it off then there was nothing he could do was there?

He put his hand on hers when she touched his knee and squeezed lightly before taking it back.

Even if she couldn't help him and he couldn't help her, he still couldn't believe that she was actually there. If she really was who she claimed to be anyway.


damned_visitors March 4 2007, 03:27:37 UTC
"Why don't you try telling me some things, and then we'll see?" Angela raised an eyebrow. She'd listen to him - she was his mother, what else would she do? But she didn't know how much she'd believe. She wanted to believe her son, but...

He was mentally ill. He believed things that weren't real. He couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. So she was going to take what he told her with a grain of salt.


repolarization March 4 2007, 03:38:29 UTC
"I already told you that they are hurting me," Ginji said, looking at her carefully. "During the first night I was here some doctors did this thing to me. It hurt. It wasn't them trying to 'cure' me or whatever. They were just being mean. But when I tell you this you only say it's treatment. That's what they want you to believe and maybe it really does sound all crazy." He frowned and then looked at her. "I want to believe that you are real, that you are my mom, that all that's wrong with me is all in my head, but if I do that then I don't even know who I am. I have to be who I think I am, nothing can stop that, right?"

He looked down. The words had sounded good and he had said them without really thinking, but who was he really? He wasn't even sure anymore.

"The people running this place are evil. I don't want you to be hurt by them too."


damned_visitors March 4 2007, 03:51:20 UTC
"What did they do to you?" Angela asked, wanting to hear everything before she made up her mind either way. Her expression was a serious one. "Greg, I want you to tell me exactly what you remember happening, alright?"

And then she frowned.

"Of course I'm real, and of course I'm your mother. If I'd known you didn't remember me at all, I would have brought baby pictures. Just... tell me what's been happening, alright?"


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