Night 42: Sun Room

Jul 28, 2009 20:48

[from here]Given her general knowledge of how most barracks were laid out, Teresa was not expecting to see a very large common room with couches and what appeared to be a second level above her head. Moonlight filtered in and it gave the hybrid a sense that this room was more suited to an inn instead of a barracks of hospital ( Read more... )

teresa, euphemia

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euphemise July 29 2009, 18:17:04 UTC
The princess breathed a quiet sigh of relief at seeing the moonlight through the windows. It was good to finally be in a room with a little light that wasn't her flashlight. More than that, this room felt a little more like something she would have seen back home, and a small smile came over her face. She ran her flashlight along the walls to add a little more illumination, then turned to Teresa and nodded. "It does," she said, "and that's probably a good thing. The rooms along the sides might prove to be really useful."

What was that square thing? It didn't look like a computerized map, but... Euphemia walked up to it anyway, squinting at as she did. She pouted a little once she was close enough to it. "It looks like the board here is where notices are usually posted, but...I think someone took everything down. Or at least I can't make out anything useful." That was a shame. She'd really been hoping for a map.


number1smiley July 30 2009, 05:19:53 UTC
Following Euphy over to the board, Teresa briefly looked it over. She was rather glad she'd been taught to read before she'd been sold to the Organization. If she hadn't, she never would have learned to do so; the Organization did not feel the need to educate their weapons in anything other than the ways of war against the youma and the so-called 'Voracious Eaters'.

Voracious Eaters. What a joke.

"Hmph. That is a shame," Teresa replied before turning away from the board as it was no longer of any interest to her. "Where do you wish to head from here? It appears we will have to navigate on our own merits."


damned_monsters August 3 2009, 16:29:55 UTC
The Sun Room was an eerie place at night, no sunlight to speak of to fill the large room. The vaulting ceiling was dark, the cheerful plants withered, the comforting furniture shrouded in shadow.

From high above in the murky darkness a sound could be heard. A leathery sound. Wings beating the air as something - or somethings - began to stir. The beam of a flashlight might reveal reddened eyes, high above bur drawing downwards.

The bats were hungry.



euphemise August 3 2009, 23:04:41 UTC
"Let's see what's in the other rooms," she said, and then paused. "Did you hear that?" Euphemia looked up, pointing her flashlight in the direction of the noise she was sure she had just heard.

What was that? She had no idea, and wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know. She stepped behind Teresa, unsure of what to do. She wasn't a fighter, and she didn't really want to do so if she could help it.


number1smiley August 3 2009, 23:19:32 UTC
"Yes," Teresa responded, eyes already searching the air above them. "Stay behind me," she told the girl, but found Euphy was already in the process of doing so.

The sound they'd heard brought to mind the few youma that were capable of flight, and the reddish reflection of Euphy's light passing near the source drew the hybrid's attention. She didn't sense any youma in the area, though she did feel something from that direction. She just didn't know what it was and was unusually unable to pinpoint it.

"It is most likely a common beast," she said calmly. "Let us move on. If it feels the need to press its luck, I will deal with it."


damned_monsters August 5 2009, 18:18:34 UTC
There was so little prey in the building tonight that the bats were growing desperate. There were only two, but in the darkness it was difficult to tell. They screeched and screamed as they winged above, circling to prepare to dive. There was warm flesh below. Warm flesh that wielded light, but even light wasn't enough to keep them away now.

As if on some silent signal, both bats dove in mirror images, jaws opened wide, wind whiling along their bloated bodies as they plummeted towards the two women.


euphemise August 5 2009, 19:56:01 UTC
The moment the bats screamed, so did Euphy, who froze in place, her blue eyes locking with the bats' red ones. What was this? Bats lived in caves or in old, abandoned houses, not places like this, right? She couldn't help stepping back and hiding behind Teresa. "I...I haven't ever seen a bat up close, but I'm scared. Do they normally make this much sound?"


number1smiley August 5 2009, 22:06:22 UTC
Silver eyes narrowing at the girl's scream, Teresa reached back to brush her arm against Euphy's leg as she silently gave her permission to use the hybrid as a shield. Watching the two bats as they descended, she scoffed. They were indeed common beasts and, in her opinion, nothing to be worried about.

"Sometimes," the woman replied, readying her hand to give the bats a forceful backhand when it got within range. "It depends on the type. Train your light on them if you can, but do not tax yourself."


damned_monsters August 7 2009, 20:45:13 UTC
The creatures were not so easily swayed, the monstrous effect of the institute lending them more than simply strength, bloodlust and rot. They were focused, and they were hungry.

And beyond that, they were cunning, in the way of predator animals where prey was scarce and fought back.

While one rose once more, away from Teresa's potentially dangerous hand to dive again, the other canted its wings and cut behind, going for the other woman. The assumed weaker of the two.


euphemise August 8 2009, 03:05:35 UTC
"Right," she said, bracing herself. If she pretended she was elsewhere and just trying to shine that light up to see something in the distance...

Euphy trained the flashlight beam upwards, trying to keep the beam from shaking too much. It was hard, because every instinct she had said to drop the light and run. She focused so hard on the first one that she didn't see the second one until it was in a dive heading straight for her.

She couldn't stop herself from screaming and swinging the flashlight in an effort to knock the creature away. She didn't want to hurt it more than she had to, and she didn't want to kill it - she just wanted it to go away as quickly as possible.


number1smiley August 8 2009, 03:23:47 UTC
The wavering light was not helping as much as Teresa had hoped, mostly because Euphy was so clearly frightened. It didn't matter, though, as the hybrid knew she was more than a match for these common bloated bats. She saw the bats diverge and the one change direction as it went for the girl behind her.

Foolish beasts, she thought as she went to catch the bat, knowing her prowess would make this seem as simple as a human child catching a ball lazily tossed at her. Or so she thought.

Teresa's eyes widened in disbelief as her body did not respond as fast as it normally would. In fact, it wasn't even a remote comparison to what she'd been before her death, though she was still quite fast by human standards. As I suppose things should be, she mentally commented.

Catching the bat was not really an option as the woman was far from adjusted to utilizing her reduced abilities effectively, so she simply tried to divert the creature's flight path so it would not find Euphy's flesh.


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