This was so frustrating!! Alkaid's fears had been confirmed. There were definitely no doors opening, and no footfalls anywhere around her. Had everyone in this place secretly become ninjas when she wasn't looking?! She thought about calling out, just to see if anyone would answer, but that was probably a really bad idea. It'd probably attract monsters and stuff. Which she knew would still be around. Even if no people were. If night, then monsters. Simple as that.
Alkaid shivered uneasily, despite trying to retain a tough front for anyone who might pop up unexpectedly. It was really looking more and more like she was the last one remaining in Landel's Institute.
What a terrifying prospect. She didn't want to be the only one here, as selfish of a thought as that was. Tough times were made to be handled with friends at one's side, right? And she had no Badou, no Haseo, no anyone right now. Nor did it look like she'd be running into them any time soon.
The door to the wider hallway creaked unmercifully as the girl pushed it open. She was half-wary that a ravenous monster would jump out at her as soon as it opened, but none such luck. So she continued.