Jul 19, 2009 13:00

The shift was familiar enough, in it's own way, but it came too soon. He wasn't sure if any of the others in the group aside from Stefan had been around long enough to witness this before, but he wanted to reassure them that this was just like the changes the institute underwent at night ( Read more... )

starscream, sechs, naruto, meche, senna, tobias, wolfram, tk-622, miku, renamon, keman, rey, chihaya, peter parker, artemis, sousuke, kanji, brainiac 5, takasugi, albedo, armand, lord recluse, nigredo, soma, stahn, ritsuka, valyn, yue, sheena, haku, falis, touya, statesman, scourge, alec, kratos, rubedo, sanzo

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emotionl4arobot July 20 2009, 13:00:15 UTC
Brainiac 5 didn't hear Peter calling him, or much of anything else to tell the truth. He was too caught up in his own problems at the moment.

The cool air of early evening had woken him from his unplanned nap, and his nurse had returned, apologising all the while for leaving him alone, to collect him for the bus trip back to the Institute...

And then the sun had dipped below the horizon and everything had changed in a moment.

The plants in the park around him withered and died, like the life was simply drained out of them, but that was hardly the worst of it. A strangled noise from his nurse made his head jerk up automatically and Brainiac 5 watched in horror as she convulsed and twisted and changed right before his eyes.

And yet, even as she writhed in the agony the change seemed to bring and he fought the urge to scream and scream and never stop (not that he felt he could have done that even if he'd wanted to; his body felt frozen solid, unable to even breath now), another part of him watched the display with a calm detachment. Making notes on the change and what was affected and how and trying to decipher the why to it all. The sunlight perhaps? If only he'd had the ability to test that theory, somehow block one of the nurses off from the sunlight completely and see if the change happened then, or perhaps expose one to simulated sunlight of a night to see if it reversed the effects...

The transformation was over before he knew it, and the nurse's head rolled at a strange, almost broken angle to fix dead eyes on him.

And Brainiac 5 realised that, scientific interest in the changes aside, he most likely should have made use of the brief space to escape, as now he was unarmed, injured, and trapped by the thing that had, up until a moment ago, been his nurse.

Screaming might have been more helpful now, but still he couldn't seem to get himself to even do that much. It was only as the nurse lunged at him that he was able to give a choked cry and throw up his arms to try and ward off the attack.


(The comment has been removed)

emotionl4arobot July 20 2009, 23:16:08 UTC
Brainiac 5 cringed in his chair, waiting for the cold pain of the scalpels slicing into him - a feeling that he didn't require imagination to recall - but it never came. He risked a cautious look up just in time to catch a glimpse of the nurse... flying away from him? It was as though someone or something had just picked her up and thrown her.

And Peter was standing right there. It wasn't hard to figure out what was most likely to have occurred, but if that was the case, then... Peter had been keeping things from him. For some reason that hurt a bit, though he knew he had no logical reasons to expect Peter to be open with him, and he would have asked about it right then and there if it hadn't been for Peter cutting him off and grabbing him by the waist. Brainiac 5 tensed up immediately, hands moving to push at Peter's arm.

"I apologise in advance for this."

He was about to ask 'for what?', when he was suddenly hauled bodily out of the wheelchair and hefted over Peter's shoulder. Then they were moving, racing through a crowd of people he couldn't see clearly because he was flopped awkwardly over his roommate's shoulder, his face against the other's back.

All thoughts of monstrous nurses temporarily gone from his mind, Brainiac 5 struggled against Peter's grip, pushing and twisting around to try and work his way free. He didn't care what the situation was, there were some things he could not deal with very well and his roommate picking him up and carrying him was one of those. It was both humiliating and painful, as despite how careful the other boy was, the wounds in his back and side were next to impossible to avoid contact with, and his struggles weren't making it any easier.

"Peter! What're you doing?! Put me down!" He tried to push himself up and it sent a stab of pain through his damaged shoulder, making him yelp and strike Peter's back with his good arm. "Stop it!"


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