Jul 19, 2009 13:00

The shift was familiar enough, in it's own way, but it came too soon. He wasn't sure if any of the others in the group aside from Stefan had been around long enough to witness this before, but he wanted to reassure them that this was just like the changes the institute underwent at night ( Read more... )

starscream, sechs, naruto, meche, senna, tobias, wolfram, tk-622, miku, renamon, keman, rey, chihaya, peter parker, artemis, sousuke, kanji, brainiac 5, takasugi, albedo, armand, lord recluse, nigredo, soma, stahn, ritsuka, valyn, yue, sheena, haku, falis, touya, statesman, scourge, alec, kratos, rubedo, sanzo

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onefellbeast July 20 2009, 08:28:52 UTC
With most of his day spent in the hardware store grabbing supplies, Takasugi barely noticed the passage of time until night had befallen them. For a moment, he wondered if something had happened to the staff since none of them had been collected and filed into the buses to return back to the institute. The resounding moans and groans followed by the hideous, rotting creatures that ambled their way towards him suggested that this might be true ( ... )


31st_of_china July 20 2009, 21:39:51 UTC
[From here]

Sanzo moved quickly, calmly despite the chaos. He was armed, even if the bullets were limited down to just those rounds in the chamber, but it was better than nothing. He just need to keep a cool head. It was a matter of survival, but conserving ammo at the same time. It wasn't like he'd never fought to survive before. The only different here was that a single bullet probably wouldn't put one of them down, and that these things weren't smart. The intelligence issue was what made people dangerous. Assassins with brains or even half of one presented more of a threat in his eyes. It opened up the way to creativity, which meant unpredictability in Sanzo's eyes, which lead to all sorts of potential ways to get screwed over. These things were just persistent ( ... )


onefellbeast July 21 2009, 09:28:27 UTC
The sounds of a scuffle erupted from nearby, alerting Takasugi to a new arrival. Judging by the residual cursing, he had good reason to believe it was human and not one of their "guests." There was a familiarity in his voice that made Takasugi slow down and peer around the bushes to see who it was ( ... )


31st_of_china July 21 2009, 20:14:17 UTC
The things were tough, even as decay made them fragile in areas. He'd tried blows to the neck, to other parts of the body; blows that would've killed any human or youkai, or at least knocked one out for a few hours. Instead the things were shaking it off as if it was nothing. The only thing that seemed to take them down was a direct blow to the head. The one closest to him raked its blunted nails down the monk's arm as it tried to grab him. Sanzo toolarge step back and swung the gun butt with his other hand, the thing's nails leaving a long bloody trail as it was ripped free from his arm ( ... )


onefellbeast July 21 2009, 20:22:43 UTC
He heard the foot steps before he saw the creature approaching him from behind, grass crunching too loudly under its feet. Takasugi barely flinched as he dug the knife through its rib cage and slid down there, half expecting something to fall out. But even its organs had rot inside of it, leaving nothing but decayed matter that dropped out as Takasugi finished ripping apart its flimsy body ( ... )


31st_of_china July 21 2009, 21:11:29 UTC
There was a lull, no more undead coming up after them at the moment. Instead, they had a pile of bodies littered around them, some still twitching reflexively. Blood, intestines in rope trails on the ground, other organs smashed into an unidentifiable mess The smell was almost unbearable. His nose wrinkled. It was the thing bothering him the most about these things: the stench. He'd seen a lot of carnage on the way west, but fighting the dead hadn't exactly come up a lot ( ... )


onefellbeast July 21 2009, 21:29:40 UTC
The last body went down, hitting the ground with a heavy noise. Takasugi kept the knife in hand just in case any more decided to spring up against him. It didn't look like they were any nearby luckily, but that didn't mean they were safe just yet. He could still hear them in the distance along with a few other struggles.

Getting out of here wouldn't be easy. That was for sure. He would have to move faster and avoid anymore of those run-ins. One or two- he could defeat on his own, but if they tried to swarm him, he probably wouldn't escape unscathed.

He eyed the wound on Sanzo's arm, impressed that they had managed to get close enough to harm him. It looked like it was pretty deep, and he wasn't acquainted enough with the creatures to know if they were venomous.

"You're assuming too much of me," he replied after a moment, his eye surveying the area again, "I obviously had no part in this, nor do I enjoy being the victim in this situation."


31st_of_china July 21 2009, 22:19:43 UTC
Sanzo just gave a grunt in answer to that. He didn't fully believe that. "A self-confessed terrorist trying to play the innocent now?"

He hadn't peg the man as having a sense of humor, but apparently there was a twisted one buried in there. Takasugi'd compared himself numerous times to a wild animal with a taste for blood, and when was there much reasoning involved in a feral's mindset, outside of self preservation? Maybe this wasn't his doing, but who was to say he didn't enjoy the carnage anyway?

The monk tore a strip from his shirt and wound the makeshift bandage around the wound. It was awkward, but he managed to tie it off, tightly. It wouldn't do much towards healing the wound, just hopefully stem the blood flow enough and prevent the blood from getting in the way. It'd have to do until for now.


onefellbeast July 22 2009, 10:16:36 UTC
Takasugi laughed softly in response and prodded the dead with the edge of his shoe, partially expecting them to move. It seemed they had all been disposed of for now but whether or not they would get up and start to move any time soon had yet to be determined. It was obvious the dead had trouble staying that way here, and Takasugi wasn't the optimistic sort in these kinds of situations.

The institute wouldn't just rest here when they had the rest of the night to send their forces against him, and considering the amount of patients held captive, their forces would have to be exceedingly large to take care of all of them.

"So easy to cast accusations without knowing anything. I thought a monk would be more perceptive than that. I'd rather this carnage come from my hand then be turned against me. Killing the undead has no worth to me. They're not the ones I desire revenge against.


31st_of_china July 22 2009, 22:05:56 UTC
Sanzo tightened the bandage with one last tug, mouth twitching at the lance of pain up his arm at the motion. He favored the other man with a hard look.

"Stop bullshitting. You said it yourself, you just like to kill," Sanzo said flatly. When did he need much of a reason? Of course, Takasugi'd like to be the source: sowing fear and confusion amongst people went hand in hand with that taste for blood. Terrorists claimed that they had some message, but he'd pegged it shit. There were other ways to get a message across, and terrorists only resorted to it because they also had a taste for the violence and death they created. The excuse was just that. An excuse.

Takasugi admitting to that didn't exactly set Sanzo at ease or make him think any better of him.

Maybe he didn't get the same feeling off killing these things. They weren't exactly alive. Maybe he just preferred to have a mind, actual fear behind those eyes when he did make a kill.


onefellbeast July 22 2009, 23:16:00 UTC
There was a lot of truth to that. Takasugi had long ago become a man overly consumed by his desire to spread destruction on a large scale, but that was regulated to Edo and the Amanto. Killing men who were already dead and could feel nor show any suffering had no worth to him. They were just a nuisance, reminding him that the institution wanted to break his will by imposing more of their own brand of torture on him.

He was neither the kind of man to allow anyone to put out whatever fires raged inside of him. His ambitions weren't so easily quelled, and he refused to accept death at their hands.

"What is there to enjoy from these creatures? They don't bleed when you cut them. Their nerve endings have already decayed." His eye remained focused on Sanzo as he absently ran his finger over the blade, demonstrating the lack of blood on it. "Why do you suddenly seem so interested in my killing habits? Didn't I already tell you? I only aim for my enemies, and you are not one of them."


31st_of_china July 23 2009, 05:13:57 UTC
Why did he suddenly seem interested? Maybe it was because the playing field had changed. Out here, there was no longer any institute walls keeping them here. No real semblance (even if Sanzo'd never really believed in it) of a unified patient body. There was mass panic, a free-for-all mindset among the patients: someone like Takasugi no doubt thrived under these conditions ( ... )


onefellbeast July 23 2009, 09:50:07 UTC
Takasugi's eye narrowed slightly, well aware he was being provoked. Was the monk on a suicide mission or that eager to see the extent of his strength? It was difficult to decipher his intentions passed something that was more than just idle curiosity. Maybe Sanzo was even panicked ( ... )


31st_of_china July 23 2009, 23:07:27 UTC
Sanzo stared at him levelly. "Allies? Sounds more like just your tools to me. Why the hell do you even keep bothering with this charade?"

Takasugi's look had chilled noticeably, dropping that aura of friendliness (the monk wasn't even sure he'd call it that) he normally put on. Sanzo must've touched a few nerves. Was he actually affected by what Sanzo saw as just stating the obvious? He'd count himself as surprised if there was a the tiniest hint of self-righteousness in there. Maybe there had to be for a terrorist ( ... )


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