Jul 19, 2009 13:00

The shift was familiar enough, in it's own way, but it came too soon. He wasn't sure if any of the others in the group aside from Stefan had been around long enough to witness this before, but he wanted to reassure them that this was just like the changes the institute underwent at night ( Read more... )

starscream, sechs, naruto, meche, senna, tobias, wolfram, tk-622, miku, renamon, keman, rey, chihaya, peter parker, artemis, sousuke, kanji, brainiac 5, takasugi, albedo, armand, lord recluse, nigredo, soma, stahn, ritsuka, valyn, yue, sheena, haku, falis, touya, statesman, scourge, alec, kratos, rubedo, sanzo

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unmocked_lawr July 19 2009, 19:56:25 UTC
Typical. The nagging suspicion that they would be trapped here for the night had proved true. He loved it when his instincts were correct. Javert had to laugh mirthlessly at the sight of the creatures--were they actually hordes of the undead? He didn't want to think about it--clawing their way out of the ground. There was nothing else he could do. He had never been one for screaming and running.

Astor swore and doubled over, and Javert turned toward the boy, thinking that perhaps he'd been attacked. Instead he found hardware being shoved at his face, and he grabbed both awl and screwdriver instinctively.

The undead he could take, but this was something else entirely. Javert took an involuntary half-step back as he watched the boy apparently dissolve into the hawk he'd mentioned he was on the bulletin. And then, quite suddenly, there was another voice in his head. Well. That was...unexpected.

"Amazing Bird-Boy indeed," he said, thankful that his dry tone of voice hid his shock surprisingly well. He reached down with his free hand and tugged the jacket free as best he could.


scalyfishman July 19 2009, 20:18:59 UTC
When Cybertronians were offlined, they went to Silicon Valhalla. That's what people told sparklings looking for a reason to be good. So far as Depth Charge could see, though, death was death. Your body disintegrated into a rusty spray of nothingness.

What hadn't occurred to him was how much worse it was for humans. Flesh, he realised as he watched a man tear himself out of the earth, jaw hanging loosely by a few threads of sinew, rotted. It twisted and warped and stank of decay. And, for tonight at least, death was most definitely not the end.

Forcing down his gag reflex, Depth Charge turned back to the other two, only to find himself looking at a very bemused Javert and... a bird. Well. Names didn't lie, that was for sure. Perhaps it came with the familiarity the whole transforming gig held for him, but he simply nodded at Astor- if anything, the telekinesis was the most bewildering part. No one got in his processor without his say so. Irritation aside, he gave the area a brief scan. "Right. This place is really starting to fill up, and not with civilians."


zeus_incarnate July 19 2009, 22:20:27 UTC
Marcus was beginning to question the wisdom of Stefan's team selection as he headed the charge to Main Street. He was glad to have someone he knew was competent backing him up, but that also meant that the other team might be without a leader that knew what they were doing.

There was no time to second guess, though. They had their plan of action and needed to carry it out. Once they secured the Sheriff's office they could potentially split his team up and rotate the protection of it, depending on how well they were able to secure the building.

After one final glance over his shoulder Marcus left the park for Main Street.

[Going here]


buteo_sapiens July 20 2009, 01:08:44 UTC
< Thanks, > he said to Javert, hopping out of the tangle of cloth, beak easily ripping through a sleeve caught around his leg. < Man, no one told me there would be zombies, > he whined, trying to get off the ground-- it wasn't easy going; there was a lot of flapping before he rose more than a couple feet, caught a faint breeze, and made it up to a low treebranch. < Where to? Besides out of here. >

Tobias could smell the rot of the corpses. He could hardly smell at all as a hawk, but that...


unmocked_lawr July 20 2009, 04:10:34 UTC
There seemed to be an increasing number of the living dead around them. If they hesitated for much longer, getting out of the park would probably cease to be an option.

"The hardware store, as M. Cole suggested," Javert said firmly. "I'd venture to say that I know the town fairly well by now; finding it should pose no problems." Actually reaching it might be a different matter entirely. "After we manage that, we can discuss where we ought to start our patrol."


scalyfishman July 20 2009, 11:25:00 UTC
"The hardware store it is." Depth Charge nodded definitively. "Which means we're gonna have a long walk."

A very long walk.

That decided, the Maximal cracked his knuckles, snatched the screwdriver out of Javert's hands with a short "thanks" and stormed towards the gates, gripping the tool like a knife and ready to ram it into the eye socket of whatever tried to get in his way.

[Warpath-ing to here. Feel free to call him out on his bullshit.]


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