Day 42: Magus Park [evening]

Jul 12, 2009 13:10

The temperature was starting to cool down, but that was okay with Akihiko. It wasn't that much different from winter evenings back home. He was feeling better, having been outside most of the day, but still. That niggling stress from the previous few days was still getting to him. He sighed, looking up at the darkening sky and thinking about it all ( Read more... )

albedo, armand, depth charge, nigredo, akihiko, sam winchester, wolfram, mori, tk-622, ryuk, keman, chihaya, yue, sheena, hokuto, hitsugaya, artemis, haku, touya, kaoru, scourge, brainiac 5

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winged_moon July 13 2009, 08:17:17 UTC
Though the quest for a book had been unsuccessful, the time in the bookstore hadn't entirely been a loss, and Yukito was happy enough with that. Even Yue seemed - well, not pleased, not entirely, but...well, mollified. They'd been able to do a favor for those who had helped them the night before, and that was a good thought.

As they headed into the park, though, Yukito glanced up at the sun in the west and frowned just slightly. "Shouldn't we be heading back soon?" He didn't think they'd stayed this late last week, but...well, he didn't think too much about last week. Or tried not to, whenever possible. "None of the staff members seem to be pointing anyone to the buses yet."


guardiancomplex July 13 2009, 09:14:09 UTC
Touya looked around for any sign that they were being summoned back, but when he found none he just smiled at Yukito. "Well, if they aren't gathering us up then there's really no point in going back yet. We should enjoy the time outside."

He caught sight of a small playground, touched by the last vestiges of sunlight, and smiled lightly. "C'mon," he said, tugging Yuki's hand as he moved towards the swings. "They already think we're nuts, it couldn't hurt to indulge in some nostalgia, right?"


winged_moon July 13 2009, 09:29:11 UTC
If there was anything that could dispel the momentary dark cloud across Yukito's mood, it was Touya's smile; slight as that had seemed, it was like someone else's bright grin. Yukito chuckled softly in response and followed after, eyeing the playground with some amusement. It wasn't exactly the Penguin Park back home, but it should serve its purpose well enough.

"Good thing we don't have to fight any actual children for it," he observed, hesitating for just an instant before he released Touya's hand again and carefully lowered himself onto one of the swings. "Maybe Sakura-chan would've liked to play, too?"


guardiancomplex July 13 2009, 09:57:06 UTC
Touya took a moment to appreciate the image of Yue looking cheerful on a swing, as well as to remember the day they'd had. It had been a while, since Sakura had arrived.

"Let the monster run around and terrorize the town," Touya said with a grin. "She'll be where we can see her soon enough."

He sat down on the swing next to Yuki, swinging back and forth a little. "I'm... kind of glad we got some time to ourselves, though. She'll be around us nonstop for the next few days."


winged_moon July 13 2009, 16:50:43 UTC
If he closed his eyes for a moment it could be like being back home again - the relative quiet of the park, the fresh (if chilly) breeze, and Touya's presence and teasing remarks about his little sister were just so very familiar and right amidst a world where nothing else was. No matter what else happened, today had been a good day, if only for the company.

Yukito's smile brightened even more, likely looking rather out of place in the form he was currently wearing, and he reached over to give Touya a gentle push on his swing. "So am I," he replied, with clear sincerity.

He could have added more about his worries for Sakura in a place like this, but it didn't seem necessary - Touya would be feeling the same way, and he didn't want to spoil this moment with thoughts about what would inevitably come after dark. Instead he just enjoyed their time together now, for as long as it would last.


guardiancomplex July 13 2009, 19:07:00 UTC
He swung forward, trying to give Yukito a push as he went by him. For a moment, he'd forgotten that the sun was low in the sky and that if they were going to get back 'in time', they'd have to leave soon. All that was forgotten, though, because Yuki was there and adorable, and it seemed like everything had to be alright.

"Why?" he asked, kicking off the ground a little to swing back and forth a bit more. "You and the brat tend to get along pretty well, I'd think you'd want to be pushing her on these swings right now. Or at least watching over her all day."


winged_moon July 13 2009, 19:21:36 UTC
The push was a little uneven, but Yukito gave a delighted laugh and just shoved off with one foot to correct the movement, lest he end up bumping his swing into Touya's. How long had it been since he'd done this? Had he ever really - no, that didn't matter.

"Sakura-chan is cute, yes," he agreed, with a cheerful grin for his friend, putting perhaps just a touch of emphasis on her actual name in mild chiding for the name-calling. "And I'm sure she'd enjoy the swings. But she still isn't you, Touya."


guardiancomplex July 13 2009, 19:43:44 UTC
He smirked a little and rolled his eyes at Yuki's gentle 'don't talk about your sister that way' rebuttal. He was always trying to keep the peace between them. But he wouldn't be Yuki if he didn't go to such great lengths to keep Sakura from bruising Touya's entire shinbone.

Maybe he was pushing this a little, but the setting seemed right. The sun was going down, he and Yuki were alone on the swings, and the desperate situation he'd suddenly found himself in called for saying what he thought had to be said the moment he thought to say it.

"She's not you either, Yuki," he said, pushing his friend again.

Dammit, he was totally blowing this.


winged_moon July 13 2009, 20:03:33 UTC
"Well, that's good to know," Yukito replied, quirking an amused, somewhat mischievous smile. "So I'm not in any danger of being called by silly nicknames?" He hesitated a moment, then added with a quiet giggle he couldn't quite hide, "Though I promise not to kick you in the shin if you do."

He carefully kicked off from the ground again, pushing his swing a little higher but not wanting to go too high. Yue might not have a care for injuries, but he certainly did. He was having far too much fun to stop swinging entirely, though.


guardiancomplex July 13 2009, 21:00:05 UTC
"What?" Touya said with a small grin, raising an eyebrow and watching Yukito swinging higher and higher. "You're not going to object to me calling you Yuki-bun-bun? In front of Sakura and your roommate?"

Aaagh, he was really messing this up. He'd meant to ask something like, 'why do you want to be with me instead of Sakura?', or 'when we rode to school together, were you thinking the same thing?'

Obviously he was terrible at this.


winged_moon July 13 2009, 21:17:26 UTC
A flicker of irritation from Yue drifted into Yukito's mind at that; the guardian certainly objected to silly nicknames, but as long as they weren't directed at him and that whole "Cuddlewings" nonsense didn't come up again he'd not object outright. Yukito only laughed, though, both at Touya's suggestion and Yue's reaction, and leaned back to look up at the overcast sky.

"If you want to embarrass yourself by calling me nicknames like that, Touya, you're more than welcome to try it." In fact, it might be amusing if he did in front of Ken, just to see how his roommate reacted.

And...considering the way that Touya harassed his sister to hide how much he cared about her, Yukito could allow himself to think the same was true in this case as well, without having to ask the question he hadn't quite dared to just yet.


guardiancomplex July 14 2009, 02:36:11 UTC
Touya chuckled and got out of his own swing and began pushing Yuki from behind--he wouldn't totally throw him off balance this way.

"I suppose I'd be embarrassing us both: me for coming up with such a stupid and lame pet name and implying that I might call you that when the two of us are alone. You'd probably lose major points with Ken," Touya said with a smirk, pushing Yuki. He had to be careful of the hair, though. The last thing he wanted was for Yue to stop the swing and start talking about his hair. It meant that his and Yuki's little foray into their one-on-one time would come to a rather abrupt end--which wouldn't do when Touya still was working around to his question about the future.


winged_moon July 14 2009, 03:22:37 UTC
Yukito glanced over his shoulder at Touya, his grin not dimmed in the slightest bit. If anything, it was even more amused before. "That's assuming that I'd be embarrassed by it, Touya," he pointed out. Honestly, Ken had taken so much in stride already that strange nicknames weren't likely to even raise an eyebrow. "What if I didn't mind at all?"

And a fragment of memory from Yue told him that nickname really wasn't all that far off from how Sakura's other guardian apparently referred to him. That he hadn't known about before, but still found amusing.


guardiancomplex July 14 2009, 18:38:20 UTC
"If you didn't mind," Touya said, pushing Yuki again. "Then I'd just look like some love-struck moron, wouldn't I?"

Not that he didn't already, probably, but Yukito hadn't noticed it or hadn't taken it that way... yet. "You wouldn't want me to look like a moron, calling you names and you not batting an eye either way, right?"


winged_moon July 14 2009, 22:19:01 UTC
There were any number of things that Yukito could have said in response to that - enough, in fact, that he didn't immediately respond. He just laughed instead, leaning forward in the swing with the push as though all of his attention was on that.

A similar topic had been brushed by any number of times in the last few months of his memory, and he'd sometimes wondered if Touya meant what he thought it meant. But both of them had just let comments slip by as though they didn't mean anything at all, even if they were, well, incredibly close friends.

"I suppose it's up to you what you want to sound like, Touya," he finally replied, lowering his feet to brush the ground as he went by this time, slowing the swing's motion. "I don't mind either way."


guardiancomplex July 15 2009, 02:38:03 UTC
That long pause was deadly. Was Yuki freaking out by what Touya had implied? Was he just zoning out or something? Or was he going to say that he wanted Touya to sound that way...?

Crap, he was stopping the swing, he'd messed up. Shitshitshit. Backpedal, abandon ship, say something!

"Yue probably would, though, huh?" Touya said awkwardly, stepping away so Yukito could stop himself with enough space. "He'd probably get all annoyed that I'm running around calling you by a nickname."


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