Day 42: Bill's Hardware (Afternoon)

Jul 08, 2009 10:28

The air had been even brisker for the walk from the restaurant to the store. Keeping up with his taller friend's longer strides had Armand breathless when they arrived. The exertion made him want to take off the heavy coat in the warmer indoors air, but he didn't want to carry or lose it.. As for the store itself, he was both fascinated and ( Read more... )

sechs, tony stark, tk-622, teisel, alexander conklin, armand

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sixth_attack July 9 2009, 22:19:40 UTC
Any sort of calm tranquility that blessed the store with its presence was now officially out the window.

Geeze! This guy was loud! Sechs could practically feel the loose strands of his hair being blown away from his forehead as he was assailed by the bigger man's vocal outrage. His ears rung like they had been hit by a sonic boom! Dammit! Just when his headache was starting to get better...

"Who you calling a little shit?!" Sechs blared back with his left fist raised in a threatening gesture whilst keeping his braced hand behind and out of sight. He leaned in closer to the other man with his head tilted further back, directing his furious glare at the stranger's face instead of his chest.

Now that Sechs' vision wasn't being engulfed in grey hair, he was able to get a better look at who he was dealing with. Damn... Sechs definitely had a tendency to pick fights with big people, didn't he? This guy was just about as tall as Recluse. He wasn't as bulky in the muscle department but his build conveyed telltale signs of an experienced brawler. Was he a cyborg before ending up here too? If he was, Sechs guessed that his hair must have been a weapon of some sort. Perhaps they used to be a mass of mono-molecular wires?

"Like HELL ya gotta make room for me! You big idiot!!" The Replica shouted through gnashing teeth. His fist trembled from the intense urge to give the man a good bash to the chin. "Do you use that hair to strangle people or does it just have a mind of its own?!" If that were the case, Sechs would have been no more than happy to use a set of heavy-duty tree pruners to chop off that damn hair...


no_barbarian July 10 2009, 01:36:30 UTC
Most people back home would have backed down from him at this point, and so when the other man yelled right back and even got a little closer Teisel could do little more than choke out an indignant sputter. This guy either thought he was tough shit, or he was certifiably insane. Teisel was well aware that he looked pretty damn unfriendly; it was a trait that usually saved him a great deal of trouble, but it wasn't working now. Worse still, he couldn't punch the guy without the nurses seeing.

Getting rid of this clown would take more effort, then. Fine. Glaring at the man's threatening fist with undisguised disdain, Teisel took a step forward himself, bumping into him gently, with the implication of a lot less gentleness to follow if the guy didn't wise up. He'd pulled Teisel's hair. His hair. And now he was insulting it. Mentally counting backwards from ten and trying to recall every scolding he'd ever gotten from Tron about controlling his temper, Teisel smiled. It wasn't a nice smile. A lot of practice over the years had gone into getting the right note of sadistic nastiness into it, and folks usually got the message.

"I'm calling you a little shit, you little shit," he ground out, too offended and angry to modulate his voice quite right. That quirk really did crop up at the worst times, but no matter. "And I don't want to get sedated today. So, why don't you just apologize like a good little shit and I'll be the bigger man and forget your stupid ass ever ran into me, eh?" Mother above, all he'd wanted to do was bask in the glow of dangerously sharp metal objects for a few minutes! Was it so much to ask?


sixth_attack July 10 2009, 04:04:48 UTC
Even though Sechs wobbled back a little from the larger man's bunt, he was swift in returning the physical gesture by exerting his own chest right back at him. Pushing the top of his collar bone against the center of the other man's rib cage, Sechs raised his left hand and gave his challenger a jab in the chest with his finger.

"And I say you're a big dumb idiot with even bigger dumber hair!!" Sechs loudly countered while giving the stranger another sharp poke. "You don't know who you're dealing with, pal!"

A surge of adrenaline advanced through the Replica's system at the sight of the other man's sneer. The nasty smile strongly reminded Sechs of some opponents he enjoyed thrashing in the past; such memories set off his battle-crazed neurons into a chaotic frenzy. Sechs didn't care of any handicaps or consequences he would have to deal with, the other man's challenging look was just too much for him to resist! He couldn't help but tremble with energy as he returned the man's grin with his own toothy scowl. "Aww! Don't wanna make the precious little nurses unhappy now, huh? You're no fun!" Sechs taunted whilst exerting more of his weight against his new found opponent.

Whoa, what was up with this guy's voice? It wasn't like Recluse, whose tone was always a low, steady rumble. Instead it kinda... pitched here and there... Sechs' vicious grimace momentarily twitched upwards at the corners of his lips as he buried a hint of a snicker with a forced growl. With some effort Sechs managed to keep his aggressive composure, at least for now. Keep steady...

"If you're too chicken to start something, then how 'bout leaving that job to me, eh?" Sechs went on as he shifted forward onto the balls of his feet to gain more altitude towards the taller man's face. "I'm sure your beloved nurses won't mind us going amok here for a little while..."


no_barbarian July 10 2009, 06:59:56 UTC
That chest-poking thing was going to get on Teisel's nerves fast. He glanced down at the offending digit, unimpressed.

"Heh! That's the best you can come up with, you scrawny halfwit?" Though, as unimaginative as the guy's insults were, Teisel hated, hated being called an idiot, and remarks on his hair were nearly as bad. He happened to think it was one of his most attractive features. The little shit was probably just jealous. "Oh no," he wailed mockingly, and he would have wrung his hands if he'd had the space for it, "Who am I dealing with? Did I make a mistake? Is the clumsy dumbass mad at me?" He pushed back. "I'm shaking."

The idea behind getting in the guy's face in the first place had been to get him to back off. When he continued to push back, Teisel felt a little twinge of uncertainty that quickly flared into anger. This wasn't how this was supposed to work. "It's got nothing to do with the nurses," he snapped, trying very hard to keep a hold of himself. "You're starting shit over something stupid, and it was your fault anyway!"

As the shorter man stretched up to get uncomfortably close to his face, Teisel felt an unexplainable urge to bite him. "If you start something, I guess I'll have to finish it." Right in the face. He could probably take the tip of his nose off if he was quick about it. Teisel's eye twitched. "I'm just saying, though, you don't have to be a flaming moron about this." Or he could play meat grinder with one of the guy's lips. That'd definitely catch him off guard.

Teisel shook his head. If he was seriously considering gnawing a man's face off, it was probably time to give up talking. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed a fistful for the guy's shirt. "Did you really just say 'amok' out loud? I ought'a beat your ass just for that, you little shit."

Here he thought he'd get a little relaxation and time to think. It couldn't be helped...


sixth_attack July 10 2009, 19:53:54 UTC
Scrawny half-wit?! Sechs uttered a guttural growl at the insult. Yeah, he was a tad wiry for a fighter, Sechs couldn't deny that. But as a cyborg, anyone who underestimated his height or build would find themselves gravely mistaken. Even when Sechs occupied that interactive interface doll he still took down enemies ten times his size. Sechs wished he was in that doll body right now instead of this human one; he wanted nothing more than to plant a good Hertza Haeon right on the big bastard's stupid face. He gleefully imagined the man's dumbfounded expression as his skull would crack like glass right under his flesh...

"You're dealing with the upcoming champion of the Z.O.T Tournament you big dumbass! Sechs from the Space Angels team! And who are you? Some stupid son of a Deckman who doesn't know how to watch Combat TV?" Sechs was starting to get pretty tired of explaining that all the time. Wasn't there anyone here who knew about the Zenith of Things Tournament? It rather disappointed Sechs...

"My fault?!" Sechs scoffed, "I'd say it was your hair that started it! You should put a leash on that thing!" The Replica pushed right on back. "Or would you like me to cut it off fer ya?!"

Then Sechs found himself standing upon the tips of his shoes as he was lifted up by the infuriated stranger. Surprisingly enough, Sechs gave off no sign of resistance or fear. Instead his mouth simply cracked open into an insane grin while his amber eyes widened with savage zeal. The Replica's arms hung somewhat loosely at his sides, but the way his hands twitched and flexed gave no indication of submission; he was fully primed to strike at a moment's notice.

Sechs shook with a husky chuckle. "What's wrong? Your tiny little brain don't like that sort of vocabulary? Tough!" The Replica lifted his braced hand, not to poke the man with his finger, but to gesture him to wait. "Now, before you even try to beat my ass, I've got an even better idea on how to spend our time together! Wanna hear it?"

With his finger still pointed at his opponent, Sechs' left hand prepared to move in for the first hit, hoping that the man would be too distracted by his right hand to notice. The Replica's wolfish grin grew as he laid out his vicious proposal.

"How 'bout I rip every hair off your stupid head in one go? I'll pull it off so hard that the top of your thick skull will pop off and that shitty excuse for a brain of yours will go 'ker-splat'! And when you're down, I'll take that pretty hacksaw on display over there..." Sechs thumbed out a particularly large blade hanging off the shelf behind him before he went on, "...and then I'll shove it right up yer ASS!! How does that sound?"

To show the big brute that he was serious, Sechs whipped out his left hand and clutched a fistful of the other man's grey hair before he could react. "Here! Let me give you a sample!" Sechs sneered before giving it a quick tug. "Yoink!"


teisel are mature |B no_barbarian July 11 2009, 07:24:38 UTC
"Nichts?" Teisel asked, purposely twisting the name. "Zot Tournament, eh? Never heard of it. Never heard of you, Nichts." Teisel shrugged, sneering. "I have better things to do than watch shitty reality shows, sorry. Some of us actually work for a living." Granted, Teisel had a looser definition of 'work' than most people, which also tended to include live ordinance.

Even someone joking about cutting his hair was enough to put Teisel on the defensive. "Cut my hair," he snarled, "and I'll hang you with it."

He could feel his face get red. No one laughed at Teisel Bonne and got off scot free. The little shit was going to regret it. "I know what it means, you arrogant asshole, you just sound like a ponce." He shook his head in answer to the other man's question, but he should have known it'd be rhetorical. If what Captain Cuckoo was spouting could be called rhetoric.

"Sounds like physically impossible hyperbole to me," he said once the guy had paused for breath. He gave Sechs a casual shake. "Scalping me wouldn't do anything to my skull, you dumb shit, and you couldn't get enough torque to do it with your bare hands anyway." Making a face, he spared a quick glance at the aforementioned hacksaw. "And you should keep your weird fantasies to yourself; it's not really-"

Anything else he'd been planning to say was cut off by an enraged shriek. "OW! What the fuck was that for, you rotten little dickhead?!" Out of pure childish reflex, he grabbed a fistful of the other Sechs' hair and wrenched at it. "How do you like it?"


Teisel make wonderful role model for Sechs =3 sixth_attack July 11 2009, 20:08:46 UTC
Nichts?! Was the big 'ol bastard calling Sechs "Nothing"?! Sechs lips angrily flickered. How dare he call him that! It was a hundred times worse than the teasing he got from Fai on the bulletin board! Sechs wasn't "nothing"! He wasn't some hollow, worthless thing all because he was a Replica! Now Sechs REALLY wanted to bash the guy's head inside out!

"That's NOT my name you JACKASS! It's SECHS! And don't you make me remind you of that again!" He yelled as he roughly shoved the taller man back. "The Z.O.T.T. isn't some stupid reality show either! It's a SPORT!!"

Sechs did a stiff impersonation of a bobblehead doll as his big-haired challenger gave him an unloving shake. The Replica's scruffy hair was tossed about into more disarray from the rough motion, but it didn't wipe off the odious smile from his face. "Well, if I were still in my Fizziroy body it would have been a cinch for me to pull off! You can't blame me for trying, eh?"

Then Sechs got a taste of his own medicine. He could feel his hair nearly tearing off his scalp from the man's attack on his messy locks, causing him to give out a strangled yelp of pain. "Geeze that smarts!!" Sechs achingly thought to himself as he felt a weird watery sensation emerge in his eyes. Instantly his sick grin transformed into a bloodthirsty snarl. "ARGH!! Why you--!!"

The Replica froze within mid strike of plowing his fist into the side of the offending man's head. He had been expecting a manful holler of pain or a barbaric roar from the other man once he pulled his hair. Yet to Sechs' utter bewilderment, he instead heard what strongly resembled a spooked Guinea Pig of giant proportions. Immediately Sechs' bestial expression popped like a burst bubble. Sechs' face shifted into a stupefied visage as he blinked at his opponent.

Oh man...! The big guy's voice just pitched again! And this time it was even worse! He never got this sort of reaction from an opponent before! The big-haired man practically squealed! No! Shrieked! Squeaked! Wheeked! Now Sechs began to shake with a different sort of laughter. He couldn't hold it in! He just couldn't--!

For a moment Sechs tried to speak out the rest of his threat but found himself losing the fight against the rising giggle fit that threatened to burst out of him. After trying to keep his lips sealed, Sechs finally gave way to the irresistible hilarity as his laughter came out as a "pfft!" before exploding into loud guffaws.

"Did -- Did you just SQUEAK, man?!" Sechs managed to cry out before throwing back his head from another convulsion of laughter. No longer tense within the other man's stranglehold, Sechs' left arm limply dropped to his side while his braced hand cupped over his eyes. Sechs couldn't stay mad at this guy! He was just too funny to fight! The onslaught of adrenaline began to drain away out of his system as endorphins took their place. It may have been the first time he had an honest laugh in a long while...


no_barbarian July 12 2009, 06:39:58 UTC
Sechs was chattering, and Teisel was beginning to tune the bastard out. He didn't really care one way or the other who or what the little asshole was or what he did with his life, but he did care about the punch Sechs was about to land on him, and he flinched, releasing the smaller man.

The blow never fell. Instead, Sechs started...laughing? Why? Confused and more than a little disconcerted by the man's unpredictability, Teisel took a step back. The guy really was crazy, even compared to the other loons he'd met in this godforsaken place.

"I...I don't squeak!" Nervousness banished by a new wave of anger, Teisel bristled at the insult. He was one of the most fearsome pirates in the northern hemisphere, and he most definitely didn't squeak. "Shut up! Stop laughing!"


sixth_attack July 12 2009, 08:36:23 UTC
The indignant man's strident demands for Sechs to shut up only got the Replica cracking up into even more laughter. The big guy just couldn't control that voice of his now, could he? It was only making things worse for the both of them...

Once released, Sechs stumbled back against the shelf behind him, nearly doubled over with laughter as he leaned upon it for support. "St-Stop squealing then!" he sputtered out between a series of guffaws, "you're killing me!!"

After a moment of nearly hysterical mirth, the Replica's laughter gradually died down. With a good chunk of his energy spent from his hilarity, Sechs allowed himself to wearily slide down against the shelf towards the floor. Once slumped over upon the ground, an occasional leftover chuckle would bubble out from the Replica as his lungs worked overtime to regain lost oxygen.

Having attained a bearable state of calm, Sechs unmannerly wiped away the wetness from his eyes with his sleeve. "Woo... Th-Thanks man... I needed that!" he wheezed amongst heavy breaths. "It's been nothing but hell for me since last night..."

Tilting his head back against the support beam of the shelf, Sechs eyed the taller man with a smile that was actually friendly compared to the vulgar ones he had given before. "What's yer name?" Sechs asked before he heaved out a hoarse cough. Pointing to the stranger, Sechs then added, "and don't say it's something like 'Mr. Squeaky', I just might suffocate if you do..."

The very thought of the big, shrieky man having such a fitting name sent Sechs shuddering with weary giggles.


Avast, ye scurrilous dog! D:< no_barbarian July 12 2009, 17:55:48 UTC
Teisel did a decent impression of a spitting tea kettle while he scrambled for something to say. Squealing? Teisel was a ruthless cutthroat (really!); the very idea of someone having this much of a laugh at his expense was maddening--particularly when there was so little he could do about it.

"You're gonna be laughing through three teeth if you don't shut up!" he growled, eye twitching slightly. Or rather, he attempted to growl; he was so wound up it was difficult to force his voice down. This was so humiliating...

Freezing for a moment, literally too enraged to move, Teisel tried to process what Sechs had just said. "Suffocation can be arranged," he ground out, with effort. "I'm Teisel Bonne," he said, though by now he didn't hold out any hope of anyone recognizing the name. "I lead the most dangerous pirating family in the northern hemisphere, there isn't a police force or navy in the world that's ever been able to catch me, I sacked Kimotoma City in a single day and I do not squeak!" He was shaking by the time he'd finished. He'd put up with a lot this past week, but this was beyond his endurance. He was an air pirate, damnit! That should have meant something!


Dark and sinister man, HAVE AT THEE! >=D sixth_attack July 12 2009, 19:10:16 UTC
Nearly beside himself with his shaky giggles, Sechs found his hearing to be a tad too obstructed to properly hear Teisel's name. A silly misunderstanding was inevitable at this point...

"Squeezel Bonne?! Ah- HA HA HA HAAAAA!! You ARE trying to kill me, aren't you?!" Overtaken by another fit of laughs, Sechs flopped over to his side as he wrapped his arms around his aching stomach. "St-Stop it! I can't breathe!"

Struggling to regain his composure, the Replica pushed himself into a more upright position against the shelf as he forced his laughter down his throat. "Most dangerous pirate of the northern hemisphere, huh? Sounds impressive!" His tone of admiration was sincere, but unfortunately Sechs was unable to keep a straight face for long. "Hee! Did you use that voice of yours to blow up that city? I bet if you used the right amplifier you'd be able to start a shock wave powerful enough to knock down a whole building!" With that Sechs fell right back down into a ridiculous session of snickering.


You fight like a dairy farmer! >:o no_barbarian July 13 2009, 01:26:42 UTC
Teisel was going to blow a vein and bleed to death at this rate. "Not Squeezel, you fucking moron! Teisel! Teisel! And I will be trying to kill you if you don't shut up that laughing!" For a moment, he considered stomping down on Sechs' neck. Then he really wouldn't be able to breathe.

"No!" Teisel snapped, the indignity of it all too much to stand. "I didn't! I used mortars just like anyone else would, thank you very much! Although," he mused quietly, intrigued by the idea despite himself, "with a few modifications to the Blitzkrieg's sonar rig, and maybe a dedicated refractor..."

Shaking his head as though to clear out visions of calculations and blueprints, Teisel glared down at Sechs, who was making a spectacle of himself even by Teisel's standards. "Oh, just shut up and get up off the floor, would ya'? What are you, four?"


Oh yeah? Well, at least I don't use my HAIR as a weapon! >=P sixth_attack July 13 2009, 04:47:34 UTC
Ignorant towards Teisel's near self-explosion from the rage Sechs had caused him, the Replica quietly chuckled as he gave a nonchalant wave of his hand. "Ah, Teisel! Gotcha." Sechs coughed again before murmuring under his breath, "I still think 'Squeezel' suits ya better though..."

No longer caught within his uncontrollable mirth, Sechs had better success at pushing himself up from his sprawl upon the floor. When he was back to sitting up against the shelf, Sechs aloofly waved a hand at Teisel, gesturing the aggravated man to calm down. "Alright, alright! Geeze! No need to blow yer top, pop!" Sechs chortled. "I was just having a bit of fun. I haven't exactly been able to have that since I ended up here..." Yeah, what with the whole being separated from his powerful Fizziroy body and being unable to have a decent battle since then...

Sechs' sharp eyebrows perked with interest at the mentioning of such heavy artillery, giving way to the same look of fascination he expressed earlier with Recluse. "Mortars, huh? I used to have a Solenoid Quench gun myself. What other kinds of weapons did ya use?"

Still a little winded from his laugh attack, Sechs gave out a grunt as he heaved himself back upon his feet. Once off the floor, he momentarily staggered before returning to his earlier slouch against the shelf. His laughter-induced smile faltered at Teisel's words. "Oh yeah? Well, for your information, I'm NOT four!" He paused for a moment to gruffly blow some stray hairs away from his face. "I'm two!"


Squeezel used Hair Whip! It's super effective! no_barbarian July 13 2009, 06:04:10 UTC
"Yeah, well," Teisel huffed, crossing his arms, "the last week hasn't exactly been a party for me, either. You don't see me torturing innocent bystanders." The fact that he could say 'innocent bystander' with regards to himself with a straight face was a testament to how truly put out he felt. It seemed he couldn't go a day without getting bowled over by something or someone unexpected.

A little uneasy at the sudden rapt attention he was getting (though at least this was a different flavor of rapt attention than he'd been getting from certain other people), Teisel gave Sechs a sidelong glance. It was a topic he dearly loved, though, and far preferable to more shouting. For the moment. "Oh, just the usual." He shrugged. "Cannons, plasma busters, guided missiles, tanks, robots..." With an air of studied nonchalance, he studied the fingernails of his left hand while reciting a list that would make an expansionist dictator blush. "...torpedoes, rail guns, bazookas, multiple variations on the theme of 'bomb,' y'know, just ordinary crap like that." He looked up from his nails. "Not familiar with yours, though. Is it projectile or plasma based?" A hint of actual curiosity laced the question. While Tron was definitely the superior mechanic in the family, and could intuitively understand the whole of a machine at a level Teisel knew he'd never reach, he was no slouch when it came to individual weapons and specific components. Any ideas that could be useful to the family when he got home were well worth picking up.

Two? Pinching the bridge of his nose, Teisel tried to soothe away the beginnings of a headache. "Either you're joking, or we may as well get the ol' song and dance over with now. What species?" This place was so damn weird. He was never going to get used to it.


Nichts gets struck by the Hair Whip and is dealt critical damage! xO sixth_attack July 13 2009, 20:03:40 UTC
"Torturing innocent bystanders?! Bah! That ain't my style. Your hair attacked me and I reacted. Simple as that!" Sechs scoffed. Feeling a bit of an itch in his nose, Sechs rudely smeared his hand over it with a snort. He added with less gruffness in his voice. "But if you feel so strongly about it, then I'll try to be... erm... less rough next time."

Sechs nodded as he keenly listened to Teisel list off his marvelous array of weaponry. Sechs absolutely adored the topic himself, he'd yammer on with other warriors about guns, blades and fighting for hours on end if he could. Although Sechs would much rather share such prowess through action than conversation, but it was better than nothing. "Damn! You don't call yourself a formidable pirate fer nothing!" Sechs exclaimed.

The Replica was most pleased when Teisel questioned him about his own weapon. The taller man certainly chose a good thing to ask about, at least according to Sechs. "It's mostly projectile based, a 22-Caliber Super Conducting Phase Transition Gun." Sechs proudly answered. "It used electromagnetic power to shoot out supersonic armor-piercing bullets. It was pretty damn hard to dodge! It used to be part of my arm but I got it removed when I went through an upgrade..."

Once again some of his messy hair got in the way of Sechs' eyes. Instead of blowing them away this time, he threw back his head like a boastful horse, tossing the dark locks away from his face. "Before I ended up here, I occupied the Super Fizziroy body. It was made of Polytene materials and stuff. It's one of the most powerful cyborg bodies in the universe. Then I had my Titan Blade... Crystallized titanium... Extremely strong and it never rusted..." The Replica's eyes slightly glazed over as he trailed off about his missing blade. Sechs would have done anything to bask in the glow of his weapon again... Where the hell was it now?

For a brief moment Sechs seemed lost in his recollections of his former powers. Then with a few blinks he snapped back into the present. Shaking the nostalgic mist out of his head, Sechs' sight cleared and he gazed back towards Teisel. "Crap... I'd love to challenge ya to a battle! You with all your artillery and me with my Fizziroy body and Titan Blade! Head to head!" To show his enthusiasm for such destructive activities, Sechs plowed his right fist into his left palm, but he was immediately reminded of his injury. Visibly flinching from the fresh stab of pain, Sechs was barely able to repress a groan while he scowled at his aching wrist. The Replica's excited posture melted back into his usual slouch. "Too bad we can't really do that now..." Sechs muttered with a disgruntled frown.

"Nope, not a joke at all." Sechs grumbled. Being a two year old clone wasn't exactly something he was proud over, so joking on the matter was out of the question. "Species?" Sechs asked, perturbed by such an odd question. He scratched the back of his head as he pieced together a rather awkward answer. "Um... I was uh... created two years ago... Battle Android." And that was all the info he was willing to give anyone for now. The G.I.B Corporation that manufactured Sechs was gone, along with most of his fellow Replicas. It was a fact of his life that he'd rather leave behind, but so far he had no success in escaping it...

Sechs was kinda starting to like Teisel, although he could have cared less for the nasty things he called him earlier. Teisel greatly amused the Replica, plus the guy was up to his ears with weapons! It was a shame that they got off on the wrong foot so badly... Not that Sechs was going to apologize for that anytime soon. He would just have to try being less rude to Teisel from now on...

When the corner of his eye caught something grey hanging off his hoodie's zipper, Sechs glanced down to find several long follicles that had been pulled off during his entrapment in Teisel's hair. Plucking out the lengthy strands from the zipper, Sechs handed them over to their original owner. "Here. Um... if you try sticking them into your scalp they might go back to growing with the rest of your hair... I think."


no_barbarian July 14 2009, 15:59:36 UTC
Preening a little at what he was willing to take for praise, Teisel listened to Sech's description of his own arsenal, which, though smaller than Teisel's had been, was much fancier. The gun in particular sounded fantastic. "And it's portable? It must have a hell of a power source, then." Just imagining the number of spinners and capacitor banks Teisel would need to try and recreate a gun like that was dizzying. "And I can't say I've run across too many folks who use metallic swords, titanium or not." Plasma-emitting blades had been in vogue during Teisel's parents' generation, modified from excavation equipment to hack through revearbot (and Digger) armor, but they were hazardous and impractical compared to a well-made buster. Seeing one these days was usually an indication that its owner was inexperienced or vain. Both of which Sechs may have been--it was hard to say whether the guy's boasting was justified or not.

Teisel chuckled at Sechs' enthusiasm. "Not really my style to waste ammo and risk equipment for no reason, but it'd be interesting, I gotta admit." It'd been a while since his last decent battle. Taking on Geetz (if that thing had indeed been Geetz, and Teisel still wasn't sure how that could be) in a single Drache hadn't really counted. It wasn't really a battle if you knew you were going to lose. "Though you'd have to give me a few weeks to rebuild the Blitzkrieg. I hate to say, I don't think any of the other robots would have much chance, and my armor's meant for plasma and impacts, not blades." There were some design changes Tron had come up with that he'd wanted to try, anyway. And it'd be a blast to test out an improved robot on someone who wasn't that blue-armored annoyance.

Ha. Already making plans, as though everything would be back to normal tomorrow. Teisel's grin turned wistful for a moment. Remembering himself, he schooled his features into a more neutral expression. "Another robot, eh? Seems to be more than a few of you guys in here." Any cheerfulness left in his face drained away. "Well, here's hoping you last longer than the last one I met." Forte's death-by-cat still troubled him. He'd lost his share of acquaintances and friends in his career, but he'd seen something of himself in the kid.

Not knowing quite what to say in response, Teisel accepted the hairs in bemused silence. "Uh...thanks," he said, after a moment. "They don't reattach, but I get what you're trying to say." It was extremely roundabout, but it was as close to an apology as Teisel was likely to get, and he wasn't about to call Sechs on it and start the fight all over again.


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