Day 22, Shift 3, Courtyard

Feb 27, 2007 10:31

Despite the disturbing revelations and rather depressing mood of brunch, Tamaki was looking forward to Hosting once more. And he knew that at least two girls would be coming! He really did need to find a lady-Host, or a few. It wasn't very likely that every man who attended would be amenable to the usual Host attentions. No, they'd need some girls.

Real girls, not Haruhi-girls. Oh, Haruhi... Tamaki both missed her and was pleased she seemed to be keeping to herself and out of danger.

But now it was time to Host! The Courtyard was hardly on par with the gardens of Ouran, but it was pretty. And there were places to sit and flowers and all in all the best option available. Tamaki draped himself elegantly across a bench, and then scrambled up to tack a hand-written sign - done on journal paper - behind him. It simply said:


With that done, Tamaki nodded and lounged again, stretching out like the Lord he titled himself as to wait for the others.

caim, robin hood, naruto, qui-gon jinn, axel, kairi, gaara, larsa, elena (ffvii), yuffie, mal, honey, river, padme, tamaki, the corinthian, sasuke, gabranth, ichigo, kadaj, alphonse, haku, inara, gin, hikaru, penelo, alucard, sanzo

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