Day 42, Noon: The Bookworm

Jul 04, 2009 13:46

Having gotten a sense of the town, Indy stopped to consider who was most likely to a) know something about the history of the area, and b) have the time and inclination to tell him about it. The best answer he could come up with, short of accosting townspeople at random on the street, was whoever was running that bookstore. He headed back down Main Street and found The Bookworm on the right-hand corner across from the park.

Field work might be what he was known for as an academic, but Indy had spent his fair share of time in the stacks, and the musty smell of used books was strangely heartening. He donned his glasses and started looking through the closely-packed shelves, hoping to find a local history section--or any history section, for that matter. He came up unexpectedly short. That's odd, he thought--but then again, the stock looked so thrown-together here that it'd be easy to miss. Time to speak to the person in charge here.

Indy readied his most affable smile and approached the counter.

[free, especially for anyone who wants to try to learn about local history]

leon (so2), keman, edward elric, tamaki, indiana jones, kadaj

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