Day 42, Noon: The Twin Pine Restaurant

Jul 03, 2009 01:21

Yuffie took the long way around, practically making it a tour of the entire town. She collared--not literally, since the nurses would've thrown fits--a few random citizens along the way, asked as many inconspicuous sounding questions as possible, and then moved on. Wash, rinse, repeat. Sneaking a few covert glimpses into stores and windows ( Read more... )

kagura, homura, batman, daredevil, anise, hanatarou, chidori, michael westen, jade, tk-622, asch, junpei, claude, belphegor, franziska, luxord, edgeworth, peter parker, joshua, javert, roland, the flash, celes, grell, hanekoma, kenren, argilla, guy, alfred, armand, peter petrelli, porky, yuffie, frey, okita, takaya, aidou, nathan petrelli, bridget

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demon_beast July 4 2009, 23:23:58 UTC
She hadn't seen Roland as she'd got off the bus, but there had been so many people around that she wasn't really surprised. She'd find him soon though, she hoped. She was worried about him. If he'd been taken last night then he might be hurt. She hated that this place put him in that position. The other patients attacked him like he was a monster and it made her want to hurt them in retaliation. He was her Tribe.

She found herself walking further into town, the chill touching her skin, raising goosebumps which fascinated her for a moment. Odd. She didn't know that skin could react like that. Then again, there had been no weather in the Junkyard besides rain, and no weather in the Karma Society Dome or the underground city.

[For Roland]


intoindra July 6 2009, 21:20:47 UTC
Roland was still a little stiff after the previous night, but he'd certainly done far more to those women than they had done to him. It was kind of disappointing, to be honest; even now, the rage of the demon was burning in his heart, having not found nearly enough of an outlet. He'd just have to rectify that later. Especially now that he had some seriously powerful weaponry.

For now, though, he needed to find Argilla, as he'd promised to take her for lunch and a manicure, things that normal people should be allowed to do. Which meant, after a bit of searching, he found a nurse who pointed him in the right direction- the Twin Pine Restaurant, perfect!

He made his way there, and he saw Argilla standing outside. In short order he walked up to her, offering a tiny smile. "Hey, sorry for not finding you earlier... Are you well?"


demon_beast July 6 2009, 22:13:55 UTC
Argilla's face brightened when she saw Roland approaching her, smiling back at him happily, the relief clear. "I'm fine. My arm is all bumpy though," she said, peering down at her skin once again for a moment. "I was worried about you last night. You didn't turn up." There was no reproach in her voice. She knew what must have happened since he was here now. "Do you need any healing?" she added after a moment, her concern showing. If he was injured, then she wasn't going to just let him remain so.


intoindra July 6 2009, 22:24:38 UTC
"...goose bumps," Roland answered with a quiet smile, "it's the muscles in your skin tightening up in the cold. They'll go away when we get inside."

As for the offer of healing... her magic was a resource he couldn't really afford to squander. If they ran into something more deadly, then he would want to keep her ready to take care of those wounds. So, he simply said, "I got banged up a little bit, but nothing too bad. They didn't hurt me as bad as I hurt myself."


demon_beast July 7 2009, 01:40:22 UTC
Argilla blinked at the explanation, but she supposed that it made sense. "The temperature never changed in the Junkyard," she said quietly by way of explanation. He would understand. It was a fascinating reaction though.

She regarded him with a considering look for a moment before nodding and moving to push the door open. "As long as you aren't injured. At least people tend to be badly armed."


intoindra July 8 2009, 16:42:10 UTC
"This isn't the Junkyard. Or the Karma Society's perfectly-controlled dome." It wasn't that he was insulting Argilla, but that was his way of explanation. This was a new experience for Argilla, and he wanted to make sure that she understood it.

He accepted the open door with a smile, then stepped into the restaurant and started making his way to one of the tables. Seemed enough of an idea for him, so why not? As he lead the way, he quietly laughed. "Oh no, they had swords and other sharp pointy things. But against that kind of uncontrolled rage..."


demon_beast July 9 2009, 01:27:09 UTC
"I know," Argilla agreed. "It's strange to experience it. I know about seasons and weather, but I've never experienced them. It's strange." It was just one of those things that she knew but didn't know why. Like beaches and children and sunlight before she'd ever seen them

She snorted softly when he mentioned pointy things. "I'd still take a rifle over any of those," she replied. They seemed so horribly archaic when compared to a gun.


intoindra July 9 2009, 20:19:13 UTC
"You'll get to experience them. I promise." Roland smiled as he dared to put his hand on Argilla's shoulder, gentle squeezing as he lead her to one of the tables. Argilla and the Embryon had no idea how so many things were supposed to be... it was his responsibility, in a way, to make sure that those things were experienced. Especially in Argilla's case.

Still, when she replied in that way, Roland quietly chuckled. "I would too, or a shotgun if I could get it. But I'm glad that you couldn't point one at me." Even a demon like Indra would feel a sniper rifle's bullet, and Argilla could get off a fair amount of shots before he could close the distance. ...of course, the knowledge that she probably wouldn't shot him, even in demon form, was of some consolation.


demon_beast July 11 2009, 10:44:10 UTC
The hand against her shoulder was nice in an odd way, and Argilla smiled at him as they went over to one of the free tables. This place was very different to the room in the Insititute where they ate. Or avoided eating in Argilla's case. She didn't think that the food here would be much use either, but it was worth a try, right? Roland wanted to so she didn't mind.

"You're Embryon," she said as though that explained anything. And he hadn't betrayed them like Heat had and joined the enemy. "I wouldn't shoot you." But it was more than that too, although she didn't understand quite why yet.


intoindra July 12 2009, 03:37:27 UTC
It did explain a lot, in a way. Argilla saw him as a comrade, as a member of the Embryon, and that meant that they were close as it was. But, at the same time... he rested his chin on his hand, looking directly into Argilla's eyes. "...I'd like to think that, even if I wasn't a member of your Tribe, you still wouldn't shoot me."


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