Jul 02, 2009 23:08
The day was progressing along without a hitch so far, with both the townspeople and the patients (and even some doctors) out and exploring as they wished. Now that lunch time was coming, however, a few more employees suited up at Tasty Burger as they prepared for the flood of customers who would be looking for a good meal.
The town had officially woken up and was buzzing with more life than it ever had before this Sunday routine had started. However, part of that buzz included the nurses who made sure to watch over the patients very closely.
The cold became a little more bearable even though the sun was still barely visible through all of the gloom. The light frost was melting away, though, and some of the townsfolk worked to make sure the roads weren't too slippery for the unprepared patients. The buses remained where they'd stopped, ready to house any badly behaved patients if it came to that.