The Scarecrow was amazed and overwhelmed as he stepped off the bus- something about this place reminded him deeply of the Emerald City, but somehow less... inviting. Streets, storefronts, people out and about- he felt closer to home than he'd felt in a while, even more so than in the Recreational Field and the Courtyard at the Institute. Still,
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She seemed to be in her mid-twenties, with long brown hair pulled into a loose braid and an amber pendant that complemented her batik sarong. Cassia's smile was genuine, or at least it seemed that way, as she opened a thin leather book and slid it across the counter toward him. "Here's a list of our services. Take all the time you need, and let me know if you have any questions."
He gave the girl a polite smile as his eyes wandered to the book she'd pushed toward him. He wasn't really sure what the majority of these 'services' were- that feeling of complete ignorance was really getting to him. He considered asking what 'acupuncture' involved, or maybe if the crystals in the window were for some sort of magic, but he instead went with the first thing that came to mind:
"What is that smell?"
"That's good to know," he continued, rubbing his eyes. "Next question- what exactly does a 'spa' do, anyway? I've never actually been to one, and most of these, er... services are foreign to me."
[ Continued.]
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