Dayshift 22: Chapel

Feb 18, 2007 01:58

Claire woke up in her room just like before, with little idea of how she actually got there. This time, though, she noticed something different about the room. There was another young woman, a blond, sleeping in a bed across from her. Before questioning that, though, she made sure to hide the items she'd gotten that night in her closet, shutting ( Read more... )

naruto, carnage, qui-gon jinn, obi-wan kenobi, lust, dias, adelheid, goku, snake, naoe, heiderich, soujirou, scar, eric draven, azel, ashton, reinforce, naminé, ari, renamon, ginji, hakkai, claire bennet, edgeworth, hojo, dean winchester, aya, alucard, phoenix, kenren, gaara, yohji, chase, elena (ffvii), fox, lyta, otacon, aerith, the corinthian, schuldig, sasuke, haku, eddie brock, hisoka, nowe, rubedo, renji, muraki, kurama, sanzo

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Comments 365

stray_shinigami February 18 2007, 07:10:35 UTC
Renji woke in confusion. For a long time, he simply lay in bed, trying to figure out what had happened the previous night. He remembered clearly getting Nowe and Sora down to safety, and after that, things became completely incoherent. He sat up slowly. His side ached, his throat was sore, his stomach churned, and he was terribly dizzy ( ... )


claire_ity February 18 2007, 07:21:04 UTC
Claire opened her eyes at the sound of someone approaching. At first she wasn't too keen on the idea of company, but recognized Renji.

"I don't mind," she said honestly. Looking at him, fear and worry started to spread through her. He looked terrible, and his voice was weaker. "Renji, are you okay? What happened to you last night?"

She thought the nurses were bad, but it looked like he'd gotten something ten times worse.


blacksustenance February 18 2007, 07:51:42 UTC
A night's sleep did wonders.

Too bad Brock spent a good portion of it just staring up at the ceiling, quietly terrified in the back of his mind that he would start PMSing. Naturally he knew that was ridiculous, but he distinctly remembered his wife - former wife, he amended - each month just going apeshit about her periods. And of course she had described it in graphic detail, as if he could possibly forget, saying how "I'm bleeding out my ass" and "you're lucky you're not me" when she was particularly cranky from cramps.

Brock was now scared he was about to become her.

Your fears are unfounded, Host, hissed the symbiote patiently. As I have repeatedly told you.

Still. He wasn't supposed to go through all this and if he was already getting the indigestion/cramps, he was convinced it could only get worse. His bond with his alien Other told him that it really wouldn't, but it was hard to dismiss what was apparently deep fears about turning into a woman and getting pregnant.

The symbiote wafted amusement in their shared mind. Our ( ... )


not_a_savior February 18 2007, 07:56:56 UTC
If Nowe knew what a truck was, he might've felt like his head had been run over by one when he woke up that morning. The intercom's voice was nothing but babble, and he groaned and waited for it to turn off ( ... )


sanguinarily February 18 2007, 07:17:51 UTC
"..uwaa." Soujirou eyed the ceiling of his room with some surprise. Of course that smoothed out in fairly quick succession. Morning, again. He sat up and stretched, smiling at the... well, no longer empty room. His eyes fell on the body of his roommate with more mild surprise. That person had not been there when he had gone to sleep. Ah well, it was hardly shocking, nothing really was shocking anyway ( ... )


brilliant_azel February 18 2007, 07:26:42 UTC
"Hi. I mean, good morning." Azel came up beside Soujirou, having noticed the other enter as he sat at one edge of the chapel, deep in thought. But when he spotted someone he knew, he immediately got up and approached him. He hoped the boy remembered him. He really, really needed the company of his friends right now; the fragile determination he had to survive this place was starting to crumble. He wasn't good on his own; in more bitter moments, he'd blamed Calintz, for always being there when he needed him, for cultivating a dependence in him that couldn't be met by anyone else.

Azel missed Tamaki; he hadn't seen him for several shifts, but the blond was nowhere to be seen, at least not in this place. He thought perhaps he'd been forgotten, been left behind again. It only fueled his depression, so he tried not to think about it.


sanguinarily February 18 2007, 07:36:58 UTC
"Azel-san!" Soujirou greeted with a smile. A familiar face, that was nice. Though if he remembered, Azel-san was very sad for his lack of human interaction. Or that his friends had found other people to talk to. Which was a shame, really, as Soujirou thought that train of thought was very silly and not worth any time.

"Good morning to you. How are you today?" He continued to smile and stopped walking. It would be rude to continue to walk when there was someone to talk to right here. That and Azel-san seemed like the kind of person who was more of a stop-and-talk than walk-and-talk. Or so Soujirou assumed.


brilliant_azel February 18 2007, 08:14:52 UTC
"I'm all right, all things considered." Azel said, Soujirou's smile bolstering him a little. "Is it okay if I stick with you? I really don't want to be alone." Maybe it was better just to say it, just to be honest with how he felt and why. Being evasive about it wasn't helping anything, much less himself.

He glanced around the chapel; it reminded him of a place, but he couldn't put a name to that place. Only that there was something a bit haunting and surreal about the walls around them. The beauty didn't fit with the horror of Landel's.


grosse_sklaven February 18 2007, 07:26:59 UTC
...a surprise. Adelheid wasn't too shocked to hear this, but sheer morbid curiosity drew him to the Chapel like a moth to a flame. In his case, a very heavily bandaged moth, but a moth nevertheless. His hands were aching, like they were on fire, and the knowledge of what had transpired burned in his mind like a brand. He'd failed. Edward could have died, he'd been unable to protect those who couldn't ultimately protect themselves, and all in all... he'd been useless ( ... )


dead_draven February 18 2007, 18:32:17 UTC
"Come to pray, have you?" Eric slid onto the chapel bench beside his friend, leaning back as opposed to forward in prayer. Religion? Not exactly his cup of tea. Oh, he believed that there was a God and all of that, but not that he was merciful, or kind, or, God was quite the bastard in Eric Draven's eyes. He deserved the assessment. Creating beautiful things in one hand only to crush them in the other. Where was the justice or goodness in that? He saw no plan, only madness. And a mad bastard God was not one he thought he needed. So no prayers from him today ( ... )


grosse_sklaven February 18 2007, 19:03:52 UTC
Despite the interruption, Adelheid felt a slight smile on his face. No matter what the 'surprise' was, having a staunch ally like Eric there with him would make it much better. The fact that Edward hadn't come in, to say nothing of the others, was a good thing; whatever the 'surprise' would be, Adel held no illusions that it was going to be good. And whatever it was, Edward in his condition and the others in theirs would have been only a hindrance.

Not that Adel was going to be much better, but he had to be certain of it for himself.

With a low chuckle, the boy softly corrected, "I've come to pray against, Eric. In my world, gods and spirits take more notice of bribes and placation than intercession. And with my bloodline, it is extremely important that I do as little to offend, and as much to obtain indulgence, as I can. That, and ki is as much an energy of mind and spirit as of body; I will need to focus if I'm going to be useful tonight ( ... )


dead_draven February 18 2007, 21:18:57 UTC
He smirked. "I could very well be. I do like to hear some good organ, now and again. Suits my morbid sensibilities. To be honest, I wish the God I knew were as prone to listen as yours. Mine doesn't answer me when I shout blasphemies, even to smite me down. It's kind of disappointing, in a way."

He nodded. "Then go on and pray against your Gods. I didn't mean to interrupt. I've only come for the organ music and the secret surprise. It ought to be good, whether the intentions are meant to be so, and I'd just hate to miss it."


faithful_frost February 18 2007, 07:27:32 UTC
Haku was awake and ready to attack again when reality was it really? caught up with him. It was morning ... there was no threat before him ... and his face felt like it had been seared with a hot bit of metal. The entire left side's vision was gone. Reaching up, he could feel bandages, and, after flexing his muscles god that HURT, found that the wounds he'd gotten had been stitched up. He was unable to assess anything further than that at the moment however, as the dull throbbing of pain covered any other sensations and the bandages prevented him from evaluating his sight ( ... )


tte_bayo February 18 2007, 21:25:38 UTC
The last memory of the night Naruto had was the process of Gaara treating his wounds, was wincing and considering still the insane idea that bleeding should last so long without healing. The next thing he knew he was in bed, a few surprises: it was a different room, there were two beds.

He was alone when he woke up, dressed in a fresh, gray outfit sans blood stains, chest and stomach properly bandaged underneath his shirt. How? Who? Naruto touched the areas where wounds still existed curiously, one eyebrow raising up into his forehead, wrinkling it. Aching and soreness still, from just a few, deep gashes. So weird. Thankfully, he still had the bat acquired last night and was quick in stashing it in the closet closest to his bed ( ... )


faithful_frost February 18 2007, 22:13:01 UTC
Haku's one visible eye opened at the familiar voice and he turned to smile warmly up at Naruto. The blond, like Sasuke-kun before him, seemed to have grown.

"Naruto-kun!" Haku seemed honestly pleased to see him. "I was told you were here as well. I'm so happy to see that you're alive and well." He moved over on the pew and gestured to the spot beside him.

"Please, sit. Try to keep your voice down, people are here for the quiet after all."

Nothing of the pain he felt upon seeing Naruto and again being forced to remember not that he could have forgotten, no that he was a failure and that Zabuza-san was dead showed on his face.

"What do you mean, 'what happened?'," Haku asked, a hand going up to touch the bandages. "This? Or my being here at all?" He smiled again. "After all, I should be dead, right?"


tte_bayo February 19 2007, 01:05:37 UTC
"Well, yeah," Naruto agreed, bluntly, still in a bit of a daze. He shook his head once, trying to wrap his mind around the concept of the dead coming back to life. "I mean, Sasuke told me that you were here..."

He plopped down on the bench next to Haku. "But I thought I'd never see you again. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but..."

Thoughtfully he glanced at Haku, who was as outwardly pleasant and polite as he remembered. Even during battle, that demeanor seemed to barely waver. After a few seconds, the blond genuinely smiled.

"I'm grateful! I'm really glad we got to meet again." He decided brightly, thinking back on his words; the friendship that might have developed under different circumstances. Maybe this was a second chance, in that sense. Naruto thought uncomfortably of Zabuza, and assumed logically that Haku wouldn't yet know. It would be cruel to just blurt it out.

"Except it sucks to end up in a place like this, huh? You were attacked last night?"


i_visionary February 18 2007, 07:30:17 UTC
"Here's the chapel, Mr. Ripley, enjoy yourself," The nurse smiled. The Corinthian smiled back. Not once had he corrected her. Not once ( ... )


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