Sho laboriously pushed his haul into the room before him, then stepped around and shone his dual beams of photons around the area. The washing machines looked pretty big, but having used overturned cars in his work before, he wasn't too worried. There was that matter of failing to rip a door straight off its hinges this morning, but that's why he was allowing for this as-of-yet unmeasured fluctuation by searching for another wheeled vehicle upon which to load his catch.
A bit of searching around and he found several large, metal flat carts, probably for transporting loads of laterally aligned laundry. Pulling one out, he wheeled back over to the central row of machines. Scrambling on top of the metallic cubes, he got to work trying to dislodge one of the dryers sitting on top of the washers.
"Come on, move, you overweight outlier," he hissed in frustration as he struggled to budge the machine off the end. Despite his strain, it barely moved. "This zettabytes!" Where was a good telekinesis psyche when you needed it?
Scrambling back down, he fished out one of the metal pipes from a garbage back along with half of the wooden closet rod. Cylinders in hand, he once again ascended to the apex of the machine stack. He applied the smaller rod to the crack between the two dryers and wedge it open until he could fit the pipe. New found lever in hand, and using the neighboring dryer to play fulcrum to his attempt, he began pushing the mass of metal away from him. Once there was a big enough space, his legs joined in the effort.
"Eat 1G, machine!" he shouted as the dryer finally tilted over the edge, landing on the exact coordinates of the cart he'd lined up with a resounding crunch. Laughing triumphantly, the mathematician scrambled down to base altitude again.
Dryer*(Gravity)*(Height of Washer)+Cart = Dryer on Smashed Cart
Not as calculated.