Upon entering the cafeteria, Sakura fell prey to a cool chill. Unlike the Sun Room, the cafeteria seemed eerily dark, almost as if something would lurch out and attack from an unlit corner. The group made their way to the other end of the cafeteria to a locked door, and Sakura gave a tug on the door with one hand. "It won't open..."
As she watched a few men join the fight and clash with the metal-looking man, Anise held her breath. It didn't look like she needed to worry too much though, since the strangers seemed strong enough to hold their own ground against a strong enemy like that. That wasn't to say she was sure they'd win, but at least they weren't going down easily.
When the man (if it was at all human, which seemed less likely now that the girl could clearly hear the odd ticking sounds coming from its body) moved to retaliate, Anise could see an opening. His previous targets saw it too, and immediately took off through the kitchen door. "Here's our chance!" she hissed, still trying to keep her voice low. The girl nudged Wonka, just to make sure he wasn't distracted, then stood and darted around to the back of the food counter. Keeping her head low, she moved quickly to the door and ushered her companion through it before hurrying in herself.
[to here]
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