Endrance sighed just slightly as he got his things together. Those injuries from the night before were still there, and he knew he would need to be careful if they should run into something unexpected that night. With any luck, any exploring they did wouldn't require fighting, but he knew now to be on his toes and prepared for anything that could
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Rising as the door shut behind her, he dressed quickly. The doors would be unlocking soon and Taylor would be along shortly. Tonight there would be experimental sessions; there would be more rooms to search and, with luck, he'd be one step closer to figuring out what went on this place.
Locating the last battery in his drawer, he clumsily switched it with the dead one in his flashlight, feeling ridiculously proud of himself for remembering how. Then he sat back and waited, leaving the flashlight off for now.
S.T. rapped the door with the back of his knuckles in a double-time rendition of shave-and-a-haircut.
"Evening, S.T.," he said, and held out the pillowcase. "Here's what you were after. Were you planning on heading up tonight?"
"Not sure yet. I put up a note for someone who was coordinating efforts, but I didn't hear back. I'd like to talk to anyone taking one of these kits up. Some of this stuff can really do a number on you if taken willy-nilly."
S.T. shifted from one foot to the other. He didn't like admitting hesitation or anything remotely resembling cowardice. Even when the other man had flinched as well and would know exactly what he meant. Did it take more balls or less to admit fear? Whatever. "And I'm not sure I want to go up there tonight. Maybe I'll head to the bottom of the stairs and see if someone else wants to round up the troops."
At Taylor's more-or-less admission he raised an eyebrow but saw no need to comment further. It was apparent what was bothering the other man. Javert himself would have had his own reservations were it not for the fact that fear had long since learned to give way to duty. "Fair enough. I don't know how well-guarded those hallways will be."
He extracted one of each bottle and set them on the floor, and then balanced the injectable
Then, one by one, he picked them up, starting with the aspirin. "Aspirin, a.k.a. extract of willow bark, give or take the fact that this stuff never saw anything outside a lab. Painkiller and fever reducer, pretty much always safe. " Every bottle of aspirin sold in the US had that lengthy disclaimer about kids and flulike symptoms, but it didn't merit inclusion here. " I'd say everyone coming out of those rooms should get one or two just as Standard Operating Procedure."
"Then there's the vicodin -- heavy-duty painkillers, side effects include drowsiness, vertigo, nausea. All the crap that you might or might not want to make worse. If you can wait until you've got the poor bastard tucked in in bed, do so."
The other two were the complicated ones. "The amoxicillin is if you think a bacterial vector is involved." He held up a hand, press-briefing body language for hold your questions 'till the ( ... )
"One or two aspirin, depending on the intensity of the pain," he repeated quickly, picking up the bottle. "And none to all three of the others, depending on the symptoms. I believe I can manage that."
He shut the toolbox, and stood back up. "You got it. Good luck." There hadn't been any guards the night before last, or if there had, they'd been taken care of well before he'd had a chance to find out. He hadn't thought to ask. Spider had vanquished several bottles of something, but beyond that, there hadn't been any signs of a struggle.
The night was still early; there was probably time to pick up more supplies from the pharmacy tonight before he reached the experimental treatments hallway. Nodding to Taylor, he stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him, and headed off down the hallway.
[separately to here]
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