Day 41: Sun Room

May 15, 2009 13:37

Haseo's steps were heavy with the weight of righteous anger as he was escorted into the Sun Room, his posture so sullen and reluctant you could almost hear the nostalgic cry of an electric guitar. He was seething, and though perhaps it was a bit harder to be intimidating while wearing the uniform of an insane asylum and flanked by a bored-looking ( Read more... )

raine, klavier, senna, xigbar, badou, anise, kamiya kaoru, chidori, the doctor, sam winchester, luxord, peter parker, misa, sousuke, kanji, beyond birthday, brainiac 5, von karma, megatron, sho, tsukasa, nigredo, depth charge, kibitoshin, allelujah, ryuk, sasuke, schuldig, aidou, tyki, gin, haseo, brad

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number_crunch May 18 2009, 01:12:57 UTC
Now, it wasn't that the punch had been unexpected. Yes, it had taken him off-guard, being how it was that his current posturing could not exactly be considered a defensive stance. But he had been fairly sure the neolithic nonagon was going to resort to violence at some point. He had even had likely probability it would be a punch. All the same, Kenpachi's fist knocked Minamimoto right off his feet and onto the floor, interlocking paper polygons scattering to the winds.

It wasn't that Sho was that light, but it was that much of a blow. What did this guy eat?

"You yoctogram," spat the mathematician angrily, stumbling back to his feet. He got ready to respond with greater than or equal force, when he spotted the nurses and orderlies starting to close in. Grinning wildly, Sho gave a barking laugh before yelling at the scarred man with encouraging hand gestures. "Bring it on! Is that all you got?"

Hopefully t = Kenpachi does enough to get heavy sedation < t = nurses arrive < t = Sho sustained serious injury. If not, he was more than ready to /escape.


noneedforsanity May 18 2009, 02:24:56 UTC
Kenpachi didn't care about the nurses, necessarily, but the fact that Sho didn't respond with violence in return saddened him. Granted, he was able to take the punch, but if he wasn't going to fight back this was going to be a very boring fight. So instead of striking again, he frowned. "This is gonna be really dull if you don't strike me back," he said. "Hit me!"


number_crunch May 18 2009, 06:48:48 UTC
Were Sho's numbers off? The guy wasn't taking the bait. And Sho didn't really want to get sedated. But how could he resist when asked so nicely?

"You asked for it, you hectopascal!" he yelled with a grin, swinging about with a roundhouse kick to the side. Hopefully the nurses had enough brain cells to remember just who threw punch #1.


damned_nurses May 18 2009, 11:15:19 UTC
The moment the first punch had been thrown the nurse was moving, one hand signalling three nearby orderlies to close in on the two patients. Unfortunately Shawn was able to get a kick in before one of the orderlies restrained him, leaving the remaining two to take a hold of Kenneth.

The nurse tsked and fixed the two with a disapproving look. It was sadly common for new patients to have difficulty adjusting to their new location, and in some unfortunate cases, that led to violence against those around them. Sometimes those involved were willing to settle down with a little encouragement though, so she didn't reach for a sedative just yet.

"Mr. Kitamoto, Mr. Johnson! I don't know why you're arguing, but I will remind you that you are not here at Landel's to start fights with each other. Please calm down!" She was hopeful that they would listen and agree to either talk civilly or be separated, but her hand drifted close to where she carried her sedatives, just in case.



noneedforsanity May 18 2009, 23:51:58 UTC
Kenpachi was surprised when the kick connected, though not because it had managed to hit him. He hadn't bothered to dodge the blow as he had been interested to see how much punch this weird-talking crazy man could offer.

What surprised him was that it hurt. A lot.

Sadly he didn't have time to praise the strength of his adversary's kick as more of those damnable nurses showed up. That morning had shown him they were somehow able to make short work of any of his effort to the point that any effort to fight them would be worse than would be ~boring~, so instead of following his instincts and fighting, for the time being he simply scowled at them. "Why the fuck not?" he demanded. His side still hurt a surprising amount from the kick -- Sho might have even bruised something -- but there was no reason to let it show. He'd felt worse.


number_crunch May 19 2009, 02:15:55 UTC
Sho didn't resist when the nurses pulled them apart, surprised the protein-packing polygon wasn't biting and kicking at having his desired fight broken up.

"Get your digits off me, radian," growled Sho, struggling to shrug off the orderly holding him. He did his best to turn away from Kenpachi, a calculated move to make it clear he wasn't figuring to keep fighting.

"He started it," he told the nurse with a hiss, nodding his head at the the other man. He gave another attempt to shake the orderly off him.


damned_nurses May 19 2009, 05:10:21 UTC
"There won't be any of that language here, Mr. Johnson," the nurse reprimanded. "And we discourage fighting as much as possible in Landel's. All of you have the same right to fair treatment while you stay with us, so I'll ask that you don't try and start fights with your fellow patients."

The orderlies maintained a firm grip on both patients, despite Shawn's attempts to pull free. While it seemed that neither patient was going to try continuing the fight or turn on the orderlies, the nurse wanted to be certain they would both calm down before allowing them to return to their activities.


noneedforsanity May 19 2009, 16:56:41 UTC
"You ain't going to keep me forever," Kenpachi warned the nurse. "And I'll use whatever fucking language I want."

He glanced back to Sho, quite content to ignore the nurse at this point. "I'll hunt you down some night and we'll have a real fight, not one bein' interrupted by these freakshows."


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