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gottabetactile May 13 2009, 11:06:18 UTC
Oh. Oh no. Kon wanted to think that maybe whoever Peter's friend was, he might just have been hurt, or taken for experiments, or something (and when had that become the better choice?) but there was no way he could get that idea from what Peter said. And he was apologising to Kon for being rude? Guy was broken up about a friend of his dying and he thought he was being rude? It would almost be funny, except- yeah.

Kon forced a smile, squeezing Peter's shoulder as he said, "Don't apologise, I-" There wasn't much Kon could say there. He was sorry? Like that would help anything. He understood? Except he didn't, not really. Sure he'd lost Tana and Roxy and all his friends when they'd moved on after he'd gone missing but they were still out there, still alive and hadn't died right in front of him.

Face it Kid, you have no idea how to deal with this. Of course, Peter's friend didn't seem to be able to do much more either. What could anyone say, really? You couldn't make it stop hurting and you couldn't bring people back from the dead. Superman might have come back but Kon wasn't stupid enough to think that was anything less than a miracle. Most of the time people died and were gone for good.

At a loss for what else to do he said, "You sure you don't want to talk about it?" Talking was supposed to help, right? The least he could do was offer.


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