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theroadsofar May 13 2009, 07:40:15 UTC
Dean crossed his arms over his chest, jaw working as he tried again to remember anything. Walking around on his own, only not, and running with a group of others that Sam thought were demons? Definitely sounded like possession right there. Dean couldn't help the disgusted shiver running up his spine at the thought of getting possessed: Sam had been on the receiving end of it, once, and once had been enough.

"So you're saying I was possessed?" asked Dean, though it wasn't much of a question at this point. He didn't look entirely sold on the idea, although it was still the best shot they had. "Think I would've remembered getting force-fed some black smoke."

Dean was sure demons could decide if their hosts would remember some of what happened or block the majority of it out - depended on how much of an asshole they were, and dicking around with humans and torturing them by making them watch seemed to be pretty much par for demonic entertainment. Okay, suppose he really had been possessed. Did explain why he had weird injuries, why last night was a blank (sorta explained). But logically thinking it over, it didn't make as much sense as it should've. Once that demon was inside him, it would've known everything about him, who he was, what he did for a living, his family. Everything. It wouldn't have just ridden him like a cheap rental from Point A to Point B. No, it would've wanted to have some fun, tried to inflict the maximum damage because that's what demons just did for their evil little kicks. Looking at it that way, Dean had a feeling Sammy wasn't telling him everything. Demons would go out of their way to be douchebags if they got to ride in him of all people.

He looked up, wishing he didn't have to suspect his brother (why would he lie to him?) but needing to know the truth. If he was gonna hunt these down, he needed the whole picture. His brother couldn't sugar-coat it just 'cause.

"Guessin' your Demon Radar told you I was possessed?" Dean probed. If Sam wasn't telling him everything off the bat, it was probably for a good reason. Sammy wouldn't lie about this. He...just wasn't telling him everything all at once. Dean was mature enough to know the difference. Still, he wasn't some fool civvie: he could handle it. "Would've thought if I was possessed, the damn thing would've wanted me awake for it just to dick around with me."

What about Sam? He'd been close enough to use that freaky ESP Demon Radar of his, so wouldn't the demons have gunned for him then? One demon was already bad news. A group? How the hell had Sam survived? Sammy was good but not that good to go toe-to-toe with a group of demons and no weapons whatsoever, and come out with (relatively) minor injuries. This was making less and less sense, Dean's face darkening all over, this time with suspicion. What wasn't Sammy telling him? He believed him when he implied he'd been possessed - it was the first explanation he'd come up with himself - but there were just too many holes right now. Dean was used to being kept in the dark, thanks to how Dad used to run things, but this was Sam. His brother could be pissy, reserved, but he kept him in the loop. Insisted on it, even. That was how Sam would've run things, if he was Dad, 'cause he insisted on having answers, needing to know everything, and thinking Dean should too.


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