Day 41: Intercom, Dawn

May 11, 2009 05:32

Just like usual, the intercom came on soon after dawn, pulling most patients out of their "sleep" to start a new day ( Read more... )

sho, megatron, intercom, tenzen, kaito, kamiya kaoru, kibitoshin, franziska, aidou, misa, kenpachi, raphael, kanji, brainiac 5, haseo, james bond

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M?? donetakinorders May 11 2009, 13:30:57 UTC
Raphael woke up and immediately knew something was wrong, even before he opened his eyes. His body was just... wrong. In about every way it possibly could be. Not to mention he was also, from the feel of it, on a bed. Which was a hell of a long way from where he remembered curling up to close his eyes for a few minutes on the cold concrete of Coney Island. He couldn't think of who would be able to sneak up on him and then, when they had, go out of their way to put him in a bed before they messed with him, but they were going to find out that you didn't get away with that kind of stuff.

In one smooth movement, his eyes snapped open and he sprang off the bed and onto the floor, surprising whoever was in the room with him-

-which turned out to be no one. Not one to be deterred, Raphael glared around the room and then down at himself. And realised why he'd felt like his whole body was wrong.

"What the HELL?!"

He was human. Human. No shell, too much hair, fragile hands and feet... Human. He couldn't even begin to think about how that could have happened. Let alone how he'd gotten here from where he'd been hiding out or what had happened to Donny, Mikey, and Master Splinter. His mind was reeling just from realising exactly how much had changed about him. He had to get away, find who was behind this and force them to change him back somehow...

His body was too light and off balance, but his training let him adapt to that. Not bothering to check the door, Raph kicked it hard a couple of times and snarled at it when it didn't give way under the assault. Fine, he'd just get more creative with busting out. Right now he could use the stress relief anyway.

Glancing around, he seized the closest chair and swung it hard against the door, grinning slightly at the resounding crack. He'd either break the damn door down or bring whoever had locked him up here running. Either way was win/win as far as he was concerned, though at least the second one meant he could blow off some steam by punching goons.


Re: M?? damned_nurses May 11 2009, 16:42:11 UTC
A nurse and two orderlies ran down the hall at the sound of that first impact with the door, but the second, louder crack sent them running into the room. The nurse had a syringe in hand, and the orderlies were ready to go.

"Mr. Nolan!" Her voice was loud and sharp. "I understand that you might be confused and concerned, but destruction of property is absolutely uncalled for! It is against the rules here at Landel's Institute, and this will go into your file."

Hopefully that would be enough to calm him down, but if not, the orderlies were ready to move at her signal.



Re: M?? donetakinorders May 11 2009, 22:14:37 UTC
Raphael barely paid attention to what the woman was yelling, just that the door was open and there were now some convenient targets who could be persuaded to tell him what the hell was going on. That worked for him. The chair went from being makeshift club to makeshift projectile as he flung it at the woman and dove for the closest of the two men. He'd taken on rooms of Foot ninja before, so a couple of thugs weren't even going to slow him down.

Even with a new body that just felt completely off balance and...

He yelled and set about trying to rearrange the other guy's face despite the differences in size and muscle. At the moment there was a fight to concentrate on. After that he could worry about other stuff. Maybe things would make more sense then.


Re: M?? damned_nurses May 11 2009, 22:22:12 UTC
The orderlies didn't even need to be signaled. They moved the moment that chair went flying, and while one edge of it hit one of them squarely in the chest, the other moved around it, blocking blows as much as he could.

This just couldn't go on, and it wasn't a case where they could just let him get the frustration out by throwing things. One of the orderlies managed to get hold of Raphael's left arm, and the nurse ran in and swiftly injected a dose of sedatives into the young man. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but you've given us no choice."

She nodded to the orderlies, and they marched him down the hall and to the cafeteria.


Re: M?? donetakinorders May 11 2009, 22:30:56 UTC
Somehow the thugs managed to get a hold of him long enough for the woman to inject him with something. Panic seized him and Raphael fought harder against his captors, lashing out viciously and managing to get in a couple of decent blows before his body started to feel too heavy and distant for him to do much more. As soon as he'd relaxed enough that his struggles were minimal, he was being walked out of the room and down the hallway. That figured. This must be the torture or experimentation part of whoever's plan this was. As if being like this wasn't bad enough already.


Re: M?? donetakinorders May 13 2009, 10:57:28 UTC
[marched over to here.]


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