Night 40: F21-F30 Hallway

Apr 17, 2009 21:43

Skuld had slept through dinner, so Ururu did her very best to be quiet, even if she didn't like it much. It was harder not to have someone to talk to, especially when Fai-san and Kurogane were fighting on the bulletin again, and she still hadn't heard from Orihime or Shiki. That was why, when the doors opened, the girl was quick to head out. ( Read more... )

ururu, skuld, chidori, senna, hokuto

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himetsuru April 19 2009, 02:30:02 UTC
Armed as usual with two spears across her back, several wooden staked hanging from her braided bandoleer and her sword, Falis decided after what happened with Senna, she'd see Hokuto. That club her girl was part of didn't have her listed on an assignment this night, so she was curious what Hokuto was going to be up to.

The princess leaned against the wall next to Hokuto's door and waited for her girl to leave the room.


akarusa April 19 2009, 02:39:09 UTC
Was two pillowcases really enough? Hokuto studied them and debated if she should try to get some more; Falis and Senna shouldn't mind, at least.

She was taken by surprise when discovered Falis waiting for her, but her face lit up at the sight of her. "Good evening." This was definitely a good way to start the night. Maybe Falis didn't have anything to do tonight? Subaru shouldn't mind a third person joining them!


himetsuru April 19 2009, 02:41:49 UTC
Falis simply smirked, grabbed her the collar of her girlfriend's vest and pulled her into the kind of kiss a normal person wouldn't have in a place as public as a hallway of a hospital where anyone could walk by and watch.

Eh. Details.

"Hey there, pretty girl," she purred afterward.


akarusa April 19 2009, 03:01:16 UTC
Hokuto grinned, even as she turned a little pink. "Hey," she responded. "What're you up to tonight?"

If Falis asked her to stay in, she would have SUCH a hard time explaining why she couldn't...


himetsuru April 19 2009, 03:15:07 UTC
"I got a hot date with an ice witch," Falis replied with a smirk. "Heh. Ami and me are gonna try to find a mikrobscobe tonight. I figure she's smart enough to know where to find one and I can kill the beasties that get in the way. Then I can see these cell thingies she's made up of. You know.. just in case."

Running her fingers through Hokuto's hair, being a little more touchy-feely than normal, she grinned. "What are you up to? I saw they don't got you working tonight. Shame I didn't know that earlier..."


akarusa April 19 2009, 03:29:27 UTC
"Momo-chan wants me to... take it easy right now. I'm meeting Subaru to look for a couple of things ourselves in Patient Possessions." She was honestly looking forward to it, for several reasons.

"Where are you going?"


himetsuru April 19 2009, 03:35:19 UTC
For some reason, the thought of Hokuto getting into the room where the vultures had all sorts of stuff, like the clothes they shoved her into for the trip to the town, brought about a feeling of foreboding. Not in the something's-going-to-eat-her-girl sense, but in the just plain old uh-oh sense.

"Oh, really?" The grin took on a bit of a nervous cast, but that's as much as she gave away. "I'm not sure where we're going, but I'm picking her up from her room."

She tilted her head, fingers moving from her girlfriend's hair to her neck, and said, "Let me walk you to where you're meeting your brother."


akarusa April 21 2009, 03:21:30 UTC
Hokuto wondered what was giving Falis that reaction... it wasn't like she'd actually said what she was after! "Then shouldn't we pick up Ami-chan first?" Not that Subaru's room would be on their way, but it was more polite not to keep her waiting. Besides that, Hokuto hadn't seen her in a while.


himetsuru April 21 2009, 03:38:28 UTC
"Nah..." Falis traced her nails along Hokuto's neck before playing with the hair at the back of the girl's neck. She wasn't even aware that she was being so tactile.

"She's still got those broken ribs, so I'll just head back to get her after dropping you off. Besides, this way we're not making your brother wait and I..." She grinned for a moment. "Will be able to kiss you a fine night before heading back without Ami blushing so bright she lights the entire fucking building up."


akarusa April 21 2009, 03:53:00 UTC
Hokuto laughed. "Sounds like a plan," she winked. Even though it might be just as bad or worse if Subaru saw them... well, she'd take that chance.

"Shall we?" It wouldn't do to keep anyone waiting for too long.


himetsuru April 21 2009, 03:55:54 UTC
"Mm. Yes. Let's."

Falis took Hokuto's hand and brought it up to nip at her girl's knuckles affectionately before kissing them.

"I dunno where the fuck we're going, so you lead."


akarusa April 21 2009, 04:27:18 UTC
"If my lady desires," Hokuto said, giving a deep bow and fighting not to smile. She did so love dating a princess.

[[To here.]]


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