Nightshift 40: F-A Block Hallway

Apr 17, 2009 20:18

[from here]

Harley clicked on her flashlight and checked back and forth as she usually did. All clear. Alright-e-o! She moved as quickly as she could down the hallway. No monsters and no other people yet. She knew that changed pretty quickly around here so best to get a move on.

[to here]

raine, senna, tsubaki, anise, mele, hanatarou, ken amada, reinforce, utena, chise, yomi, peter parker, daphne, harry osborn, harley, ophelia, celes

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littlegoblinjr May 3 2009, 06:56:58 UTC
Still no explanation from his father as to how he was alive, but the way he was talking he must have been brought here recently. He had to have been brought back the same way Harry had, however Landel did it. Of course his father wouldn't take well to being kept prisoner, even if it was the only reason he was alive.

But Norman was still talking and now he was definitely suggesting something, but it couldn't be what he thought, could it? 'People he could trust?' 'Worthy?' It sounded like he wanted- But he'd never thought-

Harry didn't know what to think, overwhelmed by the possibility that his father thought he might actually be worth his time, that he might actually want Harry by his side for once and see him as something other than a huge disappointment. Swallowing, he stared at Norman a moment longer, finally realising what he might be offering. Ignoring the part of his mind frantically screaming at him about something Peter had said that first morning they met, that was reminding him that Norman had been - was - the Green Goblin and had nearly killed him, Harry limped hesitantly forward.

He stepped into the circle of his father's arms, still expecting to be rejected - but the last time he'd seen his father, before he'd died, Norman had said he was proud of him, that he was going to make things right between them. Maybe he'd been telling the truth and maybe, just maybe they could start over?


damned_monsters May 3 2009, 12:52:58 UTC
Norman's arms enfolded Harry in a tight embrace, but his fingers seemed sharp and almost claw-like where they pressed through the thin cloth of his shirt. They dug into the younger man's skin, pulling him close as Norman whispered into his ear.

"You've made the right choice, son," he said softly. His lips stretched inhumanly wide, a rictus grin revealing rows of jagged, knife-like teeth. "I'm proud of you."

And then the thing that wore Norman's face sank its teeth into Harry's shoulder.


littlegoblinjr May 3 2009, 22:56:06 UTC
Harry clung to his father with his uninjured arm, still remembering the last time Norman had held him, before he died. Anything strange about the situation was forgotten when his father said the one thing Harry always wanted to hear from him, the same thing he'd said that last night in the family home.

"Really, Dad, I-" But, before he could say anything further he caught sight of Norman's - or whatever this thing really was - face. Once again, everything happened too fast for him to think or react. Just as he was drawing in a breath - to fight it off, shout for help, something - inhumanly sharp teeth were tearing into him. Screaming in pain, Harry shoved futiley against the thing, desperate to get away, the only thought in his head a chorus of 'oh god, please I don't want to die again!' The flashlight and his crutch clattered to ground, leaving him to strugggle helplessly in the thing's grasp.


damned_monsters May 4 2009, 02:58:56 UTC
Norman's arms tightened around his son, his grip suddenly vice-like and his fingers replaced with claws that ripped into the younger man's back and sides. The teeth ripped free from Harry only to bite down again savagely at the junction of his neck and shoulder, the smell and taste of fresh, hot blood seemingly driving the thing into a frenzy.

[Wanna leave things here for Peter and co? Or keep it going?]


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paper_murdock May 6 2009, 23:44:05 UTC
Matt could smell the blood, hear the fighting, and felt Peter launch himself at the thing.

Real smart Parker, he thought. So what was he doing? Jumping into the frey.

Moving forward quickly, guessing that Peter would be tied up with the monster, Matt quickly got behind the man he guessed was Harry. He intended to either help him get away from the monster or help stop the bleeding. Too much fucking blood.


damned_monsters May 7 2009, 14:34:29 UTC
Harry's struggles against him weakened and the thing that looked like Norman shifted his grip slightly to better hold him while he fed.

Which turned out to be a mistake, as suddenly two other patients were upon them, the smaller one catching him a nasty blow while he was distracted. The limp body of his prey slipped out of his grip and Norman drew back, eyes wild and face bloody as he stared down at the smaller boy.


[Switching posting order with Harry!]


littlegoblinjr May 7 2009, 21:01:13 UTC
Harry's struggles had been getting increasingly weaker as the pain and blood loss took its toll. By the time Peter and his companion arrived, he wasn't moving at all and when the creature that wore Norman's face dropped him he slumped, limp and lifeless to the ground, sprawling in the pool of his own blood. He may have even found it appropriate that he was murdered by something that looked like his own father after what happened to this other Peter's Harry Osborn. Not that anyone could ask him now.


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paper_murdock May 8 2009, 20:51:38 UTC
When Matt took Harry into his arms, he already knew it was too late, but he still did all he could. He stripped off his own shirt, trying to at least slow the blood flow. With the young man's throat gone, CPR was pointless, but he didn't give up until even the faint sound of blood rushing out began to slow, signalling to Matt that the blood wasn't being pushed out by the beat of a heart.

He settled the body on the ground, just as Peter came rushing up and all but shoved him aside to get to Harry.

When Peter flipped out and attacked the monster, Matt snatched up his own staff, ready to help defend the young man if he was needed.


damned_monsters May 9 2009, 07:09:52 UTC
Norman laughed as Peter lunged mindlessly at him, revealing sharp teeth lining the mouth much like a sharks. But, rather than meet the attack head on, he suddenly sidestepped and lashed out to grab the smaller patient's arms. His fingers were too sharp, almost like talons where they ripped his shirt and sank into the skin.

The blood seemed to affect this one as it had the other. The laugh altered in pitch, becoming a shriek akin to the one Mary Jane had uttered and then Norman lunged for Peter, mouth inhumanly wide as he tried to sink those wicked teeth into his new prey.


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